FIM Group Corporation 30 April 2007 at 12.00 p.m.


According to preliminary calculations, FIM Group's total income in
January-March grew by 9 percent to EUR 23.2 million (EUR 21.2 million in 2006). 

FIM has changed its financial reporting from the beginning of 2007. Segment
reporting covers the business areas FIM Asset Management and FIM Brokerage. FIM
Investment Banking is no longer reported as a separate business area. FIM Asset
Management's total income in January-March was EUR 15.1 million (14.5) and FIM
Brokerage's total income EUR 8.6 million (7.1). 

FIM Group's January-March operating profit before a non-recurring booking for
option costs was according to a preliminary estimate EUR 5.7 million (6.2). Due
to the Glitnir arrangement, the option costs for FIM's both option series that
were originally scheduled for 4 years have now been booked in the first quarter
of 2007. Operating profit after the booking for the non-recurring option costs
was EUR 3.5 million. The booking of the option costs does not affect the
Group's shareholders' equity. 

FIM Asset Management's January-March operating profit before the non-recurring
booking for option costs was EUR 4.3 million (5.5) and FIM Brokerage's
operating profit EUR 1.7 million (1.4). 

The preliminary information is unaudited.

Since March 2007, FIM is part of the Icelandic financial group Glitnir. Glitnir
will release it January-March interim report today on 30 April 2007. FIM Group
Corporation will publish its first quarter interim report on 11 May 2007. 

FIM Group Corporation

Risto Perttunen

For additional information, please contact:
Risto Perttunen, CEO, tel. +358 9 6134 6303
Timo T. Laitinen, CFO, tel. +358 9 6134 6525

Helsinki Stock Exchange
The main media

FIM is a growing investment services group that offers asset management,
brokerage and investment banking services to private individuals and
organizations. Since March 2007, FIM is part of the Icelandic financial group
Glitnir ( In addition to the head office in Helsinki, FIM
has regional offices in Espoo, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Riihimäki,
Tampere, Turku and Vaasa. FIM also operates in Stockholm and Moscow. In 2006,
the company's net sales totalled EUR 82.0 million and the operating profit was
EUR 19.1 million. FIM had a payroll of 284 employees at the end of 2006.