CORRECTION: Convocation of the General Meeting (the rivise)

Company informs that the registration date of the General Meeting is
2008-03-15 (instead of published early 2008-03-14).

Management Board of SC “KLASCO” passed the resolution Nr. 621-2008-9 in
2008-02-12: to convoke the General Meeting on 2008-03-21. The meeting will take
place at 2 p.m. at the company's premises Zauerveino str. 18, Klaipeda.
Registration of participants starts at 1.30 p.m. The registration date of AGM -
The agenda includes:
1.	Auditor's opinion on the Company's activities results audit.
2.	The annual report of the Company and approval of the financial statements
for the year 2007 (ended 31-12-2007). 
3.	Profit appropriation for 2007 and the guestion of dividends payment
4.	Auditor appointment and establishment of payment conditions for the auditing
5.	Recall of member of the board.
6.	Election of member of the board.
7.	Other economic-finansial questions.  

PA to President