Re.: Result of the Annual General Meeting on 5 May, 2008

Europeinvestment A/S in liquidation
CVR No. 10435013
c/o Inwema ApS
Kongevejen 53, DK-2840 Holte
Telephone: 0046 8 20 92 70

Notification 2008-05-06

Re.:  Result of the Annual General Meeting on 5 May, 2008

The Annual General Meeting of Europeinvestment A/S was held on 5 May, 2008, at
11:00 a.m. at Philip & Partners Law Firm, Vognmagergade 7, 1120  Copenhagen K. 

The Board of Directors had appointed Castro Khatib chairman of the meeting.

Advertisements from the daily newspaper Dagbladet Børsen dated 24 April 2008
and Statstidende dated 25 April 2008 were presented. Furthermore, the Annual
General Meeting had been called in by notification of 23 April 2008 sent online
to OMX. 

The chairman noted that the convening had been forwarded in time. Hereafter he
ascertained with the support of those present that the meeting was duly

The chairman of the meeting moved over to the agenda in accordance with § 13
(2) items 1-9 of the Articles of Association: 

1. The Report of the Supervisory and Executive Boards on the activities of the
Company during the preceding year 

Those present were acquainted with the Directors' Report as it appears from the
Company's Annual Accounts of 13 February 2008. Formal presentation of the
Report was therefore waived. 

2.  Presentation of the Annual Accounts together with statements by the
Supervisory and Executive Boards and the Auditor's Report 

Those present were acquainted with the contents of the Company's Annual
Accounts of 13 February 2008. Formal presentation of the Annual Accounts was
therefore waived. 

The Annual Accounts showed a negative profit after tax of DKK -198,002. Status
balanced at DKK 124,573 and the equity amounted to DKK 95,134. 

3.  Resolution with respect to approval of the profit and loss account and the
balance sheet 

Lars Christensen protested against approval of the Annual Accounts with a
reference to the subsequent items on the agenda concerning a further
investigation of the Company's affairs and stated in this connection that
Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. (Aladdin) does not have a voting right, cf. §
67, section 4 of the Companies Act. 

The chairman dismissed the protest against the right of voting and put the item
to vote, whereupon he concluded that Aladdin voted in favour of the approval
with 12,650,000 votes, as 2,787,392 votes were against approval in the form of
powers of attorney to Lars Christensen for 495,025 votes and Claus Andersen for
2,292,367 votes, respectively. 

4.  Decision on discharge of liability of the Board and Management

Lars Christensen protested also in this connection against Aladdin's voting
right which was dismissed by the chairman, whereupon the item was approved with
12,650,000 votes in favour and 2,787,392 against. 

5.  Resolution with respect to distribution of profit or settlement of losses
according to the approved Annual Report 

Lars Christensen protested again and was dismissed again, whereupon the profit
administration was approved with 12,090,00 votes in favour and 2,787,392

6.   Election of members to the Board of Directors

The chairman postponed the discussion with reference to the proposal of
liquidating the Company. 

7.  Election of auditors

The auditing firm Chr. Mortensen I/S was re-elected unanimously and with all
votes as the Company's sole auditor. 

8.  Possible decision to authorise the Board of Directors to acquire up to 10 %
of the Company's own shares 

The general assembly unanimously approved that the Board is entitled to acquire
up to 10 % of the Company's shares. 

9.  Any proposals made by the Board of Directors or proposals received from the
shareholders in accordance with § 11 

The following proposals had been raised by the Board:

1.  Change of the Company's registered office

It was unanimously approved with all votes that the Company's registered office
is Kongevejen 53, DK-2840  Holte in the municipality of Rudersdal. § 2 of the
Articles of Association will hereafter have the following wording: 

“The municipality of the Company's registered office is Rudersdal.”

and § 8, section 1, will read as follows:

“The Company's general meeting shall be held in the municipality of Rudersdal
or Copenhagen and is called by the Board of Directors with at least 8 days'
notice and no more than 4 weeks' notice, including the date of notice and the
date of the general meeting.” 

2.  Transfer of the amount placed in a special fund

It was unanimously approved with all votes to transfer the reserve fund in
connection with the capital decrease decided on 14 November 2007 to the
Company's free reserves. 

3.  Change of the notice method for General Meetings

A proposal had been raised to amend § 8, section 2 of the Company's Articles

“Convening of general meetings is made by announcement via Erhvervs- og
Selskabsstyrelsen's electronic information system in accordance with the
decision by the Board of Directors and by letter to the shareholders registered
by name who have requested to be notified on the address given by the
shareholders to the Company's register of shareholders.” 

which was approved with 12,650,000 votes, as Lars Christensen voted against
with 495,025 votes. 

4.  Change of the provisions regarding transferability

It was unanimously approved with all votes to amend § 4, section 4, of the
Company's Articles into the following: 

“The shares are issued to bearer but can be issued in the name of the
shareholder. The shareholder may request the shares to be registered by name by
requesting the account-holding bank to do so.” 

5.  Decision to sell the interest in the film fund to Aladdin. (Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd.) 

The general meeting unanimously approved with all votes to sell the film fund
to Aladdin for € 2.6 million. 

6.  Decision to change the agreement regarding payment to directors in the form
of shares in Europe Vision Plc. (Kenneth Dundas) 

Kenneth Dundas elaborated on the proposal. It was decided, with a view to the
uncertainty of valuation of the shares in Europe Vision Plc, that the Board and
Management is not remunerated in these shares but remain creditors for
unsettled fees and salaries. 

7.   Decision to authorise the Board of Directors to pay back the debt to
Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. in cash or in Europe Vision Plc shares on
request of Aladdin Investment Services Ltd. (Aladdin Investment Services Ltd.) 

