Media Alert: Press Conference - Saturday - Southern California Becoming the Puppy Mill Capital of the West Coast, Says Last Chance for Animals!

Beverly Hills Puppy Store Used Local Puppy Mills! Puppy Store Stops Selling Puppies After 3 Months of Pressure From Last Chance for Animals, Best Friends Animal Society and Concerned Citizens

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - April 4, 2008) -

WHEN:     Saturday, April 5, 2008
          11:30 a.m.

WHERE:    Posh Puppy Store
          9699 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA  90212
          (Cross street Roxbury, across from Neiman Marcus)

WHAT:     Beverly Hills, CA:  Last Chance for Animals (LCA), Best Friends
          Animals Society and concerned citizens are holding a press
          conference in front of the Posh Puppy Store in Beverly Hills.
          Through undercover investigation, LCA has discovered that
          Los Angeles County is riddled with puppy mills and these mills
          are supplying Los Angeles pet stores, like Posh Puppy.  Posh
          Puppy has two store locations: Beverly Hills has stopped selling
          puppies, according to Posh Puppy employees, but the store in
          Tarzana continues to exploit animals.  LCA and Best Friends in
          no way wants Posh Puppy to go out of business, we only want Posh
          Puppy to stop selling live animals at both locations.  We would
          welcome the opportunity to be able promote Posh Puppy as a
          humane pet store and help boost their business.

WHO:      LCA spokesperson, Carole Raphaelle Davis, author of "The Diary of
          Jinky, Dog of a Hollywood Wife."  Last Chance for Animals (LCA)
          is an international non-profit animal advocacy organization based
          in Los Angeles. LCA's roots began in investigating and exposing
          the inherent cruelty of animal research. LCA fights for the
          rights of animals by conducting investigations that expose animal
          cruelty, launching public awareness campaigns, pushing animal
          friendly legislation and assisting in prosecutions of animal
          abusers.  For additional information on LCA and its activities,

CONTACT:  To schedule an interview with Carole Raphaelle Davis, please call
          Katya Lidsky at 617-233-6538, or e-mail

Contact Information: Media Contact: Katya Lidsky 617-233-6538