On the legal procedure between “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG” and the JSC “Latvijas Gāze”

On April 23, Riga District Court rejected the application by the Joint Stock
Company “Latvijas Gāze” to postpone execution of the judgment of April 10, 2007
by Riga District Court, by which it was decided to invalidate the part of the
resolution of December 15, 2004 by the shareholders' meeting on amendments to
two items of the Articles of Association. 

At Vidzeme Suburb Court of Riga, a legal procedure was commenced in 2005 in the
claim of “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG” against the Joint Stock Company
“Latvijas Gāze” on invalidation of the resolution of the shareholders' meeting
on amendments to the Articles of Association, by which the quorum for
authorization of a meeting of the company was increased from 75% to 85%. As a
third party, the LLC “Itera - Latvija” was invited. As the court rejected the
claim of “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG”, in 2005 the judgment was appealed
against at Riga District Court, which by the judgment of April 10, 2007
discharged the claim of “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG”. The Board of the Joint
Stock Company “Latvijas Gāze” decided to appeal against the sentence of Riga
District Court in cassation at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia. The
legal procedure continues. 

On November 23, 2005, the Administrative Regional Court adjudicated the
application of “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG” on cancellation of the
resolution of December 20, 2004 by the Register of Companies of the Republic of
Latvia on re-registration of the Joint Stock Company “Latvijas Gāze” in the
commercial register. The court suspended the legal procedure till the civil
suit of “E.ON Ruhrgas International AG” is adjudicated in its terms at a
general jurisdiction court. 

Commercial proxy
Vinsents Makaris
T +371 7369144