Q Vara's financial results of the 9 months in 2007

According to Q Vara AS's bond issue terms' sub clause 13.3.2, Q Vara hereby
presents the consolidated unaudited financial results for the 9 months of 2007. 

1. Introduction

As stated in Q Vara's last quarterly reports the most problematic project for
the Group has been Silukalni residential development in Latvia. Fortunately the
third quarter of 2007 brought positive news as five semi-detached houses
together with greening and infrastructure were completed and ten families moved
into their new homes. Right after completing the first houses Q Buve moved on
to build the next six houses that according to the project schedule will be
ready in the beginning of 2008. Currently all the six houses are sold. The
current situation proves that replacing the former main contractor with Q Buve
was a correct choice. 

The gross profit from the first houses is almost zero because the sales prices
of these houses in 2005 and 2006 were relatively low compared to the final
construction cost. Altogether 30 houses that were sold in the first stage will
have similarly low profitability. The sale of the rest of the houses started in
2007 and the profit earned from these houses should somewhat improve the
project's total result. 

In addition to handing over the first units in Pinki another very positive
event was getting the approval of Trophy project's detail plan in Lithuania.
According to the detail plan Q Vara can develop an apartment building with 2
300 sqm of net space. The new evaluation report that was ordered after the
detail plan approval valued the project's property at 6 000 000 LTL (27 189 600

Considering the Group's liquidity the most important development was finalizing
the sale of Sofia project in the beginning of the fourth quarter 2007.
According to the agreed transaction structure EOOD Q Delta repays Q Vara's
loans in total amount of 3 222 658 EUR and OOD Delta Imoti purchases 40% of
EOOD Q Delta's shares for 714 310 EUR. The sale of the remaining 20% of the
shares is also agreed and the transaction details will be disclosed right after
the agreements will be signed. 

The Sofia transaction's proceeds will be used for repaying Q Vara's most
expensive loans that altogether should reduce Q Vara's annual interest expence
by approximately 19 million EEK (1.2 million EUR). Also the proceeds will be
used for accounts payable and creating a liquidity buffer. 

At the same time with its efforts on different projects Q Vara also continued
to reduce fixed costs and by that improve its liquidity. The need for cutting
the fixed costs is derived from the current market situation in which the sales
pace is low and the demand is weak and unpredictable. 

The first fixed cost cut was realized after Q Vara moved into the same office
with its subsidiary Q Ehitus. Besides cost reduction the move also aimed to
increase the synergies and efficiency between the two companies. Sharing an
office also decreased fixed costs by eliminating several positions with
overlapping responsibilities. Similar changes are being carried out also in Q
Vara's Latvian subsidiary. Also Q Ehitus and Q Buve have reduced their costs,
mainly by reducing its number of workers. Both companies' capacity exceeded the
current projects' needs. 

As a result of the above described cost reductions Q Vara Group's annual fixed
costs are expected to decrease by 11 million EEK (0.7 million EUR). When also
the interest expense reduction is added the total amount of annual cost
reducton is 30 million EEK (1.9 million EUR). As lay offs result in one time
expenses the cost effects should realize in the beginning of 2008. 

Besided reorganizing the group through cost reductions also building more
efficient organization continued. For example one of Q Vara's main values came
to the center of focus in the third quarter - beauty of the developments. It
means that the management decided to set up a special architecture and design
unit that should manage all projects' design and architectural planning. 

As a more general change in the third quarter reorganizing Q Vara into public
limited company (aktsiaselts) was finished and starting from September 4, 2007
the company's official name is AS Q Vara. 

2. Personnel

In the third quarter the number of Q Vara Group's employees decreased to 91.
The following table presents the number of employees in Q Vara Group's
companies in all target markets. 

                   EST  LAT  LIT  BLG  Kokku
Q Vara AS           21                    21
Q Haldus OÜ          4                     4
Q Ehitus OÜ         27                    27
Q Estate SIA             15               15
Q Buve SIA               20               20
Q Vara UAB                     4           4
Q Vara EOOD                         2      2
Kokku               52   35    4    2     91
There were no changes in Q Vara Group companies' managements.

