17 MARCH 2008 POWERFLUTE OYJ INVITATION AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSALS TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF POWERFLUTE OYJ INVITATION TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD ON 15 APRIL 2008 The shareholders of POWERFLUTE PLC are invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 15 April 2008 at the premises of Scandic Hotel Kuopio (Satamakatu 1, Kuopio) at 6.30 p.m. The registration of the participants begins at 6.00 p.m. The shareholders have the opportunity to participate to a tour on the Savon Sellu mill before the meeting. A transportation from and to Scandic Hotel Kuopio will be organised so that any shareholder wishing to participate to the tour should be at the main entrance of Scandic Hotel Kuopio at 4.45 p.m. on 15 April 2008. AGENDA The following matters shall be handled in the meeting: 1 MATTERS TO BE HANDLED IN THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ACCORDING TO ARTICLE 8 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION DIVIDEND The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a final dividend of EUR 0.033 (GBP 2.56 p) per share is paid based on the adopted balance sheet for the financial period ended 31 December 2007. The final dividend shall be paid to the shareholder who has registered his / her holdings in the Company's shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. or to a holder of depositary interests registered with the Capita Registrar on the record date for dividend payment on 18 April 2008. The dividend shall be paid on or about 6 May 2008. COMPOSITION AND COMPENSATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The nomination committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the present Members of the Board of Directors would be re-elected as Board Members. The remuneration committee of the Board proposes that the Chairman of the Board would receive a fee of EUR 100,000 and the Members of the Board would receive a fee of EUR 50,000 per term ending at the end of the following Annual General Meeting. In addition, the chairmen of the Board's committees would receive an additional compensation of EUR 10,000 per term. 2 PROPOSALS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONCERNING THE AUTHORISATION BY THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO PASS A RESOLUTION ALLOWING THE COMPANY TO REPURCHASE THE COMPANY'S OWN SHARES The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Annual General Meeting would authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on the repurchase of the Company's own shares up to a maximum number of 8,800,000 shares of the Company, representing 10 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. According to the proposal of the Board of Directors, these shares can be repurchased contrary to the Shareholders' pre-emptive right using funds in the unrestricted shareholders equity and shall be acquired through public trading on the Stock Exchanges where the Company's shares are quoted at the share price prevailing at the time of the acquisition. The authorization to repurchase the Company's own shares shall be valid until 30 June 2009. 3 PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONCERNING THE AUTHORISATION BY THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO PASS A RESOLUTION ON THE ISSUE OF NEW SHARES AND /OR ASSIGNMENT OF TREASURY SHARES The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the Board of Directors pass a resolution authorising an issue of new shares and/or on the disposal of treasury shares of the Company up to the maximum number of 88,000,000 shares against payment. It is proposed that the Board of Directors would be entitled to pass a resolution on all terms and conditions of said issue and/or disposal, including to whom and on what price the shares are issued and/or disposed. The authorisation would, therefore, also grant the possibility to resolve on a rights issue or to resolve on a share issue by deviating from the pre-emptive rights of the shareholders. The Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation shall be valid until 30 June 2009 and it revokes all previous authorisations given to the Board of Directors. 4 PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONCERNING THE AUTHORISATION BY THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO PASS A RESOLUTION ON THE PAYMENT OF AN INTERIM DIVIDEND The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would authorise the Board of Directors to pass a resolution on the payment of an interim dividend up to the maximum amount of 1.681 cents (approx 1.28 pence) per share. Any decisions on the payment of the interim dividend would be made and such dividend, if any, would be paid during second half of 2008. DOCUMENTS OF THE MEETING Copies of the annual accounts and the review by the Board of Directors and the Auditor's report as well as the proposals of the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting shall be available for inspection by shareholders by 7 April 2008 at the premises of the Company at Sorsasalo, Kuopio and on the Company's website http://www.powerflute.com/. RIGHT TO ATTEND TO THE MEETING Shareholders who 1. on April 5, 2008 are registered as shareholder in the Company's shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, and 2. have registered to attend to the Annual General Meeting at the latest by Thursday, April 10, 2008, at 4:00 p.m Finnish time. have the right to attend and vote at the meeting. Shareholders whose shares are registered in their account in the Finnish book-entry system are also registered in the Company's shareholders' register. Holders of depositary interests in the British CREST system have to contact Capita Registrars Ltd. in order to be temporarily recorded to the shareholders' register and to attend to the Annual General Meeting. For this purpose, the holders of depositary interests are requested to follow further instructions from Capita Registrars Ltd. Holders of shares held otherwise under the name of a nominee wishing to attend to the meeting shall contact their account manager and to further follow the instructions of the account manager. Registration of attendance to the Annual General Meeting can be made either - by telephone +358 10 6606 205 / Ms. Tiina Silvast, - by fax +358 10 6606 212 or - by mail to Powerflute Oyj, Tiina Silvast, P.O.Box 57, Sorsasalo FI-70101, Kuopio, Finland Possible proxies are requested to be provided as originals to the Company to the address above at latest by the end of the registration period. Upon registering to the meeting, please also indicate whether you would participate to the tour at the Savon Sellu mill between 4.45 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. LANGUAGE OF THE MEETING The Annual