Baar (Switzerland) - At the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, the shareholders of Sika AG approved all proposals put forward by the Board of Directors and resolved to distribute a dividend to shareholders representing roughly 33% of consolidated net profit.
Some 500 shareholders attended the Annual General Meeting of Sika AG on April 8, 2008 in Cham, which was headed by Dr. Walter Grüebler, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The Annual General Meeting approved a proposal to distribute a dividend to shareholders of CHF 45.00 per bearer share (prior year: CHF 31.20), and CHF 7.50 (prior year: CHF 5.20) per registered share. The payout totals altogether CHF 114.3 mn, representing roughly 33% of consolidated net profit.
All other proposals put forward by the Board of Directors were also approved.
Furthermore the shareholders confirmed the Member of the Board of Directors Urs Burkard for a further period of office of three years.
Sika AG
Zugerstrasse 50
CH-6341 Baar, Switzerland
Contact: Rainer Weihofen,
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +41 58 436 68 00
Fax: +41 58 436 68 50
Sika AG - a corporate profile
Sika AG, located in Baar, Switzerland, is a globally active company supplying the specialty chemicals markets. It is a leader in processing materials used in sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures in construction (buildings and infrastructure construction) and in industry (vehicle, building component and equipment production).
Sika's product lines feature high-quality concrete admixtures, specialty mortars, sealants and adhesives, damping and reinforcing materials, structural strengthening systems, industrial flooring and membranes.
Subsidiaries in more than 70 countries worldwide and approximately 11,700 employees link customers directly to Sika and guarantee the success of all of its business relationships. With this business structure Sika generates annual sales of CHF 4.6 billion. Visit our website at
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