Correction: Motions were missing THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF LANDSBANKI ÍSLANDS HF. WILL BE HELD AT GRAND HÓTEL, SIGTÚN 38, 105 REYKJAVÍK ON WEDNESDAY, 23 APRIL 2008, AT 4 PM Agenda: 1. Report from the Board of Directors on the Bank's activities during the past operating year. 2. The annual financial statements for the past operating year, together with a report from the auditors, shall be placed before the meeting for endorsement. 3. Decision on disposition of profit from the last accounting year. 4. Decision on the reduction of share capital and cancellation of own shares. 5. Decision on increasing share capital by issuing bonus shares. 6. Election of the Board of Directors. 7. Election of the auditors. 8. A motion authorising Landsbanki to purchase or accept as collateral as much as 10% of its own shares. 9. Motions amending the Articles of Association 10. Motion that the Remuneration Policy of Landsbanki Íslands hf. be submitted for re-approval. 11. Motion by the Board of Directors on the 2008 contribution to Landsbanki's Cultural Fund and to amend the Fund's charter. 12. A decision on remuneration to members of the Board of Directors for the next term of office. 13. Other matters, raised as provided for by law. Motions from shareholders which are to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting must have been received by the Board of Directors in writing no later than Friday, 18 April 2008. Nominations to the Board of Directors must be submitted no later than five days prior to the Annual General Meeting The meeting agenda, final motions, report from the Board of Directors and Landsbanki's annual financial statements, together with the auditors' report, shall be available at the bank's headquarters, Austurstræti 11, Reykjavík, for inspection by shareholders one week prior to the Annual General Meeting. Information on nominations to the Board of Directors shall be made available two days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This documentation shall also be available on the Landsbanki website, It is moved that the AGM approve a reduction in Landsbanki's share capital amounting to ISK 300,000,000 nominal value by cancelling treasury shares. Furthermore, it is moved that the AGM approve an increase in share capital through a bonus issue amounting to ISK 300,000,000 nominal value. The following amendments are proposed to the company's Articles of Association: that the AGM authorise an increase in Landsbanki's share capital of up to ISK 1,200,000,000 with subscriptions for new shares. Shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights to the new shares, as provided for in of Art. 34 of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies. An amendment is proposed to the wording of the second sentence of the fourth paragraph of Article 7 of the Articles of Association, to read that dividends shall be paid to parties listed in the shareholders' register after settlement of transactions at closing on the date of the AGM. A motion is submitted that the AGM approve an authorisation to issue convertible bonds amounting to up to ISK 60,000,000,000 as well as an increase in share capital of up to ISK 1,500,000,000 nominal value in connection with such issue. Shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights as provided for in Art. 34 of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies, to any new shares issued due to convertible bonds. Finally a motion is made to add a new paragraph to Art. 11 of the Articles of Association, authorising electronic communication with shareholders. Voting ballots and other meeting documentation will be provided to attendees at the entrance to the meeting venue prior to the commencement of the meeting. Shareholders have the option of voting electronically on motions submitted to the AGM; for details, see Landsbanki's website . Shareholders are advised to acquaint themselves with the motions prior to the AGM. For further information, contact Gunnar Viðar, Director of Legal Advisory, tel. +354 410-7740. MOTIONS: As provided for in Point 3 of the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Motion by the Board of Directors on the Disposition of Profit for the 2007 Accounting Year Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Disposition of Profit The AGM approves that the bank's 2007 profit, after taxes and minority interest, amounting to ISK 39,949 million, shall be used to increase the equity of Landsbanki Íslands hf. Note on the Motion A proposal is made that all profit in 2007 be used to increase the bank's equity. No dividend will be paid at this time. As provided for in Point 4 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion by the Board of Directors to reduce share capital Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Reduction of Share Capital The AGM of Landsbanki Íslands hf. agrees to reduce the bank's share capital by ISK 300,000,000 nominal value, by cancelling treasury shares held by Landsbanki Íslands hf. in this amount. Landsbanki's share capital thereafter will be ISK 