Assets 119 174 047 LVL (169 569 392 EUR) Loans 67 411 445 LVL (95 917 845 EUR) Incl. loans to households for acquisition of housing 250 011 LVL (355 734 EUR) Incl. mortgage loans 8 314 428 LVL (11 830 365 EUR) Deposits 81 538 426 LVL (116 018 728 EUR) Capital and reserves (equity) 15 025 216 LVL (21 378 956 EUR) Profit for the period 1 532 089 LVL (2 179 966 EUR) Assets under management 1 058 234 LVL (1 505 731 EUR) Fixed euro exchange rate set by the Bank of Latvia 1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL Jeļena Adamoviča Deputy Head of Marketing Department T.: (+371) 67830543
Non-audited Financial Results of JSC "Reģionālā investīciju banka" as of July 31, 2008
| Source: Regionala investiciju banka