Preliminary Results

Hygea VCT plc
24 April 2007
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2006
Financial summary for the year ended 31 December 2006  
* based on 7,555,017 (2005: 7,596,393) weighted average shares in issue in the year.
Chairman's statement
I am pleased to present the 2006 annual report to shareholders in Hygea VCT plc.
At 31 December 2006 the Fund had a portfolio of 21 investments with 92.5% of net assets being represented by VCT qualifying holdings.
In 2006 we have seen a mixture of results from our investee companies but, as is usually the case with venture capital funds, the poor results have impacted the overall value of the Fund's holdings before the Fund experiences the significant uplifts that can come from successful investments.  In addition, since a substantial number of the investments have been held for less than three years,  patience will be needed before the anticipated gains can be realised. Whilst we will take advantage of future investment opportunities as the availability of cash within the Fund allows, our main strategy will be, over time, to reduce the number of holdings in the portfolio and use the cash realised from disposals (mainly of the AIM portfolio) to support the key investments in the unquoted portfolio through to a listing or a trade sale.  As a consequence of this, the Board, in conjunction with Octopus, is considering significant changes to the way the fund is managed and I expect to be writing to you with proposals in time for them to be put to shareholders at an EGM that will be held immediately following the AGM on 12 July 2007.  We anticipate that these changes will lead to a further significant reduction in the Fund's overall running costs, while allowing us to gain further access to those skills that we believe will be important in allowing us to generate significant value from the portfolio of investments. 
Investment Policy
During 2006, we made a further 3 investments in qualifying companies, taking us to the point where we finished the year with a portfolio of investments in 21 companies, of which 11 are quoted on AIM and 10 are unquoted. 
The Board is taking an active role in managing the portfolio.  This involves providing investee companies with advice and contacts, as well as working with them to ensure that they achieve the progress that will be required in order for Hygea to generate value from its investments. 
Investment Environment
During 2006 and early 2007, there have been a number of acquisitions of UK-based biotechnology companies. This activity has been driven by the need for many pharmaceutical companies to acquire additional compounds to add to their own pipelines of new products.  I believe that this points to an environment in which the financial markets are likely to become more aware of the potential upside from investing in smaller UK healthcare and biotechnology companies. 
The Net Asset Value per share ("NAV") as at 31 December 2006 was 56.8p, a decline of 18p compared with the equivalent figure at the end of 2005.  Despite the decline in the reported value of the portfolio, many of the portfolio companies made good progress in 2006.  In accordance with the valuation guidelines for holdings in unquoted companies, we were able to increase the carrying value of our holdings in three unquoted companies (Scancell Ltd, Insense Ltd and Prosurgics Ltd).  However, we reduced the carrying value of our holdings in two unquoted companies (Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging Ltd and Purely Proteins Ltd) where progress has not been in line with our original expectations.  Many of our unquoted holdings are still held at cost as, despite good progress in developing their businesses, they have not yet reached a point where the valuation guidelines permit us to write up the value of our holding. 
Our holdings in companies quoted on AIM experienced mixed fortunes during 2006.  We saw strong share price performance from several of the holdings, but also suffered from the poor performance of a couple of others particularly  Evolutec Group plc, where the share price fell 80% following the announcement of the failure of the company's lead product in a clinical trial.  The NAV at the end of 2006 was also negatively impacted by the requirement for us to value our AIM-quoted holdings using the bid price, rather than the mid price.  Although for most of our holdings this only results in a fairly minor negative impact on the valuation, for holdings where the shares tend to trade on a large spread between the buying and selling prices, the impact can be significant.   
More details on our current portfolio are set out in the Investment Manager's Review, which follows. 
As a result of the investments that were made during 2006, the Fund only had £94,000 of cash and money market securities at the end of 2006.  Therefore, the income that is generated for the Fund from the cash and money market holdings will remain low for the foreseeable future.  In addition, due to the nature of the underlying investments, the income that is generated from the portfolio is expected to be small, as few of the holdings pay dividends at present. 
Share Price
The Board is aware that investors in VCTs sometimes need to sell their shares.  As "second hand" VCT shares do not qualify for upfront income tax relief, there tends to be few purchasers of these shares.  As a result of this imbalance, the share price has drifted to a point where at present it is some way below the underlying NAV.  Given the small size of the Fund and its limited cash resources, the Board believes that it is preferable to focus on generating real value from the portfolio of investee companies to stimulate interest in the shares, rather than using the Fund's limited cash resources to carry out share buybacks. 
