Acquisition of dominant influence and primary disclosure of takeover bid

The  management  board of PTA Grupp AS  („PTA”)  mediates  a
notice  received  today,  on  16  April  2007,  from  Indrek

Indrek   Rahumaa   (the  „Acquirer”)  hereby   declares   in
accordance  with §12 of the Takeover Rules and §166  of  the
Estonian  Securities  Market Act  that  in  connection  with
acquiring  dominant influence over PTA,  an  obligation  has
arisen  to launch a takeover bid with respect to all  shares
of PTA not belonging to SIA Alta Capital Partners („ACP”).

The  principal  shareholder of PTA is ACP. ACP  is  in  turn
jointly  controlled by Indrek Rahumaa, Toomas  Leis,  Andres
Rätsepp  and  John Bonfield through companies controlled  by
them.  Indrek  Rahumaa,  through OÜ Investeerimisvabrik  OÜ,
owns 69.2% of shares of ACP.

The  companies  controlled by Indrek Rahumaa,  Toomas  Leis,
Andres Rätsepp and John Bonfield who are shareholders of ACP
have  on 16 January 2006 concluded a shareholders' agreement
in  respect of ACP, which among other things stipulated that
ACP  exercises  its  shareholder  rights  in  PTA  only   in
accordance   with   and  pursuant  to   decisions   of   the
shareholders' meeting of ACP.

Today,  on  16  April 2007, the shareholders'  agreement  in
respect of ACP was terminated, as a result of which SIA Alta
Capital  Partners  and  through  it  also  PTA  have  become
companies controlled by Indrek Rahumaa within the meaning of
§10 (1)(i) of the Securities Market Act.

Based  on  the above, the Acquirer has today,  on  16  April
2007,  when  the  shareholders'  agreement  was  terminated,
acquired dominant influence over PTA.

The  Acquirer  will  publish the  notice  of  takeover,  the
takeover  prospectus and the conditions of the  takeover  as
soon  as  these  are  approved by the Financial  Supervision

The  Acquirer  launches the takeover bid in connection  with
the  applicable legislation, but without intention or desire
to acquire all shares of PTA and/or terminate the listing of
PTA  on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The takeover bid,  which
is  mandatory pursuant to the Securities Market Act, affords
the  minority shareholders of PTA the possibility to dispose
of  their  shares  for  a  fair price  in  the  event  where
significant  changes take place in the  composition  of  the
persons controlling PTA.

The takeover bid mentioned in this release is of a technical
nature  and  does  not  signify  changes  in  the  strategy,
management or financial condition of PTA. PTA will  continue
implementing plans disclosed to date in accordance with  the
published  stock  exchange  releases  and  the  listing  and
trading prospectus made public in November 2006.

Peeter Larin
PTA Grupp AS
Chairman of the management board
Tel. +372 6 710 700