Net profit of Saku Õlletehase AS of the current year is 20.9 million EEK. Saku Õlletehase AS ended the first quarter of 2008 with a net profit of 20.9 million kroons (1.341 million euros), a 52.4 million kroon improvement on the corresponding period in 2007. Above all, the difference between the first quarter results of the two years may be attributed to income tax expense. First quarter revenue in the Estonian market amounted to 157.3 million kroons (10.050 million euros), 2.0 million kroons or 1.3% up on the first quarter of 2007. In the first quarter of 2007, year-on-year revenue growth in Estonia was 38.4%. The deceleration in revenue growth results from the state of the Estonian economy - a sharp slowdown in economic growth and the ensuing changes in consumer behaviour. In addition, the operating results of Saku Õlletehase AS were adversely affected by sales restrictions -most North Estonian local governments have prohibited the sale of low-alcohol beverages after 8 p.m. Export revenues for the first quarter of 2008 totalled 10.5 million kroons (0.671 million euros), which is mainly resulted from sales to other Baltic countries as well as to Finland and Great Britain. Expenses for the reporting period totalled 147.0 million kroons (9.397 million euros), a 10.2 million kroon or 6.5% decrease compared with the first quarter of 2007. Expenses have shrunk due to a decrease in output. Personnel expenses, on the other hand, grew by 3 million kroons or 15% year-over-year. Saku Õlletehase increased the sales volume of its quality beer, especially Saku Originaal, within the four months of 2008. Saku Õlletehase AS will keep a focus of the domestic market on quality brands. In 2008, the company invests into the development of its main brand more than 12 million EEK, which has helped to increase the share of quality beer as well as Saku brewery on the market. According to AC Nielsen, the owner company of Saku Õlletehase, BBH holds a leader position with the total market share of its brands of Estonian retail sales. The total market share of the first four months is 43.8% in volume and 46.5% in monetary value. Compared to January of this year the market share in volume increased by April by 4.5%. Saku Õlletehase AS is also successful in the sales of other categories. In the 1 Q 2008, Saku has significantly increased the market share both in water and cider category. In energy drink category, the market share compared to previous year has doubled, which is mainly driven by succesful launching of local brand Traffic. At the end of the reporting period, equity stood at 351.9 million kroons (22.488 million euros), 149.9 million kroons or 74.2% up on a year ago. The general meeting of the shareholders of Saku Õlletehase AS, which convened on 30 April 2008, resolved that the company would distribute a net dividend of 80 million kroons (5.113 million euros), i.e. 10 kroons (0.64 euros) per share. The dividends will be paid out on 2 June 2008. Priit Põiklik Saku Õlletehase AS kommunikatsioonijuht 650 8303 505 5222 Cost at 31 3,186 138,420 332,214 68,257 46,467 33,891 13,153 681 4,879 641,148 Decem- er 2006 Accumu- ated deprec- ation at 31 50,498 226,552 56,835 11,606 8,914 8,775 180 180 363,360 Decemb- r 2006 Carryi- g amount at 31 3,186 87,922 105,662 11,422 34,861 24,977 4,378 501 501 4,879 277,788 Decem- er 2006 Addit- 1,213 1,054 4,422 702 4,655 12,046 ons Dispo- 279 928 1,207 als Deprec- ation charge for the 1,714 6,481 1,298 2,316 2,070 653 41 41 14,573 period Cost at3,186 138,420 333,427 69,311 50,610 33,665 13,153681 681 9,534 651,987 31 March 2007 Accumu- 52,212 233,033 58,133 13,876 10,771 9,428 221 221 377,674 ated deprec- ation at 31 March 2007 Carryi- 3,186 86,208 100,394 11,178 36,734 22,894 3,725 460 460 9,534 274,313 g amount at 31 March 2007 Cost at 31 3,186 146,598 354,222 70,320 45,639 19,128 13,878 681 2,713 656,365 Decem- er 2007 Accumu- 57,535 240,460 46,814 12,194 7,232 11,234344 344 375,813 ated deprec- ation at 31 Decemb- r 2007 Carryi- 3,186 89,063 113,762 23,506 33,445 11,896 2,644 337 337 2,713 280,552 g amount at 31 Decem- er Addit- 501 2,459 2,960 ons Dispo- 237 454 691 als Deprec- ation charge for the 1,778 5,947 1,824 2,120 696 653 37 37 