The financial statements for the fiscal year 2006 were approved. In accordance  
with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that no dividend shall be paid for   
the fiscal year January 1 - December 31, 2006. Likewise, it was resolved that   
the net loss of the fiscal year 2006 will be entered in the in the retained     
earnings account. Release from liability for the fiscal year January 1 -        
December 31, 2006 was granted to the members of the parent company's Board and  
the CEOs employed by the company during the fiscal year.                        

The Annual General Meeting passed a resolution to elect three members to the    
Board. The previous members elected to the Board were Mr. Jorma Kielenniva, Mr. 
Markku Jokela and Mr. Sauli Kiuru.                                              

At the Board's organization meeting that was held after the Annual General      
Meeting, Jorma Kielenniva was elected Chairman of the Board and Markku Jokela   
Vice Chairman of the Board. Cencorp´s Vice President, Legal Affairs Mr. Ville   
Parpola continues as the secretary of the board. Jorma Kielenniva and Markku    
Jokela were elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Mr 
Jorma Kielenniva was elected as the Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation 

Tilintarkastus Tuokko Oy was elected as the Company's auditor, with Authorised  
Public Accountant Timo Tuokko to be the primarily responsible auditor.          

In accordance with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that Articles of       
Association of the company will be changed as follows:                          

- Sections 3, 4 and 13 concerning share capital of the company, number of shares
and voting rights attached to the shares were wholly or partly removed as       
- Sections 8 and 9 concerning the right to sign for the company were amended to 
correspond to the wording of the Companies Act.                                 
- Section 11 concerning the notice of a General Meeting was amended to the      
effect that the notices can be delivered not earlier than three months prior to 
the General Meeting instead of the current two months.                          
- The list of matters to be considered at the Annual General Meeting of         
Shareholders was amended to correspond to the amended legislation.              
- The reference concerning the date of registration in section regarding the    
Book-entry System was removed as redundant.                                     
- Section concerning record date procedure was removed as redundant.           
- The numbering of the sections in the Articles of Association was amended      
correspondingly due to the above amendments.                                    

In accordance with the Board's proposal, it was resolved that the Board of      
Directors of the company is  authorized to resolve on the issuance of shares and
stock options and other special rights entitling to shares subject to chapter   
10, section 1 of the Companies Act as follows.                                  
The aggregate number of shares issued on the basis of the authorization may not 
exceed 10,000,000 shares. The Board of Directors is authorized to resolve on all
the terms and conditions concerning the issue of shares and stock options and   
other special rights entitling to shares. Issuance of shares and other special  
rights entitling to shares can be carried out as a directed issue. Authorization
is valid until further notice, however not more than five years from the        
decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.                         

Virkkala, April 18, 2007                                                        

Cencorp Corporation                                                             

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Further information:                                                            

Ville Parpola                                                                   
Vice President, Legal Affairs                                                   
Tel. +358 40 772 64 84                                                          

Cencorp develops and supplies automation solutions to the electronics and       
semiconductor industry that enhance productivity.                               

Helsinki Stock Exchanges                                                        
Main media                                                                                                                           

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