Annual General Meeting in HiQ International AB (publ)

Annual General Meeting in HiQ International AB (publ)

The Board of Directors of HiQ International AB (publ) hereby gives notice to the
Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the attached Notice. The Annual
General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 30 April 2008 at 10.00 a.m. at the
Company's premises in Stockholm at Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, 9th floor.

At the general meeting inter alia the following proposals will be presented:
• The Board of Directors proposes that a share split 2:1 combined with a
compulsory redemption procedure shall be carried out. The procedure will imply
that each share will split into one ordinary share and one redemption share. The
redemption share will then be redeemed for SEK 1.30 per share, representing a
transfer of approximately SEK 66 million to the Company's shareholders. This
proposal replaces the Board's earlier communicate dividend proposal of SEK 1.30
per share.

• The Nomination Committee has proposed that the following directors shall be
re-elected: Gunnel Duveblad, Ken Gerhardsen, Lars Stugemo, Anders Ljungh, Leila
Swärd Ramberg, Christina Ragsten Pettersson and Jukka Norokorpi. Anders Ljungh
is proposed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

• The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting authorises the Board
of Directors to pass a resolution on one or more occasions for the period up
until the next Annual General Meeting on purchasing so many shares that the
Company's holding does not at any time exceed 10 percent of the total number of
shares in the Company.

• The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting adopts a resolution
to issue not more than 1,250,000 warrants. The right to subscribe for the
warrants shall inure to the wholly owned subsidiary HiQ Stockholm AB, which
shall transfer the warrants to current and future employees of the group in
Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The purpose of the proposal is to create
opportunities to keep and to recruit competent employees to the HiQ group and to
increase the motivation amongst the employees.

• The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors shall be
authorised to resolve on an issue against payment in kind of no more than
5,000,000 shares, at one or several occasions, during the period until the next
Annual General Meeting in connection with acquisitions.

• Proposal to establish a Nominating Committee.

• Guidelines for determining salary and other remuneration to the managing
director and other persons in the company's management.

For further information, please see the enclosed notice.

HiQ International AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

For questions, please contact:
Lars Stugemo, CEO HiQ International, tel. +46 8 588 90 000 or Anna Jennehov,
Head of Corporate Commucations HiQ International, tel. +46 8 588 900 49 or +46
704 200 049

HiQ är ett IT- och managementkonsultföretag som arbetar med högteknologiska
lösningar inom kommunikation, programvaruutveckling och simuleringsteknik.
Bolaget är ledande inom dessa områden och har Norden som hemmamarknad. HiQ har
fler än 1000 anställda med kontor i Norden och Östeuropa. HiQ är noterat på den
Nordiska Börsens midcap-lista. För mer information, besök

