Issuer: Reykjavik Savings bank (SPRON) ID: 540502-2770 Ármúla 13a, 108 Reykjavik Date of admission: 18.04.2008 Symbol: SPR 08 0421 ISIN-code: IS0000015881 Orderbook ID: 54707 Bond type: Bullet Bond Market: OMX ICE DP Fixed Income Size limits: ISK Issued: ISK 3.650.000.000 Denomination: ISK 5.000.000 Issue date: 05.11.2007 First due date: 21.04.2008 Number of due dates: 1 Maturity date: 21.04.2008 Interests calculated from: N/A First interest payment date: N/A Number of interest payments: N/A Interest: N/A Indexed: NO Name of index: N/A Base index value: N/A Dirty price / Clean price: N/A Day count convention: Actual/360 Call option: NO Put option: NO Convertible: NO Market making: NO Credit Rating (rating agency, date): NO Securities depository: Icelandic Securities depository Issued electronically: YES OMX ICE member responsible for admission to trading: SPRON Asset Mgmt.