SFG: Registration of division in the Estonian Commercial Register

AS  Silvano Fashion Group (previous business name PTA  Grupp
AS,  registry code 10175491, address Tartu road 2,  Tallinn,
10145; hereinafter: the “Company”) hereby notifies that  the
division  of  the Company by establishing a  new  subsidiary
with  business  name PTA Grupp AS (registry  code  11405208,
registered  address  Akadeemia tee 33, Tallinn,  12618)  has
been  registered in the Estonian Commercial Register  on  29
August 2007.

As  a  result of the division, part of the Company's  assets
were transferred to its subsidiary PTA Grupp AS pursuant  to
the   division  plan  approved  on  31  May  2007   by   the
extraordinary  general meeting of shareholders.  The  assets
transferred to PTA Grupp AS comprised the enterprise engaged
in  the  development of the “PTA” concept and the production
of women's apparel.

The  division  of the Company was part of the  restructuring
plan of the Company, which has been previously published  to
the  shareholders of the Company. The strategy  of  the  new
group  entails  centralised management of the  group's  main
processes, which will be carried out at the level of holding
company  listed  in Tallinn Stock Exchange  and  the  Warsaw
Stock  Exchange. Grouping the strategic management functions
to  the  level  of a listed holding company  ensures  better
transparency  and  higher effectiveness  of  the  management

These  changes in the group's structure will not affect  its
economic activities and the interests of its shareholders.

Peeter Larin
Member of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group 
(previous business name PTA Grupp AS)
Tel +372 6 710 700