Q Vara's financial results for the 12 months of 2007

According to Q Vara AS's bond issue terms' sub clause 13.3.2, Q Vara hereby
presents the consolidated unaudited financial results for the 12 months of

1. Management report

1.1. Sofia project

In the second half of 2007 Q Vara realized its Sofia project that was purchased
in 2006 when Q Vara invested 2 984 thousand euros. As a result of the sales
transaction Q Vara received altogether 5 937 thousand euros from loan
repayments and the sale of shares. The project's significant value increase
resulted from the market development but even more from the project volume
growth through the development activities. The project's sales decision was
based on a very good offer from the buyer and a high return on investment
resulting from that. The sales proceeds were used for partial repayment of high
yield loans from AS Gild Arbitrage and for financing Silukalni project's
construction works and Jonathan project's planning. The profit from the sale of
Sofia project is recorded under the financial expenses in the profit and loss

1.2. Sales and margins

Q Vara's consolidated sales revenues were 85 517 estonian kroons (hereinafter
“kroons”) in 2007 that was 35% more than in 2006. The largest part of the total
revenues was  derived from AS Q Vara's sales revenues in Estonia (62 977
thousand kroons) that was followed by the SIA Q Estate's sales revenues in
Latvia (19 043 thousand kroons). The sales revenues of other group companies
were lower and formed the remainder. The gross profit from the sales in Estonia
was 18 283 thousand kroons but in Latvia there was a gross loss that amounted
13 991 thousand kroons. The 29% gross margin in Estonia was as expected but the
negative gross margin in Latvia was extraordinary. The results in Latvia were
influenced by ten apartments in Silukalni project that were sold in in 2005 but
that were finished and handed over in 2007 which caused the construction price
to exceed the sales price. Based on this Q Vara's management considered
seriously Silukalni project's inventory revaluation but after consulting the
auditors and construction specialists and receiving the updated construction
budget it decided that the revaluation is not necessary. More specifically the
decision was based on the decreased construction prices in Latvia. 

1.3. Financial expenses

The 2007 results were significantly affected by financial expenses that
consisted of the interest expense of AS Gild Arbitrage's loan (19 917 thousand
kroons) and bond issue interest expense (8 616 thousand kroons). Still the net
financial result was positive as a result of the profit from the sale of Sofia
project. In the second half of 2007 the amount of AS Gild Arbitrage's loan was
reduced by repaying 36 739 thousand kroons and the remaining 47 253 thousand
kroon amount is expected to be repaid during 2008. The repayment of of AS Gild
Arbitrage's loan will reduce Q Vara's financial expenses significantly. 

1.4. General development expense to sales revenue ratio

By the beginning of 2007 Q Vara was built up considering much higher growth and
larger development volume than 2007 actually brought. Because of the changes
that took place in the market and the decreased volume of simultaneously
developed projects the management of Q Vara started to reduce general
development expenses. The general development expenses are expected to be 30%
lower in 2008 than the same expenses were in 2007. Personnel and office
expenses were the main cost reduction areas. 

1.5. Revenue expectation

The revenue expectation for 2008 is 200 - 250 million kroons from which the
conservative gross margin expectation is 20%. As a result of the increased
revenues and the cost reduction that was described in the last paragraph the
gross profit covers the group's general development expenses in 2008 again. The
revenue forecast is based on the fact that Q Vara has five projects
simultaneously in the sales phase - Kirsiaed and Terminal No. 11 in Estonia,
Silukalni and 365 in Latvia and Trophy in in Lithuania. All projects sell
products to different customer segments in different markets that creates wider
client base compared to 2007. The forecast also assumes very slow sales pace
which is derived from the actual sales figures of Kirsiaed in 2007. So actually
the company's internal goals exceed the forecasts presented above. 

1.6. Trophy project

Q Vara's first project in Lithuania received the detail plan in the second half
of 2007 and the construction permit in the first quarter of 2008. The project's
construction is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2008 and the
construction period will be 12 months. In January 2008 the pre-sales was
launched and by March 6, 2008 already 6 appartments out of 31 were pre-sold at
the average price of 43 185 kroons per sqm. There are negotiations going on
with three additional clients. Considering that the marketing campaign has not
been launched yet the sales results have been very successful. 

1.7. Maakri

During 2007 Maakri project went through significant developments. In addition
to the establishment of AS Maakri City in the first half of 2007 the initial
task for the architectural competition was finished in the fourth quarter.  The
initial task was presented to the City of Tallinn that started to prepare the
competition. The initial task was based on the finished traffic analysis and
hydrogeological survey that both support more than 100 000 sqm development
volume in Maakri block. Q Vara's subsidiary OÜ Stansfield holds approximately
20% share of the whole land area in the Maakri Block. According to the
management's estimations the Maakri project's potential value in case of
positive developments significantly exceeds its current balance sheet value. 

