STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                                          
26 March 2008 at 3.00 pm.                                                       


The Annual General Meeting of Stromsdal Corporation (AGM) held on Wednesday 26  
March 2008 resolved to approve the financial statement for the financial period 
which ended on 31 December 2007 and to discharge the members of the Board of    
Directors and the managing director from personal liability.                    

The AGM resolved in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors that,
due to the fact that the company made no profits during the financial period, no
dividend shall be distributed.                                                  

The AGM elected the members of the Board of Directors for the company for a term
ending on the conclusion of the AGM in 2009. Current members of the board of    
directors, Managing Director Mr. Harry Salonaho, Managing Director Mr. Alexander
Ehrnrooth, Attorney at Law Mr. Juhani Erma, Mayor Mr. Petri Kangasperko and     
Project Manager Ms. Pirjo Repo were re-elected. Managing Director Mr. Eduard    
Paulig was elected as the new ordinary member. The meeting of the Board of      
Directors held immediately after the AGM elected Mr. Harry Salonaho as the      
chairman of the Board of Directors.                                             

Authorized Public Accounting Firm Ernst & Young Ltd, with Ms. Eija Niemi-Nikkola
as auditor in charge, was re-elected the company's auditor for a term ending at 
the closing of the next AGM.                                                    

The AGM resolved that the fees to be paid to the members of the Board of        
Directors shall be as follows:                                                  

The Chairman of the Board receives EUR 4,100 per month in compensation and EUR  
600 for each meeting of the Board or of a Board-appointed committee attended.   
The Board members receive EUR 1,000 per month in compensation and EUR 500 for   
each meeting of the Board or of a Board-appointed committee attended.           

Reduction of funds of unrestricted capital and Share Capital                    

The AGM resolved that the fund for unrestricted equity established in year 2002 
(EUR 2,025,936.63) and the fund for invested unrestricted equity (EUR           
5,100,399.45), total EUR 7,126,336.08, are used in full to cover the confirmed  
loss in the balance sheet.                                                      

The AGM further resolved that the registered share capital of the Company, EUR  
10,102,906.80, is reduced without compensation by EUR 3,181,441.98 after which  
reduction the Company's share capital to be registered will be EUR 6,921,464.82,
which is divided into 27,515,399 shares.                                        

Of the amount of the share capital reduction, EUR 3,181,441.98 shall be used to 
cover the confirmed loss in the balance sheet in accordance with the provisions 
in Chapter 14, Section 1.1 of the Finnish Companies Act.                        

No actions or measures are required by the shareholders. The changes in the     
share capital and in the book value of shares become effective upon             

The reduction of share capital as resolved results into restriction on          
distribution of profits during the next three years according to Chapter 14,    
Section 2.2 of the Finnish Companies Act.                                       

Authorization of the Board of Directors to decide on share issue and to transfer
shares in the company being in the possession of the company                    

The AGM resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the issuing of
new shares of the company and on the right to transfer shares of the company    
that are in the possession of the company. New shares may be issued and own     
shares in the possession of the company may be transferred either against       
consideration or free of charge to the shareholders of the company in proportion
to their ownership in the company or, in deviation from the shareholders'       
pre-emptive subscription right, by a directed share issue if there exists a     
weighty economic reason for such an issue from the company's perspective. A     
directed share issue may be executed free of charge only if there exists an     
especially weighty economic reason for the company and taking into account the  
interests of all shareholders.                                                  

The authorization includes the right to issue special rights as meant in Chapter
10 Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, which rights would entitle the holder
to receive, against payment, new shares in the company or own shares of the     
company being in the possession of the company either by paying the subscription
price in cash or by using a receivable from the company to set off the          
subscription price.                                                             

A maximum amount of 20,000,000 new shares may be issued. A maximum amount of    
1,100,000 own shares in the possession of the company may be transferred.       

In addition, the authorization includes the right to decide on a share issue to 
the company itself free of charge so that, as a result, the aggregate amount of 
shares issued to the company is a maximum of one tenth (1/10) of the total      
amount of shares in the company. This amount includes all the shares in the     
company being in the possession of the company itself or in the possession of   
any of its affiliated companies as set out in Chapter 15 Section 11 Paragraph 1 
of the Finnish Companies Act.                                                   

The board of directors is entitled to decide on any other issues related with   
the share issues.                                                               

The authorization is in force for one year as of the decision of the AGM. The   
authorization revokes the authorization decided by the shareholders' meeting on 
29 March 2007.                                                                  

The Managing Director's overview                                                

In connection with the AGM the Managing Director of the company Mr. Mikael      
Åbacka presented an overview regarding the present economic situation of the    
company and future plans. The Managing Director's overview is available on the  
homepage of the company at                                   

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Mikael Åbacka                                                                   
Managing Director                                                               
tel. +358 400 737 452                                                           

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main Media                                                                      

STROMSDAL is a forest based industry company and its board mill is located in   
Juankoski, Finland. Stromsdal's sales and customer service network covers more  
than 30 countries, mainly in Europe.                                            

For demanding printing jobs Stromsdal offers its customers premium-quality      
graphical boards - GraphiArt Duo and GraphiArt Pro - with excellent combination 
of printability, brightness and stiffness. For food-packaging Stromsdal offers  
its speciality environmentally friendly product - Tecta - a dispersion coated   
barrier board, which is 100 per cent plastic-free, bio degradable and fully     

Stromsdal's shares are listed on the Small Cap segment of the Helsinki Stock    
Exchange (OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy) under the company code STM1V.        

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Juankoskentie 7 A, P.O.Box 33, FI-73501 Juankoski                               
Tel. +358 17 688 641, Fax +358 17 612 008