Dr. Rodney Brooks, iRobot Co-Founder, Keynotes MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge Robotics Event

iRobot CTO to Be Joined by Executives From Five Leading Robotics Companies to Discuss Next Wave in Robotics

CAMBRIDGE, MA--(Marketwire - October 2, 2007) -

What:        On October 10, the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge will
             host a panel of senior executives from five New England
             robotics companies. These firms are leaders among more than
             130 area companies that are producing robots or key robotic

             With advances in technology, robots are changing the ways in
             which goods are produced, homes are cleaned, war is waged and
             people are healed.

             Rod Brooks, founder and CTO of iRobot and long-time director
             of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab,
             will keynote the evening. Following his presentation,
             moderator Doug Zingale, a partner in Foley Hoag's technology
             group, will lead a discussion with the  following industry

              -- Chris Hofmeister - CTO, Brooks Automation
              -- Tom Fuhlbrigge - Manager, Mechatronics and Robotics
                 Automation, ABB Robotics
              -- Mick Mountz - CEO, Kiva Systems
              -- Tom Ryden - CEO, North End Technologies
              -- Deborah Theobald - CEO, Vecna Technologies

When:        Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Networking:  5:30 p.m.
Program:     6:15-8:00 p.m.
Reception:   8:00-9:00 p.m.

Where:       Stata Center (Bldg. 32), Kirsch Auditorium, 32 Vassar St.,

Sponsor:     KPMG

Registration and information: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/oct07.html

Forum members: $20; Non-members: $30; Students from all universities, free with college ID.

Contact Information: MIT ENTERPRISE FORUM OF CAMBRIDGE CONTACT: Rob Butler MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge 617-253-2568 PRESS CONTACT: Brad Baker (for MIT Enterprise Forum) CHEN PR, Inc. 781-672-3118