10,892,754,087 nominal value. Note on the Motion A motion is made that part of Landsbanki's own shares be used to reduce the bank's share capital. The decrease will not be disbursed to shareholders, but instead share capital will be reduced by the nominal value of these own shares. The purpose of the share capital decrease is to reduce Landsbanki's holdings of own shares. Legal grounds for the share capital reduction are to be found in the fourth sentence of the first paragraph of Art. 54 of the Act on Public Limited Companies, No. 2/1995. According to the second paragraph of Art. 54 of this same Act, following a share capital decrease, capital at least equivalent to the reduction must be placed in a capital redemption reserve. No call notice to creditors will be required, since full payment has been made for the shares cancelled, cf. the third paragraph of Article 54 of that same Act. The action merely constitutes a transfer within the equity base and does not result in any change to the holdings of individual shareholders. A reduction in share capital of this type is not regarded as a distribution for taxable purposes, as defined by the Income Tax Act No. 90/2003, obviating the necessity of withholding tax on capital income at source, as provided for in Act No. 94/1996, on Withholding Tax on Capital Income. As provided for in Point 5 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion from the Board of Directors to increase share capital by issuing bonus shares. Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Increase in share capital by issuing bonus shares Landsbanki's AGM approves the issue of bonus shares of ISK 300,000,000 nominal value, in accordance with Art. 43 of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies. Following the issue of bonus shares, Landsbanki's total share capital will be ISK 11,192,754,087 nominal value. Bonus shares will be issued to shareholders in the shareholders' registry following settlement of transactions prior to closing on the date of the AGM. Note on the Motion In tandem with the cancellation of treasury shares, reducing the bank's share capital, the bank's management deems it necessary to take measures to maintain the nominal value of its share capital unchanged. The issue of bonus shares would not result in changes to the relative holdings of individual shareholders, since it represents merely a redistribution of share capital. Nor does this involve a taxable distribution, as the issue complies with the second sentence of the first paragraph of Art. 11 the Income Tax Act No. 90/2003, with the result that Landsbanki Íslands hf. is not responsible for withholding tax on capital income at source, as provided for in Act No. 94/1996, on Withholding Tax on Capital Income. Shareholders' attention is drawn to the fact that the initial cost of the shares acquired by shareholders through the bonus issue is zero and therefore capital income tax must be paid on the full selling price of the shares when they are eventually sold. Landsbanki Íslands hf. has received a Binding Opinion from the Directorate of Internal Revenue, affirming that a reduction in share capital, undertaken for the purpose of disposing of Landsbanki's own shares, and subsequent share capital increase by issuing bonus shares, does not comprise a taxable distribution to shareholders. As a result of these two actions, shareholders will clearly own shares of higher nominal value than previously. While their relative holdings of Landsbanki's outstanding share capital will remain unchanged, their holdings in terms of registered share capital will be altered. As provided for in Point 7 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion to elect auditors Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Election of the auditors. The Annual General Meeting of Landsbanki Íslands hf. elects PricewaterhouseCoopers hf. as the Company's auditor for the 2008 financial year. As provided for in Point 8 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion renewing the authorisation of the Bank's Board of Directors to purchase own shares Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Authorisation to purchase own shares The Annual General Meeting of Landsbanki Íslands hf. hereby authorises the Board of Directors to make a decision to purchase own shares, or to accept such shares as collateral, amounting to up to 10% of its share capital. The authorisation must be exercised within 18 months of its approval by the Annual General Meeting. Pursuant to this authorisation, the Bank may acquire own shares of up to ISK 1,119 million nominal value; if the Board of Directors avails itself of its authorisation to increase share capital, the nominal value provided for shall be increased in direct proportion. The purchase price of the shares shall not be higher than 10% above nor lower than 10% below the listed share price on OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland at the time of purchase. This authorisation shall replace an authorisation to acquire up to 10% of the Company's own share capital which