Dividend proposal

Dividend proposal for Robeco N.V.
At the meeting of the management board and supervisory board of Robeco N.V. it was decided to propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders a cash dividend for the 2007 financial year of EUR 0.80 (previous year EUR 0.60). Payment will be made on 2 May 2008.
The 2007 annual report will be published on 4 April 2008. The meeting of shareholders will be convened in Rotterdam on 23 April 2008. With effect from Friday 25 April 2008, Robeco shares will be listed ex-dividend coupon no. 106 on the stock exchange, which means that the record date is fixed on 29 April 2008.
Dividend proposal for Rolinco N.V.
At the meeting of the management board and supervisory board of Rolinco N.V. it was decided to propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders a cash dividend for the 2007 financial year of EUR 0.60 (previous year EUR 0.40). Payment will be made on 2 May 2008.
The 2007 annual report will be published on 4 April 2008. The meeting of shareholders will be convened in Rotterdam on 23 April 2008. With effect from Friday 25 April 2008, Rolinco shares will be listed ex-dividend coupon no. 48 on the stock exchange, which means that the record date is fixed on 29 April 2008.
About Robeco
Robeco, established in Rotterdam in 1929, offers investment products and services to institutional and private investors worldwide. It has EUR 146 billion in assets under management (at 31 December2007).
The product range encompasses equity and fixed-income investments, money-market and real-estate funds and alternative investments, including private equity, hedge funds and structured products. The various strategies are managed from Rotterdam (head office), Boston, Hong Kong, New York and Paris.
To service institutional clients and business clients, Robeco has offices in Bahrain, Belgium, China, Germany, France, Japan, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, the United States and Switzerland. Robeco has a bank license in France and the Netherlands, where it can sell its products straight to private clients.
Robeco holds a 100% interest in Corestone (Zug, Switzerland), Harbor Capital Advisors (Chicago, USA) and Transtrend (Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Furthermore, Robeco holds interests in SAM Group (64%) in Zurich, Switzerland; Canara Robeco Investment Management (49%) in Mumbai, India; and AIM (40%) in Rijmenam, Belgium.
Robeco is part of Rabobank Group, one of the few retail banks with the highest credit ratings from Moody's and Standard & Poor's. Furthermore, within the banking sector, Rabobank has the highest sustainability cluster score, which is used to assess an organization's people and environmental friendliness.
Ronald Florisson, Robeco Corporate Communications
Office: +31 - 10 - 224 28 10
Mobile: +31 - 653 - 831 586


Press release (PDF)