The Board, in common with many other VCTs, is exploring ways through which the benefits of investing in "second hand" VCT shares can be communicated. Meanwhile we have redeveloped our website and shareholders are encouraged to visit the site at to follow progress of the portfolio.
Towards the end of 2006, Mark Andrews resigned from the Board.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mark for his contribution during his time on the Board. In view of the Board's discussions about the future strategy for the Fund, we do not believe that it is necessary to appoint a further director at present.
VCT Qualifying Status
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP continues to provide the Board with advice on the ongoing compliance with HM Revenue & Customs rules and regulations concerning VCTs.  The Board has been advised that Hygea VCT is in compliance with the conditions laid down by HM Revenue & Customs.   
During 2006, we completed the process of investing in a portfolio of investments in both AIM-quoted and unquoted companies.  We also made substantial progress in reducing the Fund's cost base.  We now have a strong base from which to build shareholder value going forwards.  As previously indicated, I expect to be writing to all shareholders shortly with further proposals for the Fund's future development and management. I also look forward to meeting as many shareholders as possible at our AGM on 12 July 2007.
James Otter
23 April 2007 
Investment Manager's Review
The Fund made a number of investments during 2006 and ended the year with a portfolio of investments in a total of 21 companies, 11 of which were quoted on AIM and 10 were unquoted.  As at 31 December 2006, the portfolio was 43.5% invested in companies quoted on AIM, 54.3% in unquoted companies, and 2.2% in money market securities and cash. 
Review of portfolio
During 2006, the Fund made 2 new investments in unquoted companies and increased its holdings in 4 other unquoted companies.  In addition, 1 new investment was made into a business that is quoted on AIM. The new investments are as follows:
  • Prosurgics Ltd is a developer of robots for use in a range of surgical procedures.
  • Wound Solutions Ltd has developed a product that has potential applications in the treatment of leg ulcers.
  • Plethora Solutions Holdings plc is working on products that have applications in the treatment and management of certain urological disease conditions. 
In the closing months of 2006, movements in the share prices of two of the portfolio's AIM-quoted holdings illustrated the high risk/high return characteristics of investing in healthcare companies that are focused on drug development.  In December 2006, we bought further shares in ReNeuron Group plc at a price of 10p per share by exercising warrants that the Fund owned.  Later in the month, ReNeuron experienced a surge in its share price to more than 40p following the announcement of the filing of its application with the US regulators to commence clinical trials in stroke patients with its lead stem cell product. We took advantage of the period of volatility in the share price to sell a proportion of the Fund's holding, generating a profit of £63,000. 

Disappointingly, the value of the Fund's holding in Evolutec Group plc fell sharply following the publication of results from a clinical trial for its lead product, illustrating the abrupt change in valuation of a biotechnology company that can occur on the publication of trial results.  Despite good data from previous trials, in the latest trial in patients suffering from hay fever, no significant benefits were found from using the drug.   
In August 2006, following a period of strong share price performance, we took the opportunity to dispose of the holding in Abcam plc at a share price that was approximately 60% higher than the price at which we had invested.    
In the unquoted portfolio, we have been pleased with the general progress that has been made by most of the holdings.  We have increased the carrying value of three holdings where it has been possible to do so under the rules which govern the way in which we are permitted to value the holdings in unquoted companies.   However, we have also made significant reductions in the carrying values of two unquoted companies to reflect the underlying performance of those businesses during 2006.
Progress in 2007
Since the end of 2006, we have made several further adjustments to the portfolio.  The Fund has invested a further £100,000 in Prosurgics Ltd, as part of a larger funding round.  We have also sold the remaining shares in ReNeuron Group plc, realising a further profit of £83,000.  In addition, we have disposed of the entire holding in DawMed Systems plc and Cobra Bio-manufacturing plc. In early April, we invested approximately £60,000 in Epistem Holdings plc, an AIM quoted biotechnology company that is commercialising adult stem cells in the areas of oncology and gastrointestinal diseases. Epistem also has a contract research division that has provided services to over 65 clients.
Our ongoing challenge is to work closely with the investee companies in order to maximise the returns that are generated for the shareholders in the Fund.  We anticipate that we may reduce the size of certain of our holdings in order to focus the portfolio into those holdings from which we expect to generate the greatest returns for shareholders. 