was approved by its Annual General Meeting on 9 February 2007. The CEOs are also authorised to take all further decisions on the implementation of such transactions. As provided for in Point 9 of the Agenda of the AGM Motions amending the Articles of Association Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 1. Change in wording regarding payment of dividend The Annual General Meeting of Landsbanki Íslands hf. hereby agrees to amend to the wording of the second sentence of the fourth paragraph of Art. 7 of its Articles of Association, to read that dividends shall be paid to parties listed in the shareholders' register after settlement of transactions at closing on the date of the AGM. Following this amendment, the second sentence of the fourth paragraph of Art. 7 will read as follows: “Dividends shall be paid to parties listed in the shareholders' register after settlement of transactions at closing on the date of the AGM.” Note on the Motion This does not involve a change in the substance of the provision, but specifies more precisely that dividends will be paid to shareholders listed in the shareholders' register after settlement by the stock exchange of transactions taking place prior to closing on the date of the AGM. The Rules for Issuers published by OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland recommend that parties registered in the shareholders' register at closing on the record date, which is the third trading day after the date of the AGM, shall be entitled to a dividend, as settlement of transactions on the date of the AGM takes place on that day. 2. Authorisation to increase share capital The Annual General Meeting of Landsbanki Íslands hf. hereby agrees to amend the second paragraph of Article 4 of the company's Articles of Association to read as follows: The Company's Board of Directors is authorised to increase its share capital in stages, by up to ISK 1,200,000,000 nominal value with subscriptions for new shares. Shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights, as provided for in Art. 34 of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies, to new shares issued in accordance with this paragraph. The Board of Directors is authorised to determine the details of the price and terms of payment for such an increase. This authorisation shall be valid until 23 April 2013. The Board of Directors may decide to have subscribers pay for the new shares in part or in full by other means than cash payment. Note on the Motion Landsbanki's AGM on 9 February 2007 approved a motion by the Board of Directors to increase share capital by up to ISK 1,200,000,000 nominal value with subscriptions for new shares. Part of this authorisation was utilised for Landsbanki's acquisition of the UK securities broker Bridgewell (now part of Landsbanki Securities UK), concluded this past summer. If the motion as submitted is approved, it will replace and cancel the existing authorisation in Landsbanki's Articles of Association for a share capital increase of up to ISK 1,027,923,716 nominal value. The intention is to provide the Board of Directors with the same scope as decided at the preceding AGM to increase share capital. 3 Authorisation to issue convertible bonds Landsbanki's AGM approves the addition of a new paragraph to Art. 4 of the Articles of Association: The Board of Directors may issue convertible bonds in the maximum amount of ISK 60,000,000,000 - sixty billion - with terms authorising their conversion to shares in Landsbanki Íslands hf. The Company's Board of Directors is also authorised to increase its share capital by as much as ISK 1,500,000,000 - one billion five hundred million - nominal value to meet the company's obligations arising from the convertible bonds. Shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights to the new shares, as provided for in Art. 34 of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies. The new shares shall be of the same class and bear the same rights as other shares in the company. The new shares shall confer rights in the company from the date of registration of the share capital increase; no restrictions shall apply to transactions in the new shares. The Board of Directors shall in other respects determine the conditions of convertible bonds issued and the increase to share capital and, furthermore, in which stages the authorisation shall be utilised. The Board of Directors may also amend the company's Articles of Association as may be necessary due to the utilisation of the bond conversion rights. This authorisation shall be valid until 23 April 2013. Note on the Motion Loans with conversion rights grant the lender the right to convert its claims to share capital in Landsbanki under specific circumstances; under other circumstances this may be required, depending upon the individual contract. It is evident that financing by this means can result in a subsequent increase in share capital. Although no discussions have as yet taken place with lenders on borrowing of this sort, it is deemed advisable to increase Landsbanki's flexibility to eventually seek funding on domestic as well as foreign markets. 