Agfa HealthCare integrates Radiology Decision Support solution STATdx(TM) from Amirsys with its IMPAX(TM) platform

Integration helps radiologists save time and improve diagnostic confidence
Mortsel, Belgium / Greenville, SC (U.S.) - May, 15 2008 - 9:00am EDT
Agfa HealthCare, a leading provider of IT-enabled clinical workflow and diagnostic imaging solutions, and Amirsys, announce today the integration of the STATdx(TM) Radiologist Decision Support system with Agfa's IMPAX(TM) PACS solution.  STATdx, the first point-of-care Diagnostic Decision Support system for imaging, is designed to support the busy practicing radiologist by increasing speed and diagnostic confidence in complex cases. 
STATdx also assists orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists, women's health centers and emergency departments with expert anatomical and diagnostic information.  By using STATdx with IMPAX, the workflow is streamlined by reducing the time required to research and complete a difficult imaging analysis and automatically saves a diagnostic summary.  When STATdx is used with other IMPAX integrated desktop information, including RIS, 3D visualization, reporting, critical value notification and a desktop portal to patient information outside of Radiology, the Radiologist has all of the tools to quickly provide diagnostic information and enhance patient care.
"Having worked with both Agfa HealthCare and Amirsys for some time now, we are very happy that they are now working together, leading to a great product," states Bill Bradley, M.D., Chairman of Radiology, UCSD Medical Center.  "Sad as I am to admit it, our residents and fellows no longer use print media.  They go right to STATdx these days."
Karen Tong, M.D., Loma Linda University has several years experience with the advantages of STATdx.  "We are pleased to be the first site to implement the integrated IMPAX - STATdx system.  Saving time and improving the radiology reading process is critical to our ability to quickly communicate with physicians outside of Radiology and provide the best patient care. Our residents and fellows also rely on STATdx to give them speedy access to expert reference material, and the integration will give them immediate information while previewing cases during the day or while on call."
"With the importance of turnaround time for diagnostic information, radiologists cannot afford to put a difficult case aside to review later or spend time finding subspecialty experts.  Having expert information available at the time an exam is being read helps provide faster and more complete interpretations," stated Kathy Beard, Marketing Manager at Agfa HealthCare.   