Ten largest holdings
Scancell Ltd
Scancell is a Nottingham-based biotechnology company that is developing a pipeline of drugs to target various types of cancer.  These products are derived from Scancell's proprietary ImmunoBody technology.  During 2006, the company sold its pipeline of antibodies to Peptech Ltd, an Australian biotechnology company, in a deal that had a total value of up to £4.85m. 
Initial investment                        December 2003
Cost £000's                                                 725
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     725
Basis of valuation                                      Cost
Equity held                                              12.6%
Audited Financial Information
                   Period ending 30 April 2006
Sales                                                            27
Loss before tax                                         (716)
Retained losses                                         (734)
Net assets                                                   446
Wound Solutions Ltd
Wound Solutions is working on the development of a product that has applications in the treatment of difficult to heal wounds such as leg ulcers and foot ulcers.  There is a lack of effective treatment for patients with severe ulcers, and the market size is estimated to be 2.5 million patients in the US and Europe.
Initial investment                                 May 2006
Cost £000's                                                 350
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     350
Basis of valuation                                      Cost
Equity held                                                3.1%
Audited Financial Information
                   Period ending 30 June 2006
Sales                                                              0
Loss before tax                                         (926)
Retained losses                                         (926)
Net assets                                                3,330
DxS Ltd
DxS is a leading provider of genetic analysis services to pharmaceutical companies and contract research organisations.  The company's services include the provision of genetic testing using single nucleotide polymorphism technology and DNA extraction and banking.  DxS's services are of particular use to pharmaceutical companies when they are conducting clinical trials as the genomic tests can be used to help identify groups of patients that are most likely to benefit from a particular therapy.  David Evans, who is chairman of a number of AIM-quoted companies (including BBI Holdings plc and Epistem Holdings plc, both Hygea investee companies) became chairman of DxS in 2006.
Initial investment                                 April 2004
Cost £000's                                                 326
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     326
Basis of valuation                                      Cost
Equity held                                                8.3%
Audited Financial Information
                   Period ending 30 June 2006
Sales                                                        1,164
Loss before tax                                         (502)
Retained losses                                         (456)
Net assets                                              (2,934)
ImmunoBiology Ltd
ImmunoBiology is a biotechnology company that is focused on developing products that could have applications in the treatment of cancer and certain infectious diseases.  The company's technology is based on a recent discovery that a group of proteins known as "heat shock proteins" has a pivotal role in controlling the normal immune response to infections. 
Initial investment                        November 2005
Cost £000's                                                 300
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     300
Basis of valuation                                      Cost
Equity held                                              5.78%
Audited Financial Information
                    Period ending 31 May 2006
Sales                                                            28
Loss before tax                                         (495)
Retained losses                                         (495)
Net assets                                                 (163)
NeutraHealth plc
NeutraHealth is an AIM-listed company that was established to acquire businesses operating in the neutraceutical sector.  The company acquired Biocare Ltd, an established business in the neutraceutical sector, in August 2005.  In January 2007, NeutraHealth announced the acquisition of Brunel Healthcare Ltd, for an initial purchase price of £4m, with a further £1.9m payable depending on the performance of Brunel over the next two years.  Brunel, which distributes private label and branded vitamins and supplements through a number of outlets, including Tesco, Holland & Barrett, Superdrug and Waitrose, had turnover of £14m in 2006. 
Initial investment                             August 2005
Cost £000's                                                 360
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     295
Basis of valuation                                Bid price
Equity held                                              2.43%
Audited Financial Information
           Period ending 31 December 2006
Sales                                                        8,571
Profit before tax                                          902
Retained losses                                           590
Net assets                                               19,492
Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging Ltd
Hallmarq is a Guildford-based company which specialises in developing low cost magnetic resonance imaging systems.  The first application is for equine vets to enable the diagnosis of causes of lameness in horses that are not identifiable by any other method.  Hallmarq has installed more than 30 units at leading equine veterinary practices and research centres around the world, and over 7,000 scans have been carried out on horses using equipment supplied by Hallmarq.    James Otter, the Chairman of Hygea, is playing an active role at Hallmarq illustrating the way in which Hygea is able to work in a proactive manner with its investee companies in order to ensure that they fulfil their potential.
