The annual general meeting of Ringkjøbing Bank will be held on Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The annual general meeting of Ringkjøbing Bank will be held on Wednesday, March
5, 2008, at 5.00 pm at ROFI-Centret, Kirkevej 26, Ringkøbing, Denmark, with


a) The Board of Director's report on the bank's activities during the past
b) Submission of profit and loss account and status with auditors' report for

c) Decision on the application of profits or covering of loss according to the
adopted Annual Report. 

d) Election of members to the Shareholders' Committee.

   The following persons are up for election:

   Lars Bojen, director, Ringkøbing
   Bent Brodersen, optometrist, Ringkøbing 
   Olav V. Ebbesen, accounting consultant, Videbæk 
   Carl Olav Jensen, laundry owner, Ringkøbing 
   Arne Refslund Jørgensen, school principal, Skjern 
   Per Green Andersen, plumber, Ringkøbing
   Ole Graversen, primary school principal, Ringkøbing  

e) Appointment of auditor. 

f) Treatment and decision of recommendations and proposals.    
  The Board of Directors proposes: 
   1) The Board of Directors is authorised - until 1st April 2009 - to acquire
own shares up to 10% of the share capital according to section 48 (2) of the
Company Act at the market price at the time of acquisition by plus or minus

g) Any other business 

The Annual Report, the Auditors' report and the complete proposals will be
available for shareholders eight days before the general meeting at the bank's
head office, Torvet 2, Ringkøbing, Denmark. Admission cards can be obtained in
the branches of Ringkjøbing Bank and must be ordered before Friday February
29, 2008, at 4.30 pm. In case you are unable to attend the general meeting you
may contact the bank concerning announcing of proxy. 

Share capital and voting right 

The bank's share capital amounts to DKK 31,200,000 divided into shares of DKK

The bank's articles of association conerning voting rights: 

Article 10

	Any shareholder who wish to attend a general meeting shall, according to the
announcement of the general meeting, prove his identity as shareholder and
obtain an admission card not later than three days prior to the meeting. The
admission card shall state the number of votes. 

Each share of DKK 20 gives the right to one vote at the general meeting. A
shareholder may only cast one vote as proxy for others. No shareholder shall be
entitled to more than 200 votes. 

Shareholders who have acquired shares by way of transfer shall have no right to
exercise voting right at a general meeting which has been convened before the
transfer has been registered in the banks register of shareholders. 

Article 11
	At general meetings all matters must be decided by simple majority unless the
statutes in force of these articles stipulates any specific majority. In the
event of equality of votes the proposal shall be rejected. 

Resolution regarding any amendments to the articles of association shall be
valid only if at least one-third of the share capital is presented at the
general meeting and the resolution is passed by at least two-thirds of the
votes cast as well as of the voting share capital represented at the general
meeting. In the event that the majority is reached but one-third of the voting
share capital is not presented at the general meeting the board of directors
shall, within fourteen days, convene a new general meeting with eight days
notice at which the resolution proposed may be passed by two-thirds of the
votes cast, re-gardless of the size of the share capital repsented. 

Ringkøbing, January 16, 2008 

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Poul Hjulmand, Chairman


dagsorden generalforsamling 2008 engelsk.pdf