4. Electronic communications and e-mail Landsbanki's AGM approves the addition of a new paragraph to Art. 11 of the Articles of Association, which will comprise the fourth paragraph of Article 11. The new paragraph will read as follows: “For purposes of communication with shareholders, Landsbanki may use electronic communications and e-mail to distribute any type of notification to shareholders instead of notifications printed on paper. Notifications to shareholders shall include annual notices of shareholdings, dividend notices and any other type of notification which the bank decides to send its shareholders. Furthermore, such communications shall be deemed equivalent to those provided for in provisions stating that notifications to shareholders shall be made in printed format. Information as to what notifications to shareholders are in electronic format, where instructions on using electronic communications are available and what software must be used for electronic communications, shall be accessible to shareholders on Landsbanki's website and at the CEOs' office. The Board of Directors is entrusted with determining the details concerning electronic communications and e-mail, the computer hardware requirements and the manner in which shareholders will be notified of the communications to be delivered electronically.” Note on the Motion A new Article 80b in Act No. 2/1995 on Public Limited Companies, which entered into force on 1 October 2006, provides for shareholders' meetings to approve the use of electronic communications and e-mail for communications between company and shareholders rather than sending or submitting printed paper documents. A motion is made that a shareholders' meeting approve the addition of the above to the company's Articles of Association, thereby granting authorisation for the use of electronic communications and e-mail for communication with shareholders, as such should facilitate communication with shareholders. As provided for in Point 10 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion by the Board of Directors that the Remuneration Policy of Landsbanki Íslands hf. be submitted for re-approval. The following Remuneration Policy, approved by the AGM in 2007, is hereby submitted for re-approval. Landsbanki's Remuneration Policy, as stated here below, is based on general principles for good corporate governance and long-term considerations for growth and optimising the return to the bank's shareholders. Directors receive a fixed remuneration for their work. The remuneration paid to Directors and alternates is to be decided by Landsbanki's AGM and paid in accordance with salaries paid to bank employees in general. Directors' terms of employment shall be based on the responsibility inherent in their position, the bank's complex operating environment, the terms generally applicable for comparable work on financial markets in those countries where the bank's operations are located, and the work contribution required in each case. Directors who are members of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee shall receive a fixed fee for their work. Motions concerning remuneration to the Board of Directors and its committees for the coming financial year shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval. The CEOs' terms of employment shall be based on their contracts. Their remuneration shall reflect, for instance, the size and scope of the bank's operations, their responsibilities and the nature of their duties, as well as current remuneration practices on financial markets where the bank's operations are located, and the success of Landsbanki's operations. The CEOs remuneration may be a combination of fixed salary, performance-linked benefits in cash and shares, stock options, convertible bonds, pension benefits and retirement package. At Landsbanki's Annual General Meeting its shareholders shall be informed of the total amount of salaries paid to the Board of Directors and CEOs during the past year in the form of fixed salaries, the amount of performance-linked bonuses, payments in the form of shares, stock options, pre-emptive rights, payments from other companies in the Landsbanki Group and payments made upon termination of employment to persons leaving employment during the year. Notes nos. 35 and 36 to Landsbanki's Annual Financial Statements provide the details of how this Remuneration Policy is implemented and shareholders are advised to acquaint themselves with these Notes. Note on the Motion Landsbanki's Remuneration Policy, as approved by its AGM on 9 February 2007 as provided for in Art. 79a of Act No. 2/1995, on Public Limited Companies, is considered to have brought good results and is now submitted for re-approval by the bank's 2008 AGM. The Remuneration Policy serves as a guideline for the Board of Directors in the relevant matters, except as expressly provided for otherwise by law. As provided for in Point 11 of the Agenda of the AGM Proposal to alter the Charter of the Cultural