Sydinvest, Ex dividend units to be delisted 19 April 2007

|                                      |             Copenhagen 16 April 2007  |
The Fund Market                                                                 
Delisting of ex dividend units                                                  

The fund Sydinvest                                                              
BRIK ex dividend                                                                
Fjernøsten ex dividend                                                          
Latinamerika ex dividend                                                        
Danmark ex dividend                                                             
HøjrenteLande ex dividend                                                       
Virksomhedsobligationer ex dividend                                             
HøjrenteLande Mix ex dividend                                                   
Fonde ex dividend.                                                              

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is to delist the below mentioned ex dividend units
from and including 19 April 2007.                                               

Sydinvest's AGM is scheduled for 18 April after which date the ex dividend units
will be integrated with the units in the relevant sub-funds, cf. the fund's     
disclosure 8 January 2007.                                                      

The ex dividend units are listed on the submarket “UCITS” under the submarket   
lists “Shares” and “Bonds” respectively.                                        

| ISIN Code  | Name               | Order Book ID    | Order Book Code         |
| DK00600669 | Sydinvest BRIK ex  | 32842            | SYIBRIX                 |
| 83         | dividend           |                  |                         |
| DK00600670 | Sydinvest          | 12145            | SYIFJX                  |
| 15         | Fjernøsten ex      |                  |                         |
|            | dividend           |                  |                         |
| DK00600672 | Sydinvest          | 12146            | SYILATX                 |
| 88         | Latinamerika ex    |                  |                         |
|            | dividend           |                  |                         |
| DK00600673 | Sydinvest Danmark  | 38147            | SYIDKX                  |
| 61         | ex dividend        |                  |                         |
| DK00600666 | Sydinvest          | 39115            | SYIHYX                  |
| 37         | HøjrenteLande ex   |                  |                         |
|            | dividend           |                  |                         |
| DK00600667 | Sydinvest          | 39117            | SYIVIROBLX              |
| 10         | Virksomhedsobligat |                  |                         |
|            | ioner ex dividend  |                  |                         |
| DK00600665 | Sydinvest          | 39134            | SYIHYMX                 |
| 53         | HøjrenteLande Mix  |                  |                         |
|            | ex dividend        |                  |                         |
| DK00600664 | Sydinvest Fonde ex | 39136            | SYIFONX                 |
| 70         | dividend           |                  |                         |

For further information please contact Kirsten Thaarup, Surveillance, tel. +45  
33 93 33 66


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