13,055 period Cost at3,186 146,598 353,985 70,821 45,185 19,128 13,878681 681 5,172 658,634 31 March 2008 Accumu- 59,313 246,170 48,638 14,185 7,928 11,887381 381 388,502 ated deprec- ation at 31 March 2008 Carryi- 3,186 87,285 107,815 22,183 31,000 11,200 1,991 300 300 5,172 270,132 g amount at 31 March 2008 9 Pr ep 312 312 298 610 610 173 0 173 158 331 331 Assets leased out comprise bar furniture, which has been leased under the terms of operating lease to support HoReCa (hotels, restaurants and catering) sales. At 31 March 2008, the carrying amount of the furniture was 1,991 thousand kroons (127 thousand euros). At 31 March 2007, the corresponding figure was 3,725 thousand kroons (238 thousand euros). Information on operating lease income is presented in note 9. In determining the value in use of the assets, future cash flows are determined by reference to estimated lease income and the profit earned on the products sold to the lessee. In addition, customers have in their possession and are liable for sales support equipment belonging to the company. At 31 March 2008, the carrying amount of such equipment equalled 22,036 thousand kroons (1,408 thousand euros). At 31 March 2007, the corresponding figure was 13,879 thousand kroons (887 thousand euros). At 31 March 2008, the carrying amount of reusable packaging subject to a deposit that was in the possession of customers was 19,737 thousand kroons (1,261 thousand euros). At 31 March 2007, the figure was 16,851 thousand kroons (1,077 thousand euros). At 31 March 2008, the carrying amount of reusable packaging not subject to a deposit that was in the possession of customers equalled 9,413 thousand kroons (602 thousand euros). At 31 March 2007, the figure was 2,052 thousand kroons (131 thousand euros). 10 Note 8. Intangible assets Movements in Q1 2008 (In thousands) EEK EUR Cost at 31 December 2,825 - 2006 - 1 Accumulated amortisation at 311,835 - December 2006 - 8 Carrying amount at 31 990 - December 2006 3 Amortisation charge for the 135 9 period Cost at 31 March 2007 2,825 - - 1 Accumulated amortisation at 1,970 - 31 March 2007 - 7 Carrying amount at 31 March 855 - 2007 4 Cost at 31 December 2,848 - 2007 - 2 Accumulated amortisation at 312,357 - December 2007 - 1 Carrying amount at 31 491 - December 2007 1 Amortisation charge for the 105 6 period Cost at 31 March 2008 2,848 - - 2 Accumulated amortisation at 2,462 - 31 March 2008 - 7 Carrying amount at 31 March 386 - 2008 5 Intangi- assetscompr- software- long-term- and le se - - - - t - - - - - - - - e been adjust- the company- Amortisat- - the d s on - - - - - e statement together with depreciation expense. Note 9. Finance and operating leases The company as a lessor To support HoReCa sales, Saku Õlletehase AS leases out bar furniture. The furniture is presented in the Assets leased out column of note 7. EEK EUR (In thousands) 31 March 31 March 31 31 March 31 March 31 December December 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 Lease income 40 56 41 3 4 3 receivable in less than 1 year Lease income 10 10 10 1 1 1 receivable between 1 and 5 years Lease income for the first quarter of 2008 amounted to 10 thousand kroons (1 thousand euros). Lease income for the first quarter of 2007 amounted to 17 thousand kroons (1 thousand euros). The company as a lessee Finance leases The company uses production equipment under finance lease. The cost, accumulated depreciation and carrying amount of the equipment are presented in the Finance lease column of note 7. The base currency of the leases is euro. Interest rates range from 4.0-4.75% and are fixed for the terms of the lease contracts. The leases do not impose restrictions on the company's dividend or financing policies. At the end of the lease term, title to the leased assets will transfer to the company. Assets held under finance lease have not been subleased. EEK EUR (In thousands) 31 March 31 March 31 31 March 31 March 31 December December 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 Principal payments of 38 38 158 3 2 10 the period Interest payments of the 4 9 25 0 1 2 period 11 Minimum amount of principal 311 469 349 20 30 23 payable In less than 1 year 82 134 110 5 9 7 Between 1 and 3 