Rautia donates reflectors to all first form pupils in Finland

Rautia stores participate in the nationwide campaign dubbed 'Traffic concerns us all' organised on 10-14 September by The Finnish National Board of Education. The Rautia chain will post reflectors to every first form pupil of comprehensive schools in Finland, nearly 60,000 in all.
Rautia wants to support the road traffic campaign, because a significant part of pedestrians' road accidents could be prevented if they used proper reflectors. Rautia's covering letter will read: "Rautia is part of your daily life and wishes you safe journey to and from school ".
The father of the idea is Aimo Kulonen, building materials seller of Rautia Raisamo in Nokia.
"Our idea "Rautia is part of your daily life" made me think about how to make it manifest in real life, and preferably start with children. My son started school last autumn. It was natural to equip him with a reflector when it was dark in the morning. The quality of the reflector is very important because it's meant to make you visible. I'm happy that we can now distribute them to small children", says Aimo Kulonen.
The reflectors to be donated are round, CE certified, soft reflectors. They are also approved by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and provided with the key flag symbol of Finnish origin.
According to §42 of the Road Traffic Act, a pedestrian must normally wear an appropriate reflector when on unlit road, other than pavement or bicycle lane, in the dark. Reflectors are meant to add valuable visibility to small schoolchildren.
Pictures are downloadable from www.kesko.fi/materialbank > Current topics.
Campaign pages of the road safety week can be read in Finnish at www.edu.fi/hankkeita/liikenneturvallisuus.
Further information:
Jorma Mykrä, Vice President, Rautia chain, tel. +358 500 333 710
Miro Puhakka, Marketing Consultant, Rautia chain, tel. +358 50 433 4125

Rautia stores offer (www.rautia.fi) expert goods solutions for building needs in keeping with the local fair and square Rautia style. The Rautia chain serves customers in over 100 localities in Finland.
Rautakesko (www.rautakesko.com) is engaged in the building and home improvement trade through the K-rauta, Rautia, Byggmakker and Senukai retail chains. Rautakesko manages its chains, combines their purchasing power, arranges efficient logistics, acquires store sites and guarantees strong marketing and development support to the stores. Rautakesko operates in the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and Russia.