3. Financial results 

Q Vara's consolidated operating income in the first 9 months of 2007 was 106
178 thousand EEK; 6 786 thousand EUR (2006 9 months: 144 761 thousand EEK; 9
252 thousand EUR). Compared to the operating revenues disclosed about the first
6 months of 2007 the amount has decreased because Q Vara does not record its
Sofia project as a consolidated real estate investment but as subsidiary's
shares for sale in the end of the third quarter. As a result the operating
revenues of the 9 months of 2007 do not include the revaluation profit from
Sofia project anymore. Instead the profit is recorded as financial revenue from
the revaluation of subsidiaries' shares. 

Sales revenue for the the 9 months of 2007 was 94 237 thousand EEK; 6 023
thousand EUR (2006 9 months: 39 596 thousand EEK; 2 531 thousand EUR) that is
the best result for 9 months since Q Vara was established. The sales revenue
for the third quarter was 37 128 thousand EEK; 2 373 thousand EUR. In 2007 the
9 months' the sales revenue  exceeded the sales revenue of the 9 months in 2006
by 138%. The revenue was mainly derived from Pinki and Kirsiaed residential
projects. As the sale of the land plots in Terminal no. 11 is currently
recorded as prepayment the revenues from there will be realized in the next

During the 9 months of 2007 Q Vara generated altogether 44 833 thousand EEK of
gross profit (sales revenues minus cost of goods sold). Compared to the 6
months. results gross profit increased by 174%. So the gross results are
improving which the management will support by lowering the fixed costs in the
near months. 
The consolidated net profit for the nine month period was 1 940 thousand EEK;
124 thousand EUR (In 2006: 93 611 thousand EEK; 5 983 thousand EUR). The net
profit is expected to improve as a result of the proposed reduction in fixed

In the 9 months of 2007 also financial expenses have played a significant role
in the net profit amount. Altogether the financial expenses amounted -27 573
thousand EEK to which other financial expenses and revenues are added in the
profit and loss statement. As described above the repayment of AS GILD
Arbitrage's loans will reduce financial expenses in the future quarters

At the end of the third quarter 2007 Q Vara Group is still strongly
capitalized: equity forms 34,9% of total assets. In the end of the quarter the
total asset amount was 871 642 thousand EEK; 55 708 thousand EUR and total
equity amount was 304 504 thousand EEK; 19 464 thousand EUR. At the end of the
third quarter 2006 the total asset amount was 678 007 thousand EEK; 43 333
thousand EUR. Compared to the end of the third quarter of 2006 the asset amount
of Q Vara has grown 28,6% by the end of the third quarter in 2007. 
4. Q Vara's consolidated profit and loss statement for the 9 months of 2007

                                     01.01.2007-   01.01.2006-
                                     30.09.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EEK  thousand EEK

Operating revenues
  Sales revenues                         94 237        63 231
  Change in RE investments' value         9 438       161 545
  Other operating revenues                2 503         2 867
Total operating revenues                106 178       227 643

Operating expenses
  Cost of construction                  -49 404       -63 789
  Direct development costs               -2 905        -8 950
  Development overhead costs            -54 631       -23 326
  Marketing costs                        -7 025        -9 459
  Administrative expenses                -1 979        -1 940
  Other operating expenses               -5 949        -6 929
Total operating expenses               -121 893       114 393
Operating profit                        -15 715       113 250

  Financial income and expenses          18 167        -3 046
Pre-tax profit                            2 452       110 204
  Deferred income tax                      -452       -10 787
  Real estate tax                           -60           -59

Net profit (loss)                          1 940       99 358
  Mother company's shareholders' share     4 943       79 831
  Minority share                          -3 003       19 527

                                     01.01.2007-   01.01.2006-
                                     30.09.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EUR  thousand EUR
Operating revenues
  Sales revenues                          6 023         4 041
  Change in RE investments' value           603        10 325
  Other operating revenues                  160           183
Total operating revenues                  6 786        14 549