Fund of Landsbanki Íslands hf. and for contributions to the Fund in 2008 Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Landsbanki's AGM hereby approves a contribution to the Landsbanki Cultural Fund of ISK 100,000,000 in 2008. Landsbanki's AGM hereby approves a motion from the Board of Directors to alter the charter of the Cultural Fund of Landsbanki Íslands hf., cf. Art. 8 of the current charter. The changes as proposed by the Board of Directors are provided in an accompanying document, where the proposed amendments have been consolidated into the text, cf. also the description in the note below. Note on the Motion For many years Landsbanki has been a generous supporter of humanitarian, educational, cultural and sports activities. The proposed changes to the charter of the Cultural Fund provide further reinforcement for its existing activities. In addition to further strengthening the Cultural Fund, it is assumed that the CEOs will continue to provide financial support to worthy causes or specific co-operative or sponsored projects in addition to grants made from the Cultural Fund. The following are the principal amendments proposed to the charter of the Cultural Fund: • Landsbanki's AGM shall decide on contributions to the Cultural Fund (Art. 2) o It is moved that Landsbanki's AGM approve annually a proposal from the Board of Directors for a financial contribution to the Fund. The main change is to have the AGM decide on the contribution to the Fund rather than the Board of Directors, as this must be deemed to accord better with the principle that shareholders' as the ultimate authority in the company make a decision on such contributions. • Grants for sports and youth activities (Art. 3) o It is moved that the Fund's objective be changed to include grants for sports and youth activities in addition to support and grants for humanitarian, educational and cultural activities. • The number of Directors on the Board of Directors of the Cultural Fund to be five instead of four (Art. 4) o It is moved that the Fund's Board of Directors be comprised of three of Landsbanki's Board of Directors instead of two, plus one of its CEOs and the Chairman of the Landsbanki Employees' Association (FSLÍ). • The Board of Directors may appoint a secretary for the Cultural Fund (Art. 4) o It is moved that the Board of Directors be authorised to appoint a secretary for the Cultural Fund who will look after preparations for the meeting, processing of grant applications and other activities with regard to awarding grants. It is assumed that the secretary of the Cultural Fund will be an employee of the Landsbanki department which supervises the awarding of grants. • Special subcommittee of the Board of Directors - authorisation to appoint professionals outside the bank to sit on such committees (Art. 5). The present Art. 5 will become Art. 7. o A motion is made for a new Art. 5 to the charter authorising the Board of Directors of the Cultural Fund to appoint special subcommittees, to be entrusted with the task of discussing specific classes of grant awards. o Working guidelines adopted by the Board of Directors of the Cultural Fund are expected to set detailed rules as to what subcommittees would be appointed and how they would operate. o Professionals outside Landsbanki could be appointed to sit on such subcommittees. o The subcommittees would be authorised to award grants from the Cultural Fund apart from the traditional awards made by the Fund. • The present Art. 6, discussing contributions to the Fund and its income, is to become part of Art. 2 • The present Art. 7 will be Art. 6 Awarding of grants from the Cultural Fund - Working guidelines o It is moved that awards be made from the Cultural Fund as a rule once a year. o The Board of Directors of the Cultural Fund shall adopt working guidelines to be followed in making decisions on awards from the Fund and other aspects of its activities. As provided for in Point 12 of the Agenda of the AGM Motion on remuneration to Directors Resolution by the AGM of Landsbanki Íslands, 23 April 2008 Remuneration to Directors The remuneration paid to each Director for the period extending from the Annual General Meeting in 2008 to the Annual General Meeting in 2009 shall be ISK 350,000 per month, paid in accordance with salaries paid to bank employees. Remuneration to the Chairman of the Board shall be triple that of the Directors and remuneration to the Vice-chairman twice that of the remuneration to Directors. Remuneration to alternates shall be ISK 100,000 for each board meeting attended. Furthermore, those Directors who are members of the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee shall be paid ISK 150,000 per month for their services to each Committee; the remuneration paid to the Chairman of each Committee shall be triple that amount. Note on the Motion A motion is made to have remuneration to Directors unchanged from the previous year.
CORRECTION: - Agenda and Proposals for Annual General Meeting 23 Aril 2008 - Published 2008-04-11 19:27:19 CEST
| Source: Landsbanki Íslands hf.