ReadSoft AB Annual General Meeting 2008

CEO and President Jan Andersson noted in his address that ReadSoft
during 2007 focused on investments for long-term growth and
profitability. During the year almost 100 new employees joined the
company, new sales companies were established in Asia and Benelux,
the company's new software platform was launched, as were a number of
new products. During the same period ReadSoft supplied solutions to
over 800 new customers worldwide. In the US growth accelerated
strongly during 2007, a positive trend that has continued during the
first quarter 2008 concluded CEO Jan Andersson.

At ReadSoft AB's annual meeting today, the following resolutions were
among those passed:
Election of Board of directors
All Directors with exception of Gündor Rentsch were re-elected. Håkan
Valberg was elected new Director. The Directors are Göran E. Larsson
(chairman), Lennart Pihl, Anna Söderblom, Lars Appelstål and Håkan
The annual meeting decided on no dividend for the year 2007.
Nomination committee
The meeting decided that a nomination committee shall be appointed
with the assignment in connection with next year's annual meeting to
submit proposals, among others, with respect to election of the Board
of Directors, compensation to the Board and the auditors and election
of an election committee. The chairman of the Board shall invite
minimum three and maximum five of largest shareholders as per 30
September 2008 to appoint one representative each and to together
with the chairman comprise the Nomination Committee.
Incentive program
The meeting decided to approve the resolution from the board on an
incentive program for employees. Right to subscribe to the
convertibles shall be leading employees and key employees in the
ReadSoft group. The program will consist of maximum 350,000
convertibles and one convertible may be conversed to one B-share.
Conversion to B-shares may be made from December 9, 2010 to May 20,
2011. The conversion price shall correspond to 125 % of the average
price paid for the B -share in the company on the Stockholm stock
exchange's official list during the period April 28 - May 5, 2008. At
full conversion the company's share capital will increase with SEK
35,000 and the dilution will be approximately 1.1 percent of the
share capital and 0.8 percent of the votes.
Authorization of the Board to decide on new issues of shares
The meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to, at one or
several occasions, up to the next annual meeting 2009, execute new
issues of shares with maximum 3,200,000 shares, series B. The new
shares may be issued with deviation of shareholders' preferential
rights. The reasons for the Board to be able to deviate from
shareholders' preferential rights are that financing may be required
in connection with future acquisitions with payment in shares and/or
issue of new shares with payment in capital contributed in kind.
For additional information, contact
Jan Andersson, CEO, ReadSoft
Phone: +46 708 - 37 66 00                                    
Jonna Opitz, Vice President, Corporate
Phone: +46 733 - 37 86 68                           
About ReadSoft
ReadSoft is a leading global provider of software solutions for
Document Automation. ReadSoft's software enables companies to
automate document processes such as data entry, classification, ERP
matching, workflows, e-invoicing etc. The results are faster and less
expensive document processing, and increased control. ReadSoft is by
far the world's number one choice for invoice automation solutions.
Specialized solution labs for SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and Capture
processes ensure cutting edge solutions with great customer value.
Since the start in 1991, ReadSoft has grown to a worldwide group with
operations in 16 countries on five continents and a network of local
and global partners. The head office is located in Helsingborg,
Sweden and the ReadSoft share is traded on the Nordic Stock Exchange
Small Cap list. For more information about ReadSoft, please visit


The release in pdf