Med Journeys: Putting the `Journey' in Medical Tourism

NEW YORK, April 18, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- For many who suffer from chronic back pain, the simple act of sitting in a chair and reading this article is an odyssey of agony. More painful still, however, is reading the hospital bill from the last failed operation. Hence, a dilemma best stated by Shakespeare's much tormented Hamlet: "Whether . . . to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing them, end them?" Larry Tullos of Texas faced this dilemma. He had several operations that failed to relieve his back pain. They did, however, successfully relieve his bank account of over one hundred thousand dollars. Unable to suffer the incessant pain, yet unable to fight it by investing thousands more in the American healthcare system, Mr. Tullos discovered a perfect solution through Med Journeys.

Med Journeys is a leader in the rapidly growing field of medical tourism. This is a highly specialized niche of travel service that enables clients to travel to a foreign country to receive medical treatment while taking advantage of local tourism opportunities. For clients like Tullos, the primary benefit is the huge cost savings. Even accounting for travel and accommodations expenses, clients like Mr. Tullos obtain comprehensive treatment and recovery with total costs equal to a few nights stay in a U.S. hospital. But while the costs of treatment are drastically lower, the quality of care is on par with -- if not, better than -- that in the U.S.

The idea of medical tourism made sense to Tullos. But to convert the idea into reality he would have to research, manage, and implement a complex web of logistics. After all, neither back surgery nor foreign travel is easy for an individual to organize. "I began to look for some source (of help)," says Tullos. "We felt like we needed some guidance. I found Med Journeys on the internet. I called and spoke with their Case Managers and felt very comfortable with them upfront. That helped a lot in making a decision." Through ongoing consultation with Med Journeys, Tullos learned how the company coordinates the myriad components of its clients' trips. "It was a difficult decision," he recalls, "but we spent several weeks in the process, asking every question that we could ask and they did a great job. They took their time and made it a point to answer every question."

Med Journeys matches its clients with an appropriate destination based on their particular medical needs and travel desires. The company diligently screens medical facilities and staff to ensure compliance with the highest professional standards. Med Journeys establishes relationships with these hospitals, clinics, and doctors and maintains contact with them throughout clients' treatment. "Our network of hospitals consists only of leading healthcare institutions, each equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and board certified surgeons," states Sonny Krishana, CEO of Med Journeys. In fact, whether practicing medicine in India, Costa Rica, Thailand, or any of the remote locations that Med Journeys reaches, many of the company's affiliated doctors are U.S.-trained. Most affiliated hospitals and centers are part of the Joint Commission International (JCI), a world benchmark within the healthcare industry. Furthermore, the majority of its hospitals are also part of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) -- the world's largest developer of standards.

For Larry Tullos, the idea of flying 15 hours to India initially sent shivers up his aching back. More daunting, however, was the prospect of having surgery in a third-world country. "It was very difficult for us to understand that a (third-world) country would have hospitals and doctors equipped well enough." Larry found, however, that quality of care was of paramount importance and nothing was compromised in terms of safety or efficacy. "The hospital was new -- the equipment equal to anything we have in the U.S. -- and more than that, the hospital staff were extremely professional and courteous. I was taken care of in every possible way. It was really an unbelievable experience because I never had that kind of service in any of my dozen hospital stays in the U.S." In particular, Larry was very happy with his surgeon. "I can't tell you how impressed I was with him -- not only did he fix my back, he spent a lot of time before and after the operation to monitor my comfort and recovery."

As a travel provider, Med Journeys also ensures that clients travel in comfort. Company agents greet clients upon arrival and usher them through chaotic airports to private transportation. Med Journeys pampers clients with quality accommodations, thoughtful doting, and caters to their special needs before, during, and after treatment. The airport in Bangalore can be -- how shall one say -- challenging to even a sturdy traveler. When Mr. Tullos and his wife arrived, their hearts sank. "That's an extraordinarily long trip for someone with a back problem." Their first thought: "We made a bad mistake; we need to get back on the plane." But moments later they were greeted by a Med Journeys agent and Larry Tullos and his wife "got much more comfortable in a hurry." And they remained comfortable: "The hospital rooms were beautiful and even provided internet and phone access so we would keep in touch with family. During recovery, our hotel was also beautiful and my wife enjoyed some massages and other amenities."

Tullos' surgery was a success and he is so thankful for the whole experience that cost savings seems like an afterthought. "The cost factor is irrelevant when you look at the whole thing. If you've never been out of the country and you have somebody take your hand like Med Journeys did and lead you through it and make you comfortable through the process, then what you always thought of as a burdensome expense becomes totally justified." For Med Journeys, it is very important that clients feel this way throughout their journey -- not just when they return home. "We felt like Med Journeys had a real concern about us personally. They were there for my wife and me before, during, and after surgery, and even after we returned from India. Their follow-up really nailed down the fact that Med Journeys has a real concern about the folks they send overseas."

Sitting comfortably in his home in Texas, all that matters to Tullos now is that his back pain is gone. Before his trip he had never traveled abroad. Given his back pain and rising medical expenses, it was doubtful he would even travel beyond Texas. His Med Journeys experience healed his back and stopped his financial bleeding -- all while providing him and his wife an opportunity to visit an exotic and wonderful place. Best of all, he's now physically and financially free to travel even more.

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