CDG Announces Global Proliferation of CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Revision A

Technology Sets New Standard for Advanced Broadband Telecommunications

COSTA MESA, Calif., Nov. 19, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The CDMA Development Group (CDG) today announced that CDMA2000(r) 1xEV-DO Revision A (Rev. A) continues to be the most viable and prominent air interface for today's diverse, broadband-hungry consumer base. There are now 47 operators in 33 countries that have selected Rev. A to deliver advanced broadband services, of which 13 of them are commercial. The number of operators that have decided to deploy Rev. A has more than doubled within the past 8 months, with the greatest amount of adoption coming from emerging markets. Rev. A's major attribute is the superior user experience it delivers based on its improved performance, giving consumers full mobility with the bandwidth-heavy applications that have become essential to their enhanced productivity and lifestyles. Rev. A has enabled a whole new era of mobile communications practices, in terms of technical performance and service availability.

"Since operators first began offering Rev. A services a year ago, the CDG has witnessed an dramatic increase in Rev. A networks, devices and subscribers," said Joe Lawrence, vice president of marketing for the CDG. "Rev. A's versatility and performance make it the most advanced wireless broadband technology available today. It allows operators to maximize their return on investments by offering affordable and compelling services with a significantly enhanced user experience."

Now that consumers want constant broadband access to the Internet and value-added services that have become core elements of their lifestyles-web access, email, multimedia messaging, social networking, online gaming, audio entertainment and even watching television-operators have had to move quickly to add broadband capacity without compromising network access, affordability and customer satisfaction. Rev. A has allowed operators to offer all of the above to their subscribers while enhancing connection setup times, data throughputs (both directions), reducing latencies and enabling advanced quality of service (QoS) features. So far, CDMA2000 operators have witnessed double digit growth in data revenues, which account for 20% of U.S. revenue and 30% percent of revenue in Japan and South Korea. In Q3 2007, Sprint Nextel generated $1 billion in data revenue (including SMS) and Verizon Wireless generated $2 billion. Increased data revenues have allowed CDMA2000 operators to sustain their overall ARPU while 2G GSM/GPRS/EDGE operators have seen a significant decline.

Within the past year, 13 commercial Rev. A networks have been deployed in 11 countries -providing access to 412 million people. Another 34 Rev. A networks are in deployment. Also, there are currently 37 Rev. A devices commercially available.

Rev. A offers average download speeds of 600-1400 kbps with bursts up to 3.1 Mbps and average upload speeds of 500-800 kbps with bursts up to 1.8 Mbps. Rev. A's average latency is below 50 msec (RTT), which is critical for delay-sensitive applications like VoIP, push-to-talk and video telephony. Rev. A offers the highest spectral efficiency available in the industry, enabling a lower total cost of network ownership, and greater bi-directional symmetry, making the user bandwidth experience virtually the same as Wi-Fi for both the uplink and downlink. Rev. A's all-IP infrastructure affords greater service flexibility, network control and efficiencies, and supports advanced QoS for user- and flow-based prioritization to enable different grades of service based on subscription and applications.

The following operators have deployed or are committed to deploying Rev. A networks:

                                     Rev. A
               Operator           Network Status         Region
 1       Movicel Telecomunicacoes  Pending          Angola: Luanda
 2       Bermuda Digital           Pending          Bermuda: Coverage 
         Communications                             pending
 3       Caribbean Cellular        Pending          British Virgin 
         Telephone (CCT)                            Islands: Tortola
 4       Bell Mobility             Commercial       Canada: Coverage 
 5       Telus Mobility            Commercial       Canada: Nationwide
 6       EOCG Wireless Cayman      Launch 3Q 2007   Cayman Islands: 
         Islands                                    Grand Cayman
 7       Arobase Telecom S.A       Pending          Cote d'Ivoire: 
                                                    Coverage Pending
 8       Mobilkom A.S.             Commercial       Czech Republic: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 9       Tatem Telecom             Commercial       Dem. Rep. of 
                                                    Congo: Kinshasa
 10      Etapa Cuenca              Pending          Ecuador: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 11      Televork                  Commercial       Estonia
 12      PT Smart Telecom          Pending          Indonesia: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 13      Itisaluna Iraq            Launch 1Q 2008   Iraq: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 14      KDDI                      Commercial       Japan: Nationwide
 15      Telkom Kenya Limited      Pending          Kenya: Coverage 
 16      IUSACELL                  Launch 4Q 2007   Mexico: Nationwide
 17      G-Mobile                  Pending          Mongolia: 
                                                    Coverage Pending
 18      SkyTel                    Pending          Mongolia: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 19      EOCG Wireless NV          Launch 3Q 2007   Netherlands 
                                                    Antilles: Bonaire,
                                                    Curacao, Saint 
 20      Telecom New Zealand       Commercial       New Zealand: 
 21      MTS First Wireless        Launch 3Q 2007   Nigeria: Abuja, 
         Limited                                    Lagos, Port 
 22      Starcomms Limited         Commercial       Nigeria: Various
 23      Visafone                  Launch 4Q 2007   Nigeria: Coverage 
 24      Nordisk Mobiltelefon      Commercial       Norway: Coverage 
         Norway                                     pending
 25      Broadband Everywhere      Launch 4Q 2007   Philippines: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 26      Centennial de Puerto      Pending          Puerto Rico: 
         Rico                                       Coverage pending
 27      Sprint Puerto Rico        Commercial       Puerto Rico: 
                                                    Arecibo, Fajardo, 
                                                    Mayaguez, Ponce, 
                                                    San Juan
 28      Delta Telecom             Launch 4Q 2007   Russia: Coverage 
 29      Saudi Telecom Company     Pending          Saudi Arabia: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 30      LG Telecom                Launch 4Q 2007   South Korea: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 31      Sudatel                   Pending          Sudan: Coverage 
 32      Telesur                   Launch 1Q 2008   Suriname: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 33      Nordisk Mobiltelefon      Commercial       Sweden: 
         Sweden                                     Coverage pending
 34      Benson Informatics        Pending          Tanzania: 
         Limited                                    Coverage pending
 35      MyCell Company Ltd.       Pending          Tanzania: 
                                                    Coverage pending
 36      Telesystems of Ukraine    Launch 3Q 2007   Ukraine: Coverage 
 37      Ukrainian Mobile          Pending          Ukraine: Coverage
         Communications (UMC)                       pending
 38      AirCell                   Pending          USA: Coverage 
 39      Cellular South            Pending          USA: Coverage 
 40      Leap Wireless (Cricket    Launch 1Q 2008   USA: Coverage 
         Communications)                            pending
 41      Nex-Tech Wireless         Launch 4Q 2007   USA: Coverage 
 42      NTELOS                    Pending          USA: VA, WV, KY, 
                                                    OH, NC
 43      Pocket Communications     Pending          USA: Laredo and 
                                                    San Antonio, TX
 44      Sprint Nextel             Commercial       USA: Nationwide
 45      Verizon Wireless          Commercial       USA: Nationwide
 46      Movilnet                  Pending          Venezuela: 

About CDMA2000

CDMA2000 is the most widely deployed 3G technology, with 241 operators in 99 countries, including 79 CDMA2000 1xEV-DO systems, serving more than 377 million subscribers. Counting 2G cdmaOne subscribers, there are more than 400 million CDMA users worldwide. CDMA2000 has become the technology of choice for developed and emerging market operators, and is deployable in the 450, 700, 800, 1700, 1900 and 2100 MHz bands. More than 1,795 CDMA2000 devices from over 92 suppliers have been introduced to the market, including more than 469 1xEV-DO and 37 Rev. A devices. More information on CDMA2000 is available on the CDG Web site at

About CDG

The CDMA Development Group is a trade association formed to foster the worldwide development, implementation and use of CDMA2000 technologies. The more than 130 member companies of the CDG include many of the world's largest wireless carriers and equipment manufacturers. The primary activities of the CDG include development of CDMA2000 features and services, public relations, education and seminars, regulatory affairs and international support. Currently, there are more than 500 individuals working within various CDG subcommittees on CDMA2000-related matters. For more information about the CDG, contact the CDG News Bureau at +1-714-540-1030, or visit the CDG Web site at

The CDG logo is available at

Note to editors

cdmaOne is a registered trademark of the CDMA Development Group. CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA).


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