1.8. Terminal No. 11 project

Because of the banks' very conservative outlook in the Baltic countries Q Vara
began searching long-term financial investors into its development projects.
Terminal No. 11 was the first project that reached the detailed negotiations
phase and on March 3, 2008 Q Vara signed a letter of intent with a German
company HIH Global Invest GmbH for raising 73 383 thousand kroons of additional
capital into the project. The transaction structure as agreed in the LOI was
disclosed in Q Vara's stock exchange release on March 5, 2008. Q Vara is also
in negotiations with other investors with whome the company expects to start
cooperation on various new projects. 

1.9. Cash flows

Managing the cash flows was difficult in 2007 because most of Q Vara's projects
were in the development (cost) phase. The additional pressure on cash flows was
generated by decreased demand in the real estate market and by the changes in
banks' financing policy. In order to strengthen the cash flows Q Vara decreased
general and financial expenses in 2007 and started raising project specific
long-term capital from financial investors. In 2008 also the  increased sales
revenues will improve cash flows considerably. 

2. Financial results

2.1. Operating revenues

Q Vara's consolidated operating revenues for the twelve months in 2007 amounted
120 494 thousand kroons (2006: 227 643 thousand kroons). The total amount
consisted of the following items: 85 517 thousand kroons from sales (2006: 63
231 thousand kroons), 31 306 thousand kroons from real estate investments'
revaluation (2006: 161 545 thousand kroons) and 3 671 thousand kroons from
other revenues (2006: 2 867 thousand kroons). 

Lower operating revenues were the result of significantly smaller amount of
real estate investments' revaluation profit (compared to 2006 the real estate
investments' revaluation profit decreased by 130 239 thousand kroons) which in
the current market situation is a logical change. The company's management
estimates that as of the end of 2007 the fair values of Maakri and Terminal No.
11 projects significantly exceeded the balance sheet values but to be
conservative in the today's unclear market the management decided not to
revalue the projects. 

2.2. Net result

Q Vara's consolidated net loss for the 12 months of 2007 was 17 920 thousand
kroons (2006 net profit: 79 831 thousand kroons). The main factors that caused
the negative net result were Silukalni project's gross loss, high financial
expenses and large general development expenses compared to the sales revenues.
Q Vara will improve considerably its net result as described in the following
previous paragraphs “Financial expenses”, “General development expenses to
sales revenue ratio” and “Revenue expectation”. 

2.3. Loans

In the end of 2007 the outstanding amount of received short- and long-term
loans was 399 352 thousand kroons (2006: 305 105 thousand kroons). The increase
in the outstanding loan amount was caused mainly by the increased construction
loans of Terminal No. 11 and 365 projects. 

2.4. Retained earnings

In the last quarter of 2007 Q Vara made several adjustments in the retained
earnings. Firstly the retained earnings were reduced by 52 000 thousand kroons
according to the capital reduction decision that was made in December 2006.
Secondly the retained earnings were reduced by 7 000 thousand kroons because
the final Pärnu mnt. project's sales price was reduced. The price reduction was
agreed with the buyers because the construction volume compared to the volume
on which the initial transaction price was based on was reduced by the planning
authorities. The remaining adjustments in the retained earnings were dividend
payments and correction of the previous periods' cost items. 

2.5. Balance sheet

As a result of the retained earnings reduction and Q Vara's net loss from 2007,
the equity amount on the balance sheet amounted 223 663 thousand kroons. The
asset amount was 813 018 thousand kroons so the equity formed 27,5% of the
total assets. Q Vara's shareholder OÜ SLProductions intends to invest up to
three million euros of additional funds into the company through equity
investment or subordinated debt by the end of the third quarter 2008 to
increase the equity amount. 

3. Q Vara's consolidated profit and loss statement for the 12 months of 2007

                                     01.01.2007-   01.01.2006-
                                     31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EEK  thousand EEK

Operating revenues
  Sales revenues                         85 517        63 231
  Change in RE investments' value        31 306       161 545
  Other operating revenues                3 671         2 867
Total operating revenues                120 494       227 643

Operating expenses
  Cost of construction                  -77 728       -63 789
  Direct development costs               -1 781        -8 950
  Development overhead costs            -43 168       -23 326
  Marketing costs                       -10 410        -9 459
  Administrative expenses                -1 773        -1 940
  Other operating expenses               -6 135        -6 929
Total operating expenses               -140 995       114 393
Operating profit                        -20 501       113 250

  Financial income and expenses           3 255        -3 046
Pre-tax profit                          -17 246       110 204
  Deferred income tax                      -165
  Income tax from dividends                -451       -10 787
  Real estate tax                           -58           -59

