2007 april 25 general shareholders meeting decition project




1.	Approval of the enterprise's financial statements of the year 2006. 
2.	Approval of the consolidated financial statements of the enterprise and its
subsidiaries of the year 2006. 
3.	Appropriation account of the enterprise of the year 2006;
4.	Raising the authorized capital by additional contributions; 
5.	The cancellation of shareholders' prerogative right to purchase shares
issued by the enterprise. 
6.	Changing the statute of the enterprise. 

Approval of the enterprise's financial statements of the year 2006.
1.	To evaluate the annual report of 2006 of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB by
approving the financial statements of the enterprise. 
2.	To evaluate the auditor's conclusions by approving the financial statements
of the enterprise of 2006. 
3.	To approve the financial statements of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB of 2006

Approval of the consolidated financial statements of the enterprise and its
subsidiaries of the year 2006. 

1. To estimate the annual report of 2006 of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB by
approving the financial statements of the enterprise and its subsidiaries of
2. To evaluate the auditor's conclusions by approving the financial statements
of the enterprise and its subsidiaries of 2006. 
3. To approve the financial statements of the enterprise and its subsidiaries
of 2006. (attached). 

             Appropriation account of the enterprise of the year 2006 
To approve the appropriation account of 2006. 

1. The unappropriated balance of the balance not available for distribution of
the previous financial year in the beginning of the accounting financial year:
2. Net profit (loss) of the accounting financial year. 	      24 542 417
3. The profit of the accounting financial year not recognized as such in the
profit (loss) account: 	                                                   107
872 655 
4. Transfers from the reserves: 	                                       0
5. The contributions of shareholders to cover the loss of the enterprise:  0 
6. Distributable profit (loss) in total: 	                         132 415 072
7. The slice of the profit appropriated to the legal reserves: 	            0 
8. The slice of the profit appropriated to the reserve for purchasing own
shares:	0 
9. The slice of the profit appropriated to other reserves:	       95 766 746
10. The slice of the profit appropriated to pay out dividends:	       34 468 326
11. The slice of the profit appropriated for annual payouts (bonuses), premium
pays and other:	                                             2 180 000 
11.1. maintenance:                                                       500
11.2. bonuses:                                                           80 000
11.3. premium pays and other:	                                    1 600 000
12. Profit (loss) brought forward from the previous year at the end of the
current year is put forward to the next financial year: 	                    0 

      4. ISSUE:
Raising the authorized capital of the enterprise by additional contributions:

Not to discuss the issue.

5. ISSUE: 
The cancellation of the shareholders' prerogative right to purchase shares
issued by the enterprise 

Not to discuss the issue.

  	Changing the statute of the enterprise. 

6.1.	To supplement article 6.2 of the statute of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB:
6.1.1.	to add a new point 6.2.2 and its wording is as follows:
„6.2.2. to obtain fund of the enterprise when the authorized capital is reduced
in order to make pay outs to the shareholders.” 
6.1.2.	To consider the former points 6.2.2 - 6.2.7 to be points 6.2.3 - 6.2.8.

6.2.	To change the article 8.2.5 of the statute of   Rytų skirstomieji tinklai
AB as follows: 
„8.2.5. to approve annual financial reports ;“

6.3.	To supplement and change article 10.3:
6.3.1.	to add a new point 10.3.2 which is as follows:
„10.3.2. the annual report of the enterprise;“
6.3.2.	To consider the former points 10.3.2 - 10.3.9 to be relevantly points
10.3.3 - 10.3.10. 

6.4.	To change the article 10.8 of the statute of   Rytų skirstomieji tinklai
AB as follows: „10.8. The Board shall arrange and organize on time the General
Meetings of Shareholders, compile the list of the owners of registered shares,
make the agendas of the General Meetings of Shareholders, deliver to the
shareholders the project of the annual financial statements together with
annual reports and the project of profit (loss) appropriation, project
decisions and other necessary information concerning the issues of the agenda. 

6.5.	To authorize the General Director Rimantas Milišauskas to sign the new
version of the statute of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB and file it to Registrų
centras VĮ 

The agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be called on
April 25, 2007, has been approved by the minute No.1 of The Board Meeting,
February 21, 2007. The decision projects of the General Meeting of Shareholders
were discussed during the Board Meeting of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai  AB, which
took place on April 4, 2007 (minute No. 6).