The Charles Drew University to Honor Community Activist, Humanitarian Lillian Harkness Mobley, Cedars-Sinai CEO Thomas M. Priselac and Dr. Gus Gill At Medical School's Graduation Ceremonies


 WHAT:  This year's 23rd Annual Commencement Ceremony of The Charles R.
        Drew University of Medicine and Science will include presentation
        of special honorary awards:

      * Doctor of Humane Letters for Service and Achievement to Lillian
        Harkness Mobley, long-time community activist and humanitarian
        whose leadership role in helping establish the University
        reflects a deep and lasting commitment to healthcare and medical
        training to reach underserved populations.
      * Board of Trustee's Medal of Honor to Mr. Thomas M. Priselac,
        President and Chief executive Officer of the Cedars-Sinai Health
        System for his significant service as a member of the Charles
        Drew University Board of Trustees.
      * President's Medal to Dr. Gus Gill, renowned former chair of the
        Department of Otolaryngology at the King/Drew Medical Center for
        28 years, and director of its International Health Institute,
        involved in developing cooperative partnerships with Sub-Saharan
        Africa, South and Central America, India and China.
 WHO:   Dr. Susan Kelly, President and CEO of The Charles Drew
        University will preside over the ceremonies. The Commencement
        Speaker will be Hector Flores, M.D., prominent physician and
        activist in recruiting students from disadvantaged backgrounds
        and ethnic groups to serve in underrepresented areas. Dr. Flores
        is Chairman of The Family Practice Department at White Memorial
        Medical Center and co-director of the hospital's Family Practice
        Residency Program.
 WHEN:  Saturday, June 2, 2007, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

 WHERE: The campus of The Charles Drew University, 1731 East 120th 
        Street, Los Angeles, California  90059. Parking on 118th 
        Street, directly across the street from the Cobb Building, 
        between Compton Avenue and Wilimington Avenue.

        Media are requested to proceed to Room 186 in the Cobb Building.

        Directions from Los Angeles: Take the 110 or 405 Freeway south, to 
        the 105 Freeway east (toward Norwalk). Exit Wilmington Avenue, turn 
        right to 120thth Street, turn right.


        A private non-profit educational institution in the
        Watts-Willowbrook area of South Los Angeles, The Charles R.
        Drew University of Medicine and Science has provided quality
        college, graduate and post-graduate education and training
        to thousands of qualified minority and other students for
        more than 35 years. As part of its mission, the University
        has also provided urgently needed healthcare services to
        over 1.7 million chronically underserved residents of the
        poorest communities in Los Angeles County.

        The University is widely regarded as an innovative medical
        education university pioneering in teaching doctors and
        healthcare professionals, and in conducting quality
        research, to deal with the special needs of the poor,
        chronically ill populations in the inner city. Until
        recently, the University partnered with the County under a
        series of contracts to provide the former King/Drew Medical
        Center with academic supervision of faculty doctors, medical
        students, interns and residents to serve the 1.7 million
        citizens in its 94-square-mile service area. (If this
        service area were a municipality, it would be the fifth
        largest city in the U.S.). The University has been
        remarkably successful in achieving its primary goal of
        producing physicians and other healthcare professionals who
        return to the community to serve people who are uninsured or

        Further details about the graduation ceremony and honorees
        may be found on The Charles Drew University website at


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