AS Viisnurk financial result, 3 months of 2008

The net sales of AS Viisnurk for the 3 months of 2008 were 73.9 mil. kroons/4.7 
mil. euros (66.7 mil. kroons/4.3 mil. euros during the same period in 2007) and 
the net profit amounted to 5.1 mil. kroons/0.3 mil. euros (7.4 mil. kroons/0.5  
mil. euros during the same period in 2007).                                     

As of the end of March 2008 the total assets of Viisnurk amounted to 172.7 mil. 
kroons/11.0 mil. euros (31.3.2007: 152.0 mil. kroons/9.7 mil. euros). The       
liabilities of the company accounted for 56% (31.3.2007: 52%) thereof, i.e. 96.2
mil. kroons/6.1 mil. euros (31.3.2007: 78.6 mil. kroons/5.0 mil. euros).        

The turnover of the Furniture Division in the 3 months of 2008 amounted to 40.1 
mil. kroons/2.6 mil. euros (33.6 mil. kroons/2.1 mil. euros during the same     
period in 2007) and the profit amounted to 2.1 mil. kroons/0.1 mil. euros (2.6  
mil. kroons/0.2 mil. euros during the same period in 2007).                     

The turnover of the Building Materials Division in the 3 months of 2008 amounted
to 33.8 mil. kroons/2.2 mil. euros (33.0 mil. kroons/2.1 mil. euros during the  
same period in 2007) and the profit amounted to 4.3 mil. kroons/0.3 mil. euros  
(5.9 mil. kroons/0.4 mil. euros during the same period in 2007).                

The profit of the Divisions does not reflect the general administrative costs of
the corporation in the amount of 0.5 mil. kroons/0.03 mil. euros (0.6 mil.      
kroons/0.04 mil. euros during the same period in 2007) and the financial        
expenses of 0.8 mil. kroons/0.05 mil. euros (0.6 mil. kroons/0.04 mil. euros    
during the same period in 2007) that have been recorded in the report of        
business segments as unallocated expenses.                                      

The division plan of AS Viisnurk was signed on June 29, 2007 as the result of   
which the part of the previous Viisnurk engaged in production became separate,  
namely the Furniture and Building Materials Division. The aforementioned        
decision was also approved by the general meeting of shareholders on August 6,  
2007. The division was registered in Commercial Register on September 19, 2007. 
The separated unit engaged in production named to AS Viisnurk and trading with  
the share of AS Viisnurk started in Tallinn Stock Exchange on September 25,     
2007. The division engaged in production maintain the real estate necessary for 
its principal activity also in the future as well as the Rääma street real      
estate development project. Real estate located at Niidu street which was not   
used in the production activity of Viisnurk, was separated. All assets,         
liabilities, revenues and costs related to separated unit, are eliminated from  
comparison basis of the report.                                                 

Forecast and development	                                                       

Increase of furniture retail trade and the expansion of our network of stores   
have gone according to the plan. In the end of 1st quarter 2008, Skano operated 
six stores in the Baltic states and two in Ukraine. Retail sale increased 132%  
in 1st quarter 2008 compared to same period 2007 and the sale in stores existing
as of 31.3.2007 has increased 64% in 2008. The openings of new stores are being 
prepared and one store opened in the 1st quarter of 2008 in Ukraine and the plan
is to open three more shops in Ukraine in the 2nd quarter. It is planned to open
16 stores in Ukraine and Central Europe in 2008-2009. Upon creating the retail  
unit, AS Viisnurk entered the business area of the retail of furniture and      
furnishing goods that is operated by a private limited company Skano, registered
on September 1, 2003 and its subsidiaries in Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. AS  
Viisnurk holds 100% of the shares of OÜ Skano.                                  

The furniture factory has considerably narrowed its product portfolio. The      
production of pine furniture has basically been terminated and the most         
profitable production lines have been put into focus. Searching for new         
out-sourced lines has been terminated and preparations are being made in order  
to satisfy the demands related to the increase in retail business. The company  
has made a decision to focus on the profitable production of two basic product  
lines, namely Björkkvist/Boknäs and Villinki in order to improve the efficiency.
Already today, the aforementioned product lines make more than 90% of the       
production of Viisnurk Furniture Division and 90% of the production is exported 
outside the Baltic states. The market has shown an increasing demand for both   
product lines and because of their classical design, there is little risk that  
the demand would decrease due to trends. Besides the increase of demand in its  
retail trade, the management board predicts the increase of furniture production
due to the changes in the sales strategy of Scandinavian and Russian customers  
and increase of the sales network.                                              

At the end of 1st quarter 2008, new Isotex production line of interior finishing
boards operated in Building Materials Division in one shift. This has created an
opportunity for the increase of profitability and margins within the following  
periods. The main goal for 2009 is to utilize the entire production capacity of 
the new line and considerably larger marketing costs are planned for 2008 in    
order to sell the entire production volume.                                     

