University of Oulu and Technopolis start strategic cooperation

The University of Oulu and Technopolis Plc have entered into a strategic        
cooperation agreement aimed at enhancing their competitiveness, the             
attractiveness of the Oulu region and the conditions for corporate success in   
the region. The parties to the agreement have also proposed that the City of    
Oulu establish a committee of national stature to consider the further          
development of the University's operations, administration and resources.       

According to the University's Rector, Lauri Lajunen, the agreement is a         
practical demonstration of the University of Oulu's willingness to establish    
close cooperation between research institutes and business activity. At the same
time, it affords the University an opportunity to increase its visibility and   
national influence and improve the quality of research.                         

Lajunen points out that Technopolis is a natural strategic partner for the      
"We operate adjacent to each other, and we share the very same Linnanmaa        
district with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Moreover, we have   
previous experience of very successful cooperation in the field of business     
development and incubator activity, for example," says Lajunen.                 

For his part, Pertti Huuskonen, President and CEO of Technopolis, emphasizes    
that both Technopolis and the University of Oulu need strong partners around    

"The University is exceptionally important to us, because the experts it        
educates and the research work it carries out form the basis for the success of 
our customer companies. On the other hand, it is very important to the          
University, for many reasons, that there is strong corporate activity in its    
immediate surroundings," says Huuskonen.                                        

The parties to the cooperation agreement are also proposing that the City of    
Oulu convene a committee of national stature to consider the development of the 
University. According to Rector Lajunen, it is important to ensure that the     
University of Oulu does not miss out, now that national attention is strongly   
focused on the new innovation university in the Helsinki metropolitan area, the 
University of Turku, and the alliance of the East Finland universities.         

"The University of Oulu is ready to develop its operations, administration and  
resources. I believe it is important that we investigate various means for      
enhancing these areas, without excluding any possibility or committing to any   
preconceived solution," says Rector Lajunen.                                    

For additional information, please contact:                                     

University of Oulu                                                              
Lauri Lajunen, Rector, +358 8 553 4071 or +358 400 581 472                      

Technopolis Plc                                                                 
Pertti Huuskonen, President and CEO, +358 8 551 3213 or +358 400 680 816