Operating expenses
  Cost of construction                   -3 157        -4 077
  Direct development costs                 -186          -572
  Development overhead costs             -3 492        -1 491
  Marketing costs                          -449          -605
  Administrative expenses                  -126          -124
  Other operating expenses                 -380          -443
Total operating expenses                 -7 790        -7 311
Operating profit                         -1 004         7 238

  Financial income and expenses           1 161          -195
Pre-tax profit                              157         7 043

  Deferred income tax                       -29          -689
  Real estate tax                            -4            -4
Net profit (loss)                           124         6 350
  Mother company's shareholders' share      316         5 102
  Minority share                           -192         1 248

5. Q Vara's consolidated balance sheet as of 30.09.2007

                                     30.09.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EEK  thousand EEK
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents               4 307         1 116
  Subsidiaries- shares for sale          41 020
  Accounts receivable                    16 060         4 174
  Short-term loans                       74 020        74 334
  Other short-term receivables           56 111        48 645
  Interest receivables                   11 219         6 677
  Prepayments                            36 743        25 908
  Real estate for sale                  367 175       216 043
Total current assets                    606 655       376 897

Non-current assets
  Long-term loans                           255         5 760
  Associated companies                   32 618        32 618
  Real estate investments               218 040       338 250
  Tangible and intangible assets         14 074         8 826
  Goodwill                                    0         2 886
Total non-current assets                264 987       388 340
Total assets                            871 642       765 237
Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                      362 349       290 169
  Capital lease liabilities                 133         1 149
  Customer prepayments                    8 679         5 577
  Accounts payable                       14 895        22 163
  Personnel related liabilities           3 045         2 650
  Other short-term liabilities            3 128             0
  Interest liabilities                   26 303        14 164
  Tax liabilities                         3 104             0
Total current liabilities               421 996       335 872
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loans                         37 280       14 936
  Other long-term payables                 2 018           90
  Issued bonds                            76 863       76 863
  Capital lease liabilities                2 094        5 468
  Deferred income tax                     26 847       27 040
Total non-current liabilities            145 102      124 397
Total liabilities                        567 098      460 269
Mother company's shareholders' equity
  Share capital                          181 511       73 511
  Reserves                                 7 361        7 361
  Unrealized exchange rate differences      -587          177
  Retained earnings                       70 574      175 231
Mother company's shareholders' equity    258 859      256 280
Minority share                            45 685       48 688
Total equity                             304 544      304 968
Total liabilities and equity             871 642      765 237

                                     30.09.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EUR  thousand EUR

Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                 275           71
  Subsidiaries' shares for sale           2 622
  Accounts receivable                     1 026          267
  Short-term loans                        4 731        4 751
  Other current receivables               3 586        3 109
  Interest receivables                      717          427
  Prepayments                             2 348        1 657
  Real estate for sale                   23 467       13 808
Total current assets                     38 772       24 090
Non-current assets
  Long-term loans                            16          368
  Associated companies                    2 085        2 085
  Real estate investments                13 935       21 618
  Tangible and intangible assets            899          564
  Godwill                                     0          184
Total non-current assets                 16 936       24 819
Total assets                             55 708       48 909

Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                       23 158       18 545
  Capital lease liabilities                   9           74
  Customer prepayments                      555          357
  Accounts payable                          952        1 416
  Personnel related liabilities             218          169
  Other short-term liabilities              200            0
  Interest liabilities                    1 681          905
  Tax liabilities                           198            0
Total current liabilities                26 970       21 467
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loans                         2 383          955
  Other long-term liabilities               129            6
  Issued bonds                            4 912        4 912
  Capital lease liabilities                 134          349
  Deferred income tax liabilities         1 716        1 728
Total non-current liabilities             9 274        7 950
Total liabilities                        36 244       29 417
Mother company's shareholders' equity
  Share capital                          11 601        4 698
  Reserves                                  470          470
  Unrealized exchage rate differences       -38           13
  Retained earnings                       4 511       11 197
Mother company's shareholders' equity    16 544       16 378
Minority share                            2 920        3 114
Total equity                             19 464       19 492
Total liabilities and equity             55 708       49 909

Additional information:
Meelis Šokman
Chairman of the management board
Q Vara AS
Phone: 668 1600


q vara iiiq 2007 english.pdf