years 229 335 239 15 21 16 Interest payable 22 38 26 1 2 2 In less than 1 year 15 18 15 1 1 1 Between 1 and 3 years 7 20 11 1 1 In the first quarter of 2008, depreciation on leased assets amounted to 37 thousand kroons (2 thousand euros). In the first quarter of 2007, the corresponding figure was 41 thousand kroons (3 thousand euros). Depreciation on leased assets is recognised in Depreciation and amortisation charges in the income statement. Operating leases EEK EUR 31 March 31 March 31 March 31 December 31 March 31 March 31 Dece- ber 2008 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 2,223 2,308 2,308 10,517 142 142 148 148 672 for vehi- 1,409 1,409 1,200 1,200 5,923 90 90 77 77 379 les 4 4 49 49 301 301 3 3 19 810 810 1,059 1,059 4,293 52 52 68 68 274 5,090 5,090 9,344 9,344 5,992, 325 325 597 597 383 1,709 1,709 4,334 4,334 2,611 109 109 277 277 167 3,381 3,381 5,010 5,010 3,381 216 216 320 320 216 Inthe operating lease payments for vehicles were made under 72lease agreements; in 2007, under 74 lease agreements. The base currency for all vehicle leases is the Estonian kroon and the one for equipment leases is the euro. The contracts do not impose restrictions on the company's dividend or financing policies and the assets have not been subleased. Note 10. Other payables EEK EUR (In thousands) 31 March 31 March 31 31 March 31 March 31 December December 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 Income tax 56,410 3,605 Alcohol excise duty 17,560 18,185 19,505 1,122 1,162 1,247 Value added tax 9,178 10,364 13,622 587 662 871 Social tax 2,429 2,075 2,617 155 133 167 Income tax on fringe benefits, non-business and 65 133 130 4 9 8 entertainment expenses Personal income tax 1,261 1,134 1,428 81 72 91 Unemployment insurance 62 52 65 4 3 4 premiums Funded pension 110 77 103 7 5 7 contributions Payables to employees 5,775 3,617 6,277 369 231 401 Payables to group 20,786 156,996 30,275 1,329 10,034 1,935 companies (note 13) Other accrued expenses 14,632 60,308 9,932 935 3,854 634 Total 71,858 309,351 83,954 4,593 19,770 5,365 12 Note 11. Packaging repurchase provision EEK EUR (In 31 March 31 March - 31 March 31 March 31 thousands) 1 Decem- - er - - - - - - r 2008 2007 2008 2007 20- 7 Provision for recovering reusable 21,557 19,66626,- - 1,380 1,257 1,684 packaging 54 - subject to - - - 4 a deposit Provision for recovering one- way packaging 3,105 3,772 4,3- - 198 241 241 276 subject to a 4 - - - 4 deposit Provision for repurchasing reusable packaging not 1,932 12,- - 714 123 123 811 subject 11,176 91 - - - - 1 to a deposit Total 35,838 25,37043,- - 2,292 1,621 2,771 59 - - - - 9 Theprovision to packaging has been for expenses arising onthe repurchase of packaging circulating in the market at period-end. The provision is recorded at an amount equal to the deposit or repurchase value of the packaging. The provision to repurchase packaging is a short-term provision because the estimated return period of packaging does not exceed one year. If it appears during the reporting period that the return rate of packaging is less than 100%, the liability decreases and the provision is adjusted accordingly. Note 12. Equity The share capital of Saku Õlletehase AS amounts to 80 million kroons (5.113 million euros) and is made up of 8 million ordinary shares with a par value of 10 kroons (0.64 euros) each. The shares have been fully paid for. According to the Articles of Association the minimum and maximum authorised share capital amount to 8 million shares, i.e. 80 million kroons (5.113 million euros) and 32 million shares, i.e. 320 million kroons (20.45 million euros) respectively. The number of shares issued did not change during the reporting period. Shareholders are entitled to receive dividends and have one vote per share at meetings of the company. The statutory capital reserve of 8 million kroons (511 thousand euros) has been created in accordance with the requirements of the Commercial Code. The capital reserve is created with annual net profit transfers. Every year, the company has to transfer to the capital reserve at least one twentieth of its net profit until the reserve amounts to one tenth of the share capital. The capital reserve may be used to