Decision of Market Services Department (as of 25-04-2007, No.60)

To resume trading of these securities on 26-04-2007: 
Kauno energija ORS (LT0000123010  KNR1L) 
The general meeting of shareholders was not held. 
To resume trading of these securities on 26-04-2007: 
Kauno tiekimas ORS(LT0000104879  KTK1L) 
Klaipėdos baldai ORS (LT0000102972  KBL1L) 
Anykščių vynas ORS (LT0000112773  ANK1L) 
At the shareholders' meeting it was decided to approve the annual accounts. 
To resume trading of these securities on 26-04-2007: 
Rytų skirstomieji tinklai ORS (LT0000126385  RST1L) 
At the shareholders' meeting it was decided to approve the annual accounts. 
The issue regarding the increase of the authorized capital was not considered. 

Vilnius Stock Exchange
Market Services Department
(+370 5) 272 36 11