Resolutions adopted by the annual general meeting of SwitchCore

At today's  annual  general  meeting,  resolutions  were  adopted  in
accordance with the proposals made public prior to the meeting.

Accordingly,  the  general  meeting  resolved  that  no  dividend  be
declared.  Erwin  Leichtle  was  re-elected  as  board  member.   Per
Andersson and Lars  H Bruzelius  resigned and two  new board  members
were appointed, Bengt Stillström and Hans Frisk. Bengt Stillström was
elected chairman of the board. Deloitte AB was re-elected auditor  of
the company. The authorised public accountant Torbjörn Svensson  will
replace Per-Arne  Pettersson as  auditor  in charge.  Furthermore,  a
resolution  regarding  the  work  of  the  nomination  committee  was

For further information, please contact:
Erwin Leichtle, President & CEO SwitchCore AB (publ)
Phone: +46 70 338 93 00

About SwitchCore
SwitchCore's headquarters are in Lund, Sweden. The company is  listed
on the  OMX Nordic  Exchange Stockholm  (Small Cap)  (ticker:  SCOR).
Since the company's  decision, in the  spring of 2007,  to draw up  a
balance sheet for liquidation purposes,  the company has been  placed
on the observation  list. For further  information about  SwitchCore,
please visit

The information  in this  press release  is such  that SwitchCore  AB
(publ) may be required  under the Securities Markets  Act to make  it
public. The information was submitted for publication at [01:30] [pm]
CET on 1 April 2008.


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