cover losses and to increase share capital but it cannot be distributed to shareholders. Note 13. Related party transactions Related party transactions include transactions with the direct BBH, companies belonging to the same group as the parent, the parent's shareholders Carlsberg Breweries A/S and Scottish & Newcastle plc, and companies belonging to Carlsberg Breweries A/S and Scottish & Newcastle plc groups. Sales comprise the sales of finished goods, packaging, ancillary materials, raw materials and goods purchased for resale. Purchases include purchases of goods, materials, ancillary materials, packaging, and management and consulting services. Purchases and sales of finished goods are performed at the transfer prices of BBH group. Purchases by Saku Õlletehase AS EEK EUR (In thousands) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 The parent company BBH 2,331 9,323 149 596 Companies belonging to the 11,218 11,508 46,696 717 735 2,984 same group as the parent Shareholders of the parent 469 266 55,963 30 17 3,576 Companies belonging to the same groups as shareholders 11,094 8,236 14,739 709 527 942 of the parent Total 22,781 22,341 126,721 1,456 1,428 8,098 13 Sales by Saku Õlletehase AS EEK EUR (In thousands) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Companies belonging to the same group as the parent 4,529 20,949 55,191 861 1,339 3,527 Companies belonging to the same groups as shareholders 4,412 4,316 17,566 282 276 1,123 of the parent Total 8,941 25,265 72,757 1,143 1,615 4,650 Receivables from related parties EEK EUR (In thousands) 31 March 31 March 31 31 March 31 March 31 December December 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 Companies belonging to the same group as the 1,167 2,174 18,732 75 139 1,197 parent Companies belonging to the same groups as 858 2,601 2,776 55 166 177 shareholders of the parent Total 2,025 4,775 21,508 130 305 1,374 Liabilities to related parties EEK EUR (In 31 March 31 March 31 December 31 31 31 thous- March March December nds) 2008 2007 2007 20072008 2008 2007 2007 The 418 151,2- 151,268 0 27 27 9- 9- 0 parent 8 6- 6- company 8 8 BBH Companies 14,631 690 690 19,357 19,357 935 93544 44 1,237 belonging to the same group as the parent Sharehol- 466 266 266 4,709 4,709 30 30 17 17 301 ers of the parent Companies belonging to the same 5,271 4,772 4,772 6,209 6,209 337 3373- 3- 397 groups as 5 5 sharehol- ers of the parent Tot- 20,786156,9- 156,996 30,275 1,3- 1,3- 1- 10,0- 1,935 l 6 9 9 ,- 4 34 The r- the management and members ofthe supervisory for the first m- board n- r- t- on of thr- m- 20- totalled1,453 thousand kro- (93 (93thou- euros). The e n- 8 ns and hs corresponding figure for the first quarter of 2007 was 1,748 thousand kroons (112 thousand euros). At 31 March 2008, the potential termination benefits payable to members of the top management, including taxes, totalled 2,609 thousand kroons (167 thousand euros). At 31 March 2007, the corresponding figure was 2,574 thousand kroons (164 thousand euros). Note 14. Revenue SALES BY ACTIVITY under EMTAK EMTAK 2008 code EEK EUR (In thousands) EMTAK - Estonian 31 March 31 March 31 31 March 31 March 31 Classification December December of Economic 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 Activities Beer production 1105 115,660 128,459 621,078 7,392 8,210 39,694 Cider production 1103 5,511 9,508 40,461 352 608 2,586 Rectification and 1101 blending of strong alcohol 8,824 14,245 63,449 564 910 4,055 Production of non- 1107 alcoholic beverages; 757 388 750 48 25 48 production of mineral water and other water Wholesale of 4634 33,237 27,550 179,247 2,125 1,761 11,457 beverages Waste 324 431 1,343 21 28 86 Services 97 128 449 6 8 28 Other goods 3,334 441 4,908 213 28 313 14 Total 167,744 181,150 911,685 10,721 11,578 58,267 SALES BY MARKETS (In thousands) Estonia 157,253 155,233 829,301 10,050 9,921 53,002 Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, Denmark, 10,491 25,917 82,384 671 1,657 5,265 Sweden, USA Total 167,744 181,150 911,685 10,721 11,578 58,267 Note 15. Expenses EEK EUR (In thousands) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Raw material 17,680 22,746 97,947 1,130 1,454 6,260 Ancillary materials 25,733 