Although the result of 1st quarter of 2008 is weaker than same period of 2007,  
the results at the beginning of 2008 are again on the rise and surpass the      
initial expectations. The result in Building Materials Division was very good in
2007. This was caused by a great demand and the sale of all warehouse stock in  
the 1st quarter of 2007 (in the level of the entire group, 58% of the net profit
of 2007 was achieved in the 1st quarter of the previous year). The management   
board plans a 20 mil. kroons (1.3 mil. euros) profit for 2008 whereas a         
considerable profit growth has been planned in the second half of 2008 due to   
the 6 months opening period of Skano stores.                                    

Divisional review:                                                              

| Th EEK               |         Net sales         |          Profit           |
|                      |  3 m 2008   |  3 m 2007   |  3 m 2008   |  3 m 2007   |
| Furniture Division   |      40,082 |      33,619 |       2,129 |       2,638 |
| Incl. retail (Skano) |       9,686 |       4,166 |       (164) |         275 |
| Building Materials   |      33,785 |      33,038 |       4,301 |       5,918 |
| Division             |             |             |             |             |
| TOTAL                |      73,867 |      66,657 |       6,430 |       8,556 |
| Unallocated expenses |             |             |       (510) |       (568) |
| OPERATING PROFIT     |             |             |       5,920 |       7,988 |
| Net financial costs  |             |             |       (787) |       (584) |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES  |             |             |       5,133 |       7,404 |
| Income tax           |             |             |           0 |           0 |
| NET PROFIT           |             |             |       5,133 |       7,404 |

| Th EUR               |         Net sales         |          Profit           |
|                      |  3 m 2008   |  3 m 2007   |  3 m 2008   |  3 m 2007   |
| Furniture Division   |       2,562 |       2,148 |         136 |         168 |
| Incl. retail (Skano) |         619 |         266 |        (10) |          18 |
| Building Materials   |       2,159 |       2,112 |         275 |         378 |
| Division             |             |             |             |             |
| TOTAL                |       4,721 |       4,260 |         411 |         546 |
| Unallocated expenses |             |             |        (33) |        (36) |
| OPERATING PROFIT     |             |             |         378 |         510 |
| Net financial costs  |             |             |        (50) |        (37) |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES  |             |             |         328 |         473 |
| Income tax           |             |             |           0 |           0 |
| NET PROFIT           |             |             |         328 |         473 |

Furniture Division                                                              

The three-month net sales of AS Viisnurk Furniture Division were 40.1 mil.      
kroons/2.6 mil. euros (2007: 33.6 mil. kroons/2.1 mil. euros) and the economic  
result 2.1 mil. kroons/136 thousand euros (2007: 2.6 mil. kroons/168 thousand   
euros) as a profit. As compared to the previous year the turnover of the        
division has increased by 6.5 mil. kroons/414 thousand euros.                   

Furniture Production                                                            

The Furniture Division's three-month sales in the company's basic target market 
in Russia and Finland have proceeded better than the plans and compared to same 
period in 2007 sales has increased. The following increase in sales is basically
the result of the increase in retail sale, but in Russian market increase of    
sales is also possible.                                                         

Furniture Retail - Skano                                                        

Concerning the retail trade of the Furniture Division, the company continued its
strategic activities in the 1st quarter of 2008 in order to expand the retail   
trade to the neighbouring markets. The expansion of retail business includes    
opening new stores offering home furniture and furnishing goods in various      
Eastern European markets. Moreover, the company is searching for possibilities  
to enter the market of Central Europe.                                          

The retail sale of the Furniture Division shows a rising tendency. Within three 
months this year the retail sale has increased by 132% as compared to the same  
period last year. At the same time, the sales of the stores opened before       
31.3.2008 (Tallinn, Riga, Pärnu) have increased 64% compared to the same period 
in 2007.                                                                        

In the Ukraine in Kiev were opened two stores in March and April. One store will
open in Donetsk in the May 2008. After these openings Skano has four stores in  

Building Materials Division                                                     

The three-month net sales of the Building Materials Division amounted to 33.8   
mil. kroons/2.2 mil. euros and profit to 4.3 mil. kroons/0.3 mil. euros. In the 
same period of the last year, the turnover of the division totalled 33.0 mil.   
kroons/2.1 mil. euros and the net profit 5.9 mil. kroons/0.4 mil. euros. As     
compared to the previous year the turnover of the division has increased by 0.7 
mil. kroons/0,05 mil. euros and the profit has decreased by 1.60 mil. kroons/0.1
mil. euros. Production volume in current prices has increased by 21.5% compared 
to 1st quarter 2007. The three-month net sales to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 
was 25.8% (2007: 34.4%) of total sales of the Building Materials Division.      

