Dicentia A/S - reduction in share capital by reducing face value

|                                      |               Copenhagen, 28 May 2008 |
Dicentia A/S - reduction in share capital by reducing face value                

The share capital of Dicentia A/S will be reduced by reducing the face value of 
each share, cf. adoption made on the ordinary general meeting on 29 April 2008. 
The changes will be implemented with effect from 29 May 2008:                   

| ISIN                      | Name                                             |
| DK0010242213              | Dicentia                                         |

For further information, please see announcements published by Dicentia, e.g.   
the announcement of 29 April 2008.                                              

For further information, please contact: Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, 
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            
ISIN: DK0010242213 (VP: 1024221)                                                

| Name:                                 | Dicentia                             |
| Volume before capital reduction:      | 3,877,400 shares of DKK 20 (DKK      |
|                                       | 77,548,000)                          |
| Capital reduction:                    | DKK 58,161,000                       |
| Volume after capital reduction:       | 3,877,400 shares of DKK 5 (DKK       |
|                                       | 19,387,000)                          |
| Face value:                           | DKK 5                                |
| Short name:                           | DICENT                               |
| Share type:                           | AKTIE                                |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Name                                 |
| Voting rights on listed shares:       | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 January to 31 December             |
| Unlisted share capital after changes: | DKK 0                                |
| Amendment of Articles registered:     | Yes                                  |
| Issuing bank:                         | Nordea Bank Danmark A/S              |
| Trading lot:                          | 500                                  |
| CBR no.:                              | 10 28 25 35                          |
| GICS:                                 | 25401030	                            |
| Type:                                 | 11+25                                |


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