Orexo´s treatment for incontinence/nocturia entering Phase I

Orexo´s treatment for incontinence/nocturia entering Phase I

Simon Vane Percy / Sarah Roberts
Vane Percy & Roberts
(T) 01737 821891 / 892
(F) 01737 821899
(e) simon@vanepercy.com / sarah@vanepercy.com 

Orexo's product for nocturia and on demand treatment of urinary incontinence, OX
19 (sublingual desmopressin) has started phase 1 trials. Orexo has developed
several formulations and is now proceeding to investigate the lead formulation.
The bioavailability trial, which is taking place in Sweden, is expected to be
completed by the end of this year. OX 19 exploits Orexo's novel sublingual
tablet technology which enables rapid and reliable onset of action.

For further information contact: 

Zsolt Lavotha, President & CEO
Tel:	+46 (0)18 780 88 12
Email:	zsolt.lavotha@orexo.se

Claes Wenthzel, Executive Vice President & CFO
Tel:	+46 (0)18 780 88 44
Email:	claes.wenthzel@orexo.se


About Orexo 
Orexo is a pharmaceutical company which focuses on identifying suboptimal
therapeutic characteristics of existing products and developing more efficient
and effective delivery methods for them. By combining approved active substances
with Orexo's drug delivery technologies it is possible to significantly enhance
their therapeutic value, such as providing quicker onset of action or ease of
administration. This business model is aimed at bringing products to market
faster with lower development risk and costs. 

Orexo, which has its global headquarters and development laboratories in Sweden,
currently operates across the world through development, licensing and
distribution agreements in all major markets.

Orexo has a balanced portfolio with two products on the market, three in
registration and/or late stage clinical phase and two under formulation

Orexo is listed on the OMX Nordic List Mid Cap (ticker;ORX).

