Cloetta Fazer AB to de-merge into Cloetta and Fazer Confectionery

Cloetta Fazer AB to de-merge into Cloetta and Fazer Confectionery

The principal owners of Cloetta Fazer AB (publ) (“Cloetta Fazer”) - Oy Karl
Fazer Ab (“Fazer”, or “Fazer Group”) and AB Malfors Promotor (“Malfors) - who
together own approximately 78.5 percent of the votes in Cloetta Fazer, have
struck an agreement concerning a de-merger of Cloetta Fazer. Through the
de-merger, Cloetta Fazer creates the two future companies Cloetta and Fazer
Confectionery. The new Cloetta intends to apply for a listing on the OMX Nordic
Exchange Stockholm. Fazer Confectionery will be consolidated in the privately
held Fazer Group. 

This release is not for distribution or release, directly or indirectly, in or
into Australia, the United States, Japan, Canada, New Zeeland or South Africa.
The offer from Oy Karl Fazer Ab to the shareholders in Cloetta Fazer AB (publ)
is not made to person in these countries or in any other country, in which
participation requires further information, registration or other measures in
addition to those that are required according to the Swedish Law.

A joint press conference will be held led by the mediators today in Stockholm,
World Trade Center, conference room New York, at 10.00. For participation,
please email to

There is a possibility to listen in on the conference. Please use the following
SE: +46 (0)8 505 598 53.

The information from Cloetta Fazer contained herein is subject to the disclosure
requirements in the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted
for publication on 16 June 2008, 08:00 a.m. CET. 

Complete Press release including appendixes is enclosed in pdf
Appendix 1: Press release: Fazer announces public offer to the shareholders of
Cloetta Fazer 
Appendix 2: Press release from Cloetta Fazer
Appendix 3: Press release from Fazer 
Appendix 4: Press release from Malfors 

For further details, please contact: 
Lennart Bylock, phone +46 705 93 25 10
Wilhelm Lüning, phone +46 739 60 65 35

