Interim report for AudioDev AB, January 1 - September 30, 2007 • Net sales totalled SEK 91.9 (77.4) million • Profit/loss after financial items was SEK -41.9 (-33.4) million • Profit/loss for the period totalled SEK -30.3 (-22.8) million • Profit/loss per share totalled SEK -1.81 (-1.36) million • Integration costs for AudioDev GmbH totalled SEK 5.4 million • The backlog of orders was SEK 13.9 (13.2) million at the end of the period • AudioDev has taken strategically important orders on the blue laser side for 5 BD analyzers and for inspection and monitoring systems for thin film applications • The cost saving program is implemented more rapidly than planned. Note: AudioDev GmbH was consolidated in the Group from the day of acquisition and purchase on February 8 and is thereby included in the figures for 2007 from that date. For more information, please contact: Christer Sjöström, Chief Executive Officer, Tel: +46 40 690 49 00, +46 705 45 64 55 e-post: Anna Thelander, Chief Financial Officer, Tel: +46 40 690 49 42, Mobil: +46 709 694920, e-post:
Interim report for AudioDev AB, January 1 - September 30, 2007
| Source: AudioDev AB