31,428 133,159 1,645 2,009 8,511 Imported beverages 16,571 13,596 83,419 1,058 869 5,331 Other 11,491 9,883 45,946 735 631 2,936 Total cost of materials, 71,475 77,653 360,471 4,568 4,963 23,038 consumables - - d - - - - - - - s - - - d Advertising expenses 15,182 16,341 91,006 970 1,044 5,816 Transport and vehicle expenses 12,472 12,314 61,332 797 787 3,920 Wastewater management 1,462 1,530 6,597 93 98 421 Repair of buildings and equipment 2,284 2,013 7,948 146 128 508 Services purchased 12,431 10,603 58,753 794 678 3,755 Other expenses 1,340 1,903 26,768 86 122 1,712 Total other operating expenses 45,171 44,704 252,404 2,886 2,857 16,132 Wages and salaries 18,129 15,720 71,838 1,159 1,005 4,591 Social security charges 6,049 5,369 24,106 387 343 1,541 Unemployment insurance premiums 52 46 205 3 3 13 Total personnel expenses 24,230 21,135 96,149 1,549 1,351 6,145 Sponsoring, entertainment and expenses not related to the core 528 450 2,129 34 29 136 activity Interest and interest on arrears paid 66 4 Purchase and sale of packaging 15 731 1 47 Foreign exchange loss 17 32 68 1 2 4 Total other expenses 560 1,213 2,263 36 78 144 Note 16. Financial income and expenses EEK EUR (In thousands) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Interest income 331 1,100 1,619 21 70 103 Total financial income 331 1,100 1,619 21 70 103 Interest expense 4 9 1,401 0 1 90 Foreign exchange losses 3 Financial expenses 61 60 240 4 4 15 on investments Total financial 65 69 1,644 4 5 105 expenses Net financialitems 267 1,031 -25 17 65 -2 15 Note 17. Earnings per share EEK EUR (In Q1 2008 Q1 2007 20- Q1 Q1 Q1 2007 2007 thousands) 7 2008 2007 Net profit 20,983 -31,451 100,923 1,341 -2,010 -2,010 6,450 Number of shares 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000- 8,000,0- outstanding 000 0 Basic earnings per share 0.0026 0 0.- 0.0002 0 0 0.0008 13 Diluted earnings per share 0.0026 0 0.- 0.0002 0 0 0.0008 13 Basicearningsper arefound bydividing netprofit forthe period by theperiod's weighted average number of shares outstanding. The company's diluted earnings per share equal its basic earnings per share. Note 18. Income tax expense EEK EUR (In thousands) Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2007 2007 Dividends paid 0 200,000 200,000 0 12,782 12,782 Income tax rate applied 0 28.2% 28.2% 0 28.2% 28.2% Income tax expense 0 56,410 56,410 0 3,605 3,605 Note 19. Contingent liabilities Alcohol excise liability The alcohol excise duty liability to the Customs Board is secured with a bank guarantee as required by law. The guarantee amounts to 3,600 thousand kroons (230 thousand euros) and is valid from 8 October 2007 to 7 October 2008. Guarantee to OÜ Eesti Pandipakend In accordance with an agreement concluded on 14 December 2005, Saku Õlletehase AS guarantees the settlement of liabilities arising from a loan agreement between OÜ Eesti Pandipakend (a packaging recovery organisation) and Nordea Bank Finland PLC to the extent of 50% and up to 10.9 million kroons (0.7 million euros). The guarantee is effective until 30 January 2009. Note 20. Non-cash transactions The income receivable on AS Rocca al Mare Suurhall bonds belonging to the company is offset against the company's liability to AS Rocca al Mare Suurhall. The liability is related to advertising services rendered under a cooperation agreement. In the first three months of 2008, the offset amount equalled 365 thousand kroons (23 thousand euros). The corresponding figure for the first three months of 2007 was 383 thousand kroons (24 thousand euros). Note 21. Financial risk management Financial risks Exposure to credit risk, interest rate risk and currency risk arises in the normal course of the company's business. Credit risk The company has an effective credit policy in place and the exposure to credit risks is monitored on an ongoing basis. Credit evaluations are performed systematically and all customers are assigned credit limits and settlement terms. Short-term financial investments are made in liquid local and foreign money market instruments that have a high investment rating. Long-term financial investments are made when it is required for the development of the core activity, considering the