egetæpper a/s, Insiders' tradings

Report of transactions in egetæpper shares of managerial staff and connected

Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act egetæpper a/s shall
report the transactions in egetæpper shares of managerial staff and connected

Name:             Mrs. Majse Uhrenholt

Reason:           Married to Board Member Frank Uhrenholt

Issuer:           egetæpper a/s

ISIN code:        DK 001025929

Type:             egetæpper B (shares)

Transaction:      Acquisition

Trading date:     12th July, 2007/
                  transaction day: 12th July, 2007

Market:           Copenhagen Stock Exchange

Market price:     DKK 135,086.88

Yours sincerely,

egetæpper a/s

John Vestergaard