Notification on the transaction in issuer's securities

|                         |      28-09-2007         |                          |
|                         | (date of announcement)  |                          |

|                    Vytautas Bučas, Chairman of the Board                     |
|                                                                              |
| (name, surname, personal code and capacity of the notifying person, or the   |
| manager of the issuer, with whom the notifying person is closely associated) |

| Invalda AB, identification code 121304349, Seimyniskiu str. 3, Vilnius,      |
|                                 Lithuania                                    |
| (name and code of the issuer, its registered office address)                 |

| Name  | Numb | Pric | Total | Form   | Type  | Date  | Place | Form  | Categ |
| and   | er   | e of | value | of     | of    | of    | of    | of    | ory   |
| class | of   | secu | of    | transa | trans | concl | the   | settl | of    |
| of    | secu | rite | trans | ction  | actio | usion | trans | ement | the   |
| the   | riti | s,   | actio | (acqui | n     | of    | actio |       | perso |
| secur | es   | LTL  | n,    | sition |       | the   | n *   |       | n**   |
| ity,  |      |      | LTL   | ,      |       | trans |       |       |       |
| ISIN  |      |      |       | transf |       | actio |       |       |       |
| code  |      |      |       | er)    |       | n     |       |       |       |
| Inva  | 540  | 11.65| 6 300 | trans  | repur | 25.09 | XOFF  | money | 1.2.  |
| lda   | 813  |      |471.45 | fer    | chase | .2007 |       |       |       |
| AB    |      |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |
| ORS,  |      |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |
| LT000 |      |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |
| 01022 |      |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |
| 79    |      |      |       |        |       |       |       |       |       |

                                            Vytautas Bučas / ___________________

AUTO - automatically matched trade concluded in the regulated market            
TS - manual trade concluded in the regulated market                             
XOFF - OTC trade                                                                

1. A manager of the issuer (as defined in the item 5.1. of the Rules):          
1.1. Manager of the Company;                                                    
1.2. Member of the Board;                                                       
1.3. Member of the Supervisory Board;                                           
1.4. Other employee.                                                            
2. A person closely related to the manager of the issuer (as defined in the item
of the Rules):                                                                  
2.1. Spouse, partner;                                                           
2.2. Child, foster child;                                                       
2.3. Other person;                                                              
2.4. Legal person.