conditions prevailing in the case. 16 At the balance sheet date, the most significant concentration of credit risk was related to AS Rocca al Mare Suurhall shares and bonds. For reducing credit risk, all agreements relating to the investment include a clause which states that if ownership of the recreational complex changes, the agreements will transfer to the new owner under the same terms and conditions. Interest rate risk As a rule, the company's activities are financed with equity instruments. Owing to the seasonal nature of the business, however, from time to time short-term debt instruments such as bank overdrafts, short-term loans, etc, are used. Interest rates may be fixed or floating. Debt financing (finance lease) is used for the purchase of vehicles. As a rule, the base currency of lease contracts is the Estonian kroon or euro and interest rates are fixed for the entire lease term. Since the proportion of debt financing in the capital structure is insignificant, related risks are minimal and have not been hedged. Currency risk Nearly all purchase and sales transactions are performed in Estonian kroons, euros or currencies pegged to the latter. Therefore the currency risk is not significant. Fair values The fair values of financial instruments do not differ significantly from their carrying amounts. 2. Review of performance and operating results Saku Õlletehase AS ended the first quarter of 2008 with a net profit of 20.9 million kroons (1.341 million euros), a 52.4 million kroon improvement on the corresponding period in 2007. Above all, the difference between the first quarter results of the two years may be attributed to income tax expense. First quarter revenue in the Estonian market amounted to 157.3 million kroons (10.050 million euros), 2.0 million kroons or 1.3% up on the first quarter of 2007. In the first quarter of 2007, year-on-year revenue growth in Estonia was 38.4%. The deceleration in revenue growth results from the state of the Estonian economy - a sharp slowdown in economic growth and the ensuing changes in consumer behaviour. In addition, the operating results of Saku Õlletehase AS were adversely affected by sales restrictions - most North Estonian local governments have prohibited the sale of low-alcohol beverages after 8 p.m. Export revenues for the first quarter of 2008 totalled 10.5 million kroons (0.671 million euros), a 15.4 million kroon decrease year-over-year. The decline may be explained by the fact that in the first quarter of 2007 Saku Õlletehase AS received large orders from Latvia and Lithuania which were not renewed this year. Expenses for the reporting period totalled 147.0 million kroons (9.397 million euros), a 10.2 million kroon or 6.5% decrease compared with the first quarter of 2007. Expenses have shrunk due to a decrease in output. Personnel expenses, on the other hand, grew by 3 million kroons or 15% year-over-year. At the end of the reporting period, equity stood at 351.9 million kroons (22.488 million euros), 149.9 million kroons or 74.2% up on a year ago. The general meeting of the shareholders of Saku Õlletehase AS, which convened on 30 April 2008, resolved that the company would distribute a net dividend of 80 million kroons (5.113 million euros), i.e. 10 kroons (0.64 euros) per share. The dividends will be paid out on 2 June 2008. 17 3. Statement of management's responsibility The management board acknowledges its responsibility for the preparation of the interim financial statements of Saku Õlletehase AS for the first quarter of 2008 and confirms that to the best of its knowledge, information and belief: the policies applied on the preparation of the interim financial statements comply with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union; the interim financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of Saku Õlletehase AS and of the results of its operations and its cash flows; all significant events that occurred before the date on which the financial statements were authorised for issue have been properly recognised and disclosed; and Saku Õlletehase AS is a going concern. 22 May 2008 Ireneusz Piotr Smaga Chairman of the Management Board Inga Kuusik Member of the Management Board 18