General Meeting shall be held in Finnish and in English. In Kuopio, March 17 2008 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS' PROPOSALS TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD ON 15 APRIL 2008 1. Matters that shall be dealt with in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders pursuant to the Articles of Association and the Companies Act The distributable funds in the Company's balance sheet as per 31 December 2007 amount to EUR 7,995,924.86. The Board proposes that from the retained earnings a dividend of 3.366 cents (EUR 0.03366) per share is to be paid out on the shares of the Company. The current number of shares of the Company is 88,000,000, based on which the maximum amount to be distributed as dividend is EUR 2,962,080. The Board of the company proposes that the profit of the financial year shall be transferred to the company's unrestricted equity. The dividend will be paid to shareholders registered in the Register of Shareholders of Powerflute held by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on the record date, 18 April 2008. The Board proposes that the dividend be paid on or about 6 May 2008. 2. Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board to resolve to repurchase Powerflute's shares The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the Board to resolve to repurchase a maximum of 8.8 million Powerflute shares by using funds in the unrestricted shareholders' equity. The proposed amount of shares corresponds to less than ten percent of all shares of the Company. The shares may be repurchased under the proposed authorisation in order to develop the capital structure of the company and in order to finance or carry out acquisitions or other arrangements, to settle the Company's equity based incentive plans, to be transferred for other purposes or to be cancelled. The price paid for the shares repurchased under the authorisation shall be based on the market price of Powerflute shares in public trading. The minimum price to the paid would be the lowest market price of the share quoted in the public trading during the authorisation period and the maximum price the highest market price quoted during the authorisation period. The repurchases under the authorisation are proposed to be carried out by using funds in the unrestricted shareholders equity which means that the repurchases will reduce funds available for distribution of profits. The authorisation for repurchases is proposed to be carried out, as to be determined by the Board, through public trading and on such stock exchange(s) the rules of which allow companies to trade with their own shares. The shares would be repurchased in another proportion than that of current shareholders. The Company may enter into derivative, share lending or other arrangements customary in capital markets practice within the limits set by the applicable laws and regulations. In repurchases through public trading, the Company will follow the rules and guidelines regarding, among others, the determination of the repurchase price, settlement and disclosure of trades, of the stock exchange on which the repurchase is carried out. A prerequisite for a repurchase through public trading as determined above, or for and otherwise directed repurchase, is that there are important financial grounds from the Company's perspective for the repurchase. It is proposed that the authorisation be effective until 30 June 2009. 3. Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board to resolve on a share issue and granting of option and other specific rights entitling to the shares The Board proposes that the General Meeting shall authorise the Board to resolve on the issuance of up to 88,000,000 shares through a share issue or granting of options or other special rights entitling to shares pursuant to chapter 10, section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act. The authorisations are proposed to be utilised in one or several issues. The Board may resolve to give either new shares or shares in the company's possession. The amount of the proposed authorisation regarding the shares corresponds to approximately the current number of shares in the Company. The authorisation is proposed to include the right to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right. The authorisation is proposed to be used for material arrangements from the company's point of view, such as financing or implementing business arrangements or investments or for other such purposes determined by the Board in which case a weighty financial reason for issuing shares, options or other specific share entitlements and possibly directing a share issue would exist. The authorisation is proposed to be effective until 30 June 2009 and it would revoke previous authorisations granted for the Board to issue new shares. The Board proposes that the Board would be authorised to decide on all other terms and conditions of a share issue, options and other specific share entitlements as referred to in chapter 10, section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, including the payment period, determination grounds for the subscription price and subscription price or allocation of shares, options or other specific rights free of charge or that the subscription price may be paid besides in cash also by other assets either partially or entirely. 4. Board of Director's proposal to authorise the Board of Directors to pass resolution on the payment of dividend The Board proposes to that the Annual General Meeting would authorise the Board to resolve on the distribution of dividend pursuant to chapter 13, section 6 of the Finnish Companies Act. On the basis of the authorisation, the Board may decide on the distribution of dividend so that the amount of dividend on the basis of the authorisation in total does not exceed 1.681 cents (EUR 0.01681) per share, or in total EUR 1,480,000. Dividend may be distributed one or several times. The authorisation is proposed to be valid until the beginning of the next Annual General Meeting but in any case until 15 April 2009 at the latest. The eventual decisions on the payment of such dividend would, however, be made and such dividend, if any, would be paid during second half of 2008. In Helsinki on 17 March 2008 Powerflute Plc. The Board of Directors Contacts For additional information please contact: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Powerflute OYJ | | C/O Billy Clegg | | Dermot Smurfit (Chairman) | | +44 (0)20 7269 7157 | | Don Coates (Chief Executive | | | | Officer) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Financial Dynamics: | | +44 (0)20 7831 3113 | | Billy Clegg | | | | Georgina Bonham | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Details of AGM
| Source: Powerflute Oyj