Castro Khatib supplemented on the proposal, and instead of prompt payment of
the debt collateral will be established for Aladdin's account in the Company's
shares in Europe Vision Plc thus obliging Aladdin to release 20,000,000 shares
in connection with liquidator's distribution. 

8.  Decision to decrease the share capital of the Company, combined with a
distribution of Europe Vision Plc shares to the shareholders. (Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd.) 

The proposal was approved with 12,650,000 votes, while 2,787,392 voted against,
as the chairman remarked in connection with the proposal that it is presupposed
that the proposal is workable as the distribution otherwise awaits the proposed

The chairman hereafter suggested taking items 16 and 17 to debate.

16.  Investigation of potential responsibility of Claus Andersen, Rolf Andersen
and others 

It was approved with 12,650,000 votes to implement the investigation. Claus
Andersen waived his voting right with reference to § 67, section 4 of the
Companies Act, and 495,025 voted against. 

17.  Investigation of potential responsibility of Lars Henning Christensen

It was approved with 12,650,000 votes to implement the investigation. Lars
Christensen waived his voting right with reference to § 67, section 4 of the
Companies Act, and 2,292,367 voted against. 

9.  Decision to liquidate the Company (Aladdin Investment Services Ltd.)

Lars Christensen stated that Aladdin does not have a voting right according to
§ 67, section 4 of the Companies Act and that a liquidation is not in the
Company's best interest but only in Aladdin's and therefore is in conflict with
§ 80 of the Companies Act. 

The General Meeting thereafter decided to let the Company go into liquidation
with 12,650,000 votes in favour and 2,787,392 against. 

Kenneth Dundas was elected liquidator and was instructed and authorised:

1)  to complete the capital decrease as decided by the general meeting and to
distribute the shares in Europe Vision Plc in connection with such capital
decrease, provided that this can be done without a prospectus. 

2)  to complete the liquidation as soon as possible after expiry of the 3
months' period in which the creditors can state their claims. 

3)  to request a cancellation of the quotation of the Company's shares at a
time chosen by liquidator. 

4)  to distribute remaining shares in Europe Vision Plc, if any, to the
shareholders, provided that this can be done without a prospectus. 

Kenneth Dundas upholds as liquidator a fee of DKK 50,000 per month.

The chairman hereafter established the lapse of item 6 on the agenda concerning
election to the Board. 

10.  Decision to split the company into two companies. (Lola Invest ApS)

The chairman noted that there were 14,204,867 votes against and only 495,025
votes in favour, for which reason the proposal was rejected. 

11.  Independent investigation of the conversion of the debt to Aladdin
Investment Services Ltd. (Clan Holding ApS) 

Claus Andersen and Lars Christensen stated that according to § 67, section 4 of
the Companies Act, Aladdin does not have a voting right. This was dismissed by
the chairman who thereafter established that the proposal was rejected with
12,650,000 votes against and 2,787,392 votes in favour. 

12.  Independent investigation of the agreements regarding the film fund. (Clan
Holding ApS) 

Upon the approval of proposal 5 above concerning the sale of the film fund,
Claus Andersen waived the proposal. 

13.  Independent investigation of the fee paid to Europe Vision Plc in relation
to the investments to be undertaken. (Clan Holding ApS) 

Claus Andersen and Lars Christensen stated that according to § 67, section 4 of
the Companies Act, Aladdin does not have a voting right. This was dismissed by
the chairman who thereafter established that the proposal was rejected with
12,650,000 votes against and 2,787,392 votes in favour. 

14.  Independent investigation of the events in connection with the sale of all
assets and activities to Tritel Investments in February 2006. (Lola Invest ApS) 

Claus Andersen and Lars Christensen stated that according to § 67, section 4 of
the Companies Act, Aladdin does not have a voting right. This was dismissed by
the chairman who thereafter established that the proposal was rejected with
12,650,000 votes against and 2,787,392 votes in favour. 

15.  Rejection of any claim which Aladdin may have against Europeinvestment A/S
unless such claims are based on prior written agreements made on fair terms.
(Rolf Andersen) 

Claus Andersen and Lars Christensen stated that according to § 67, section 4 of
the Companies Act, Aladdin does not have a voting right. This was dismissed by
the chairman who thereafter established that the proposal was rejected with
12,650,000 votes against and 2,787,392 votes in favour. 

The chairman hereafter informed the General Meeting that the Company has
received a query from Claus Andersen in pursuance of § 76 of the Companies Act
concerning 5 specific questions which Hans Birkholm announced to be the

1.  The Company's investment in Tritel Media.
Hans Birkholm referred to the published notifications and further stated that a
query had been made to Tritel Media but no answer received. Hans Birkholm will
try to get information from David Lowe, but so far no answer had been received
to the questions. Within two weeks, cf. § 76, section 2 of the Companies Act, a
written statement will be sent to Claus Andersen and Lars Christensen. 

2. Hans Birkholm informed the General Meeting that it is a satisfactory
agreement on a one-off payment, and that the Company's auditor confirmed upon
request that there is documentation of the costs. The information will be
supplemented within the above two weeks' notice. 

3.  Hans Birkholm informed the General Meeting that the Company has received a
lot of fine suggestions as to investment opportunities but it has not been
possible, i.a. due to the accusations, to procure financing for the projects. 

4.  Questions concerning the Company's film fund with Europe Vision Plc were
waived by Claus Andersen. 

5.  The capital increase in June 2007. Hans Birkholm confirmed that the capital
increase took place in accordance with the Articles of the company. 
As the agenda had now come to an end, the chairman concluded the general
meeting closed, notwithstanding a request from Lars Christensen for a 10 minute

Questions may be made to liquidator Kenneth Dundas at telephone +46 8 20 92 70.

Europeinvestment A/S in liquidation