Net profit (loss)                       -17 920        99 358
  Mother company's shareholders' share  -21 599        79 831
  Minority share                          3 679        19 527

                                     01.01.2007-   01.01.2006-
                                     31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EUR  thousand EUR
Operating revenues
  Sales revenues                          5 466         4 041
  Change in RE investments' value         2 001        10 325
  Other operating revenues                  235           183
Total operating revenues                  7 701        14 549

Operating expenses
  Cost of construction                   -4 968        -4 077
  Direct development costs                 -114          -572
  Development overhead costs             -2 759        -1 491
  Marketing costs                          -665          -605
  Administrative expenses                  -113          -124
  Other operating expenses                 -392          -443
Total operating expenses                 -9 011        -7 311
Operating profit                         -1 310         7 238

  Financial income and expenses             208          -195
Pre-tax profit                           -1 102         7 043

  Deferred income tax                       -11          
  Income tax from dividends                 -29          -689
  Real estate tax                            -4            -4
Net profit (loss)                        -1 145         6 350
  Mother company's shareholders' share   -1 380         5 102
  Minority share                            235         1 248

5. Q Vara's consolidated balance sheet as of 31.12.2007

                                     31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EEK  thousand EEK
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents              10 879         1 116
  Accounts receivable                    28 023         4 174
  Short-term loans                       21 572        74 334
  Other short-term receivables           23 698        48 645
  Interest receivables                    3 297         6 677
  Prepayments                             2 247        25 908
  Real estate for sale                  437 686       216 043
Total current assets                    527 402       376 897

Non-current assets
  Long-term loans                             0         5 760
  Other long-term receivables               301
  Associated companies                   32 618        32 618
  Real estate investments               242 423       338 250
  Tangible and intangible assets         10 274         8 826
  Goodwill                                    0         2 886
Total non-current assets                285 616       388 340
Total assets                            813 018       765 237
Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                       362 121      290 169
  Capital lease liabilities                  566        1 149
  Customer prepayments                     7 723        5 577
  Accounts payable                        28 953       22 163
  Personnel related liabilities            2 942        2 650
  Interest liabilities                    17 727       14 164
  Tax liabilities                          1 432            0
  Other short-term liabilities            23 781            0
Total current liabilities                445 245      335 872
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loans                         37 231       14 936
  Other long-term payables                     0           90
  Issued bonds                            78 223       76 863
  Capital lease liabilities                1 492        5 468
  Deferred income tax                     27 154       27 040
Total non-current liabilities            144 110      124 397
Total liabilities                        589 355      460 269
Mother company's shareholders' equity
  Share capital                          181 511       73 511
  Reserves                                 7 361        7 361
  Unrealized exchange rate differences    -1 362          177
  Retained earnings                      -16 258      175 231
Mother company's shareholders' equity    171 252      256 280
Minority share                            52 411       48 688
Total equity                             223 663      304 968
Total liabilities and equity             813 018      765 237

                                     31.12.2007    31.12.2006
                                      Unaudited       Audited
                                   thousand EUR  thousand EUR

Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                 695           71
  Accounts receivable                     1 791          267
  Short-term loans                        1 379        4 751
  Other current receivables               1 515        3 109
  Interest receivables                      211          427
  Prepayments                               144        1 657
  Real estate for sale                   27 973       13 808
Total current assets                     33 707       24 090
Non-current assets
  Long-term loans                             0          368
  Other long-term receivables                19
  Associated companies                    2 085        2 085
  Real estate investments                15 494       21 618
  Tangible and intangible assets            657          564
  Godwill                                     0          184
Total non-current assets                 18 254       24 819
Total assets                             51 961       48 909

Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                       23 144       18 545
  Capital lease liabilities                  36           74
  Customer prepayments                      494          357
  Accounts payable                        1 850        1 416
  Personnel related liabilities             188          169
  Other short-term liabilities            1 133            0
  Interest liabilities                       92          905
  Tax liabilities                         1 520            0
Total current liabilities                28 456       21 467
Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loans                         2 379          955
  Other long-term liabilities                 0            6
  Issued bonds                            4 999        4 912
  Capital lease liabilities                  95          349
  Deferred income tax liabilities         1 735        1 728
Total non-current liabilities             9 210        7 950
Total liabilities                        37 667       29 417
Mother company's shareholders' equity
  Share capital                          11 601        4 698
  Reserves                                  470          470
  Unrealized exchage rate differences       -87           13
  Retained earnings                      -1 039       11 197
Mother company's shareholders' equity    10 945       16 378
Minority share                            3 350        3 114
Total equity                             14 295       19 492
Total liabilities and equity             51 961       49 909

Additional information:
Meelis Šokman
Chairman of the management board
Q Vara AS
Phone: 668 1600


q vara ivq 2007 english.pdf