A Journey to The Magic Fleet -- Author John Strang Continues a Riveting Tale of Conflicts, Wars, and Adventures

LUNENBURG, Mass., May 24, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Set in the years 1792-1798, The Magic Fleet continues the themes of author John Strang's Plans of the Deathless Gods (Xlibris, 2002). It describes the New Zealand trading station established by the New Prussia Company, contemporary developments in Europe, and the adventures of the final company ships to make their way to New Zealand before the French Revolutionary wars sever contact between old and new worlds.

The Magic Fleet recounts the arrivals in the settlement of Fridericus, South New Zealand, of New Prussia Company ships Hera and, after significant delay, Apollon and Hephaistos. Meanwhile, Hermes, returning to Europe, discovers that war has broken out between Prussia and revolutionary France -- threatening the continued existence of the Company.

As Europe commences an era of conflict destined to last nearly a quarter-century, 'New Prussia' enters a period of isolation -- The Great Interruption -- in which its diminutive population must become self-sustaining. Philosopher Adam Sixtus, who has joined his brother Robert (director of the settlement), finds his predictions about the violent course of modern history confirmed -- but envisions yet worse events to follow.

In the climate of war and uncertainty, Robert learns that his wife and sons have left the old world to join him. After adventures extending over the Orient, South Africa and North America, the remaining Company vessels and their passengers unexpectedly find themselves reunited and able to proceed to their destination -- The Magic Fleet. Follow their journey in author John Strang's captivating sequel, The Magic Fleet. Order a copy now through Xlibris.com. You can also catch this novel at the Frankfurt International Book Fair in Germany.

About the Author

John Strang was born in Kirtland, Ohio and studied philosophy, classics, German and history at various American colleges and at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He obtained his doctorate in philosophy in 1984 from Boston University and has taught for over twenty years at various colleges and universities in New England.

His historical novels, Plans of the Deathless Gods (Xlibris, 2002) and The Magic Fleet are indirect critiques of the modern sentiment of the inevitability of democratic progress. His fictional creation, "The Magister," drawing upon an insight in Plato's dialogue Politicus, argues that time is "turning back upon itself" and that humanity is fated to pass out of history, and indeed out of consciousness.

                   The Magic Fleet * by John Strang
                   Publication Date: August 27, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $18.69; 291 pages; 978-1-4257-7677-0
          Cloth Hardback; $28.79; 291pages; 978-1-4257-7681-7

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