Building Boards                                                                 

The results of the first three months of 2008 have most been influenced by the  
sale of Isoplaat wind protection boards in domestic and foreign markets. In     
neighbouring markets, especially in Latvia and Russia, the sale of floor boards 
has increased. Wind protection boards were the product group with the largest   
share in the sale of building boards.                                           

Interior Finishing Boards                                                       

Biggest markets for Isotex interior finishing boards are Finland and Estonia and
the best selling products ceiling panels. In October, the selection of wall     
panels with textile cover increased by 3 new covers which make the entire       
product selection more attractive and help to differentiate clearly in tough    
competition. In 1st quarter were participated and in near future is plan to     
participate with full Isotex product range in different building fairs (Riga,   
Tallinn, St. Petersburg).                                                       

Ceiling panels comprised 75% (80% in 2007) and wall panels 25% (20% in 2007) of 
the sales of interior finishing boards.                                         

Interior finishing boards are being produced since 1996 and they are sold under 
the company's own trademark Isotex.                                             


In the retail business of the Furniture division activities were initiated in   
the first quarter of 2008 to expand the retail business to our neighbouring     
markets according to the strategy. The expansion of retail business includes    
opening new stores offering home furniture and furnishing materials in various  
Eastern European markets.                                                       

During 3 months 2008 investments into technology totalled 484 thousand kroons/31
thousand euros and into buildings 642 thousand kroons/41 thousand euros. At the 
same period of 2007 investments into technology totalled 31 thousand kroons/2   
thousand euros and into buildings 3 mil. kroons/192 thousand euros.             

Consolidated balance sheet                                                      
|                            |    Th EEK |    Th EEK |     Th EUR |     Th EUR |
|                            | 31.3.2008 | 31.12.200 |  31.3.2008 | 31.12.2007 |
|                            |           |         7 |            |            |
| Cash and bank              |     3,773 |     6,006 |        241 |        384 |
| Receivables and            |    41,092 |    29,859 |      2,626 |      1,908 |
| prepayments                |           |           |            |            |
| Inventories                |    62,112 |    54,742 |      3,969 |      3,499 |
| Total current assets       |   106,977 |    90,607 |      6,836 |      5,791 |
| Investment property        |     2,893 |     2,893 |        185 |        185 |
| Tangible fixed assets      |    62,680 |    63,727 |      4,006 |      4,073 |
| Intangible fixed assets    |       128 |       220 |          8 |         14 |
| Total fixed assets         |    65,701 |    66,840 |      4,199 |      4,272 |
| TOTAL ASSETS               |   172,678 |   157,447 |     11,035 |     10,063 |
| Debt obligations           |     6,518 |     8,782 |        416 |        561 |
| Payables and prepayments   |    49,834 |    37,488 |      3,185 |      2,396 |
| Short-term provisions      |       192 |       264 |         12 |         17 |
| Total current liabilities  |    56,544 |    46,534 |      3,613 |      2,974 |
| Non-current debt           |    36,734 |    36,734 |      2,348 |      2,348 |
| obligations                |           |           |            |            |
| Non-current provisions     |     2,936 |     2,936 |        187 |        187 |
| Total non-current          |    39,670 |    39,670 |      2,535 |      2,535 |
| liabilities                |           |           |            |            |
| Total liabilities          |    96,214 |    86,204 |      6,148 |      5,509 |
| Share capital at nominal   |    44,991 |    44,991 |      2,875 |      2,875 |
| value                      |           |           |            |            |
| Issue premium              |     5,698 |     5,698 |        364 |        364 |
| Statutory capital reserve  |     4,499 |     4,499 |        288 |        288 |
| Currency translation       |       127 |        39 |          8 |          3 |
| reserve                    |           |           |            |            |
| Retained profits           |    16,016 |     3,359 |      1,024 |        215 |
| Net profit for the year    |     5,133 |    12,657 |        328 |        809 |
| Total equity               |    76,464 |    71,243 |      4,887 |      4,554 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND      |   172,678 |   157,447 |     11,035 |     10,063 |
| EQUITY                     |           |           |            |            |

Consolidated income statement                                                   

|                          |    Th EEK |     Th EEK |     Th EUR |      Th EUR |
|                          |  3 m 2008 |   3 m 2007 |   3 m 2008 |    3 m 2007 |
|                          |           | (adjusted) |            |  (adjusted) |
| RETURN ON SALES          |    73,867 |     66,657 |      4,721 |       4,260 |
| Cost of production sold  |  (56,590) |   (50,109) |    (3,617) |     (3,203) |
| Gross profit             |    17,277 |     16,548 |      1,104 |       1,057 |
| Marketing expenses       |   (9,922) |    (7,108) |      (634) |       (454) |
| General administrative   |   (1,179) |    (1,382) |       (75) |        (88) |
| expenses                 |           |            |            |             |
| Other income             |       179 |         45 |         11 |           2 |
| Other expenses           |     (435) |      (115) |       (28) |         (7) |
| Operating profit         |     5,920 |      7,988 |        378 |         510 |
| Financial income and     |     (787) |      (584) |       (50) |        (37) |
| financial expenses       |           |            |            |             |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE       |     5,133 |      7,404 |        328 |         473 |
| PERIOD                   |           |            |            |             |
| Basic earnings per share |      1.14 |       1.65 |       0.07 |        0.11 |
| Diluted earnings per     |      1.14 |       1.65 |       0.07 |        0.11 |
| share                    |           |            |            |             |

Einar Pähkel                                                                    
+372 447 8331