1st Quarter Financial Statement 2007 for the fund BPT Nordic

The Board of Directors of the BPT Nordic Fund has today approved the financial
statements for the period January 1 - March 31, 2007. 

Net Asset Value (NAV) as of March 31, 2007 was EUR 202,09 (EUR 177,42). This
amounts to an YTY increase of EUR 24.67equal to 13.9%, when adjusted for
dividends. When including the extraordinary dividend of EUR 3 per certificate
distributed in the autumn of 2006 this amounts to a return of 15.6%. 

In Q1 2007, the BPT Nordic Fund provided a return of 6.1% in comparison with
25.0% over the same period in 2006. 

Additional information about the Fund BPT Nordic are available at: 

Copenhagen, 26 April 2007

Yours sincerely,

Board of Directors of the Fund BPT Nordic
c/o BI Management A/S
Sundkrogsgade 7
2100 København Ø


20070426_bpt nordic_financial report q1 2007.pdf