Outcome of the Annual General Meeting of Curalogic A/S Monday 21 April 2008 at 2.00 pm (CET)

Announcement no. 8/2008                                                         

To the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen                               Copenhagen, 
April 21, 2008                                                                  

Outcome of the Annual General Meeting of Curalogic A/S Monday 21 April 2008 at  
2.00 pm (CET)                                                                   

The Annual General Meeting of Curalogic A/S was held on Monday April 21, 2008.  

The General Meeting took notice of the Board of Directors' report. The audited  
annual report was approved and discharge of liability was granted for the Board 
of Directors and the Management Board. It was decided to carry forward the      
losses of 2007.                                                                 

The board members proposed for re-election by the Board of Directors were       
re-elected. The Board of Directors subsequently comprises Jakob Schmidt,        
Christian K. Hansen, Pamela J. Kirby, Alf A. Lindberg and Carl Spana. After the 
Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors constituted itself with Jakob     
Schmidt as Chairman.                                                            

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was re-appointed as auditor of  
the Company.                                                                    

Regarding agenda item 6 all proposals were unanimously approved to the effect   

The general guidelines for incentive pay to the Board of Directors and the      
Management Board of Curalogic A/S as defined by the Board of Directors of       
Curalogic A/S is approved by the general meeting and subsequently published on  
the Company's website. In the Articles of Association a new article is inserted 
describing that the Company has adopted general guidelines for incentive pay.   
The Board of Directors is authorised in the period through to the Company's next
Annual General Meeting to let the Company purchase own shares with a total      
nominal value of up to 10 % of the Company's share capital for a purchase price 
which may not differ by more than 10 % from the share price quoted at the time  
of purchase (all trades) for the shares on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.      
An authorisation is inserted into the Articles of Association authorising the   
Board of Directors in the period until 21 April 2013, to increase the Company's 
share capital by a nominal value of up to DKK 2,821,440 by one or more issues of
new shares ranking pari passu with the Company's existing share capital.        
The existing authorisation in the Articles of Association authorising the Board 
of Directors to issue warrants is amended to the effect that the Board of       
Directors is authorised in the period until 31 March 2010, to issue a total of  
1,145,000 warrants in one or more issues equivalent to rights to subscribe for  
shares in the Company with a total nominal value of DKK 572,500. The issue of   
warrants are granted free of charge. The market value was at the time of        
authorization calculated to DKK 1.07 per warrant, which corresponds to a total  
amount of DKK 1,224,864 for all of the 1,145,000 warrants based on the same     
principles as used in the latest annual report. The market value is calculated  
based on the Black-Scholes model for valuation of warrants, an exercise price on
DKK 3.82 plus 10% interest p.a. from the date of grant until the date of        
exercise, an exercise period of 6 years, 4.2% in risk free rate, a volatility of
40% and 0% in dividend.                                                         

The chairman of the Annual General meeting was authorised to file the changes   
adopted, with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency.                         

The Board of Directors of Curalogic A/S                                         

For additional information, please contact:                                     
Peter Moldt, President and CEO, 	Phone +45 99 99 24 01                          
Helle Busck Fensvig, EVP and CFO, 	Phone +45 99 99 24 03                        

About Curalogic                                                                 
Curalogic is a Danish biopharmaceutical company listed on the OMX Nordic        
Exchange Copenhagen (CUR.CO) as a SmallCap+ company. Curalogic has ample cash   
resources and has demonstrated its ability to conduct complex clinical studies  
with a small group of development experts. Curalogic has initiated a search     
process to identify development projects offering an attractive risk profile.   
Curalogic expects to conclude an agreement during 2008 that will secure future  
clinical development projects for the Company.                                  

This announcement contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company's   
future financial development and performance and other statements which are not 
historical facts. Such statements are made on the basis of assumptions and      
expectations which, to the best of the Company's knowledge and belief, are      
reasonable, at this time, but may prove to be erroneous in the future.