Initial investment                             August 2005
Cost £000's                                                 735
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     288
Basis of valuation               Latest funding round
Equity held                                                7.3%
Audited Financial Information
               Period ending 31 August 2006
Sales                                                        1,438
Loss before tax                                         (328)
Retained losses                                         (278)
Net assets                                                1,199
BioAnaLab Limited
BioAnaLab is a leader in the provision of specialist analytical services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies involved in the growing sector of biopharmaceuticals.  More than 30% of all pharmaceutical products in development are made from proteins, which present particular analytical challenges in measuring drug levels, patient responses, and product efficacy in order to provide product validation and satisfy the requirements of the regulatory authorities.  The company has experienced a substantial growth in revenue since Hygea invested in the business.   A key development during 2006 was the appointment as chairman of David Oxlade, who has substantial experience leading companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector.
Initial investment                                 May 2005
Cost £000's                                                 279
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     279
Basis of valuation                                      Cost
Equity held                                              13.9%
Audited Financial Information
              Period ending 31 October 2006
Sales                                                        1,161
Profit before tax                                            98
Retained profit                                               98
Net assets                                                   751
Prosurgics Ltd
Prosurgics Ltd (formerly known as Armstrong Healthcare Ltd) is a leading image-guided surgical robotics company.  The company's PathFinder robot enables surgeons to achieve a high level of accuracy in neurosurgery, enabling improved patient outcomes at lower cost.  The EndoAssist is a robotic manipulator for the endoscope used in chest and abdominal surgery.    It has a unique control system that is guided by head movement, giving the surgeon total control at a glance.  
Initial investment                            January 2006
Cost £000's                                                 250
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     275
Basis of valuation               Latest funding round
Equity held                                              7.05%
Audited Financial Information
           Period ending 31 December 2005
Sales                                                           300
Loss before tax                                       (1,225)
Retained losses                                      (1,133)
Net assets                                                   213
Insense Ltd
Insense is working on the development of an innovative product range for the wound care market.  Its first product has completed clinical trials and the second product is currently undergoing clinical evaluation.  Both products are expected to be approved by the relevant regulatory authorities in 2007 and to be launched onto the market shortly after approval is received. 
Initial investment                                  July 2003
Cost £000's                                                 167
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                     226
Basis of valuation               Latest funding round
Equity held                                              3.12%
Audited Financial Information
           Period ending 31 December 2005
Sales                                                              0
Loss before tax                                         (893)
Retained losses                                         (893)
Net assets                                                   685
ReNeuron Group plc
ReNeuron is a leading company in the field of cell therapies derived from stem cells.  The company announced in December 2006 that it had filed an application with the US Food & Drug Administration to commence initial clinical trials in the US for its lead product, a stem cell therapy for treating stroke patients. As a result of the strong share price performance, the Fund's remaining stake was sold in early 2007.
Initial investment                             August 2005
Cost £000's                                                   82
Valuation as at 31.12.06 £000's                    195
Basis of valuation                                Bid price
Equity held                                              0.42%
Audited Financial Information
                 Period ending 31 March 2006
Sales                                                              9
Loss before tax                                       (6,826)
Retained losses                                      (6,313)
Net assets                                                4,628
Summary of investments made by other funds managed by Octopus Investments Ltd
It is a requirement that Octopus discloses if some of its other funds are also invested in any of the Hygea VCT portfolio companies. Details of these are shown below.
                                               % equity held by            % equity held by
Company name                                Hygea VCT            other funds
BBI Holdings plc                                      0.30%                        3.30%
DawMed Systems plc                              2.20%                        1.71%
NeutraHealth plc                                       2.43%                        1.37%
Plethora Solutions Holdings plc                0.14%                        0.36%
Prosurgics Ltd                                         7.05%                        0.68%
The above data is as at 31 December 2006.
Octopus Investments Ltd
23 April 2007
Income Statement
-                  The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the company.
-                  All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Balance Sheet
Notes to the preliminary announcement
  Fixed asset investments
All AIM-quoted investments are in ordinary shares with full voting rights. Unquoted investments are in ordinary shares with full voting rights with the exception of DxS Ltd and Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging Ltd where a proportion of the investment is held in loan stock. Details of the investments are shown below:
The above summary of results for the year ended 31 December 2006 does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
Statutory financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in due course; the auditors report on those financial statements under S235 of the Companies Act 1985 is unqualified and does not contain a statement under S237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006 is expected to be posted to shareholders shortly and will be available to the public at the registered office of the company at 8 Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HP.