By decision of the Management Board of the Company of 4th April, 2008 the following draft decisions of general meeting of shareholders, on 18th of April, 2008, were approved: Draft decision of 1st item of agenda “Annual report 2007”: To approve the annual Company's report. Draft decision of 2nd item of agenda “International audit report about Company's financial results”: To take in consideration auditor's while approving the Company's financial statements for 2007. Draft decision of 3rd item of agenda “Approval of the Company's annual financial statements for 2007”: To approve the Company's annual financial statements 2007 Draft decision of 4th item of agenda “2007 profit (loss) distribution of the Company “: Dvarcioniu Keramika, AB the distribution of profit (loss) draft for the year ended 31 December, 2007 (000‘ Lt) Undistributed profit (loss) of the previous financial year at the end of the reporting year 54 Net profit (loss) for the reporting year (1.530) Profit (loss) unrecognized in the profit and loss statement for the reporting year 412 Transfers from reserves - Contributions of shareholders to cover the loss of the Company - Total profit (loss) available for distribution (1.064) Allocation of profit to legal reserve - Allocation of profit for own shares acquisition - Allocation of profit to other reserves - Allocation of profit for dividend payments - Allocation of profit for annual payments, bonuses for the Board members and Supervisory Board, premiums for employees and for the other purposes - Undistributed profit (loss) at the end of the reporting period, transferred to the next financial year (1.064) To approve 2007 profit (loss) distribution of the Company. President Marek Ungier Ph.: +370 5 2137021
Draft decisions of general meeting of shareholders to take place on 18th of April 2008
| Source: Dvarcioniu Keramika