Application for the delisting of the shares of Saku Õlletehase AS from Tallinn Stock Exchange

Saku Õlletehase AS (hereinafter Saku) has submitted an application for
delisting the shares of Saku Õlletehase AS from the main list of Tallinn Stock
Exchange, today, i.e. on August 12, 2008. 
As of the date of the submission of the application, Saku Õlletehase AS has
listed in total 8 000 000 ordinary shares with the nominal value of 10 EEK. 
All Saku shares have been listed in the main list of the stock exchange.  Saku
shares have not been issued in any other stock exchange. 
As of the date of submission of the application, Carlsberg Estonia Holding OÜ
owns 7 391 651 shares, which is approximately 92.4% of all Saku shares. 
On August 11, 2008, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders decided
to  pursuant to Securities Market Act approve the takeover of the rest of Saku
shares owned by shareholders for the fair value of 194.06 EEK per one share by
Within one month as of the referred general meeting, i.e. on September 12,
2008, the management of Saku will submit an application to the Estonian Central
Register of Securities on the transfer of the rest of the shares from
shareholders to Carlsberg.  Estonian Central Register of Securities shall set
the concrete date for the transfer of the rest of the shares from shareholders
to Carlsberg. Presumably the transfer shall take place on the working day
following the date of submission of application. 

After the transfer of the rest of Saku shares to Carlsberg, Carlsberg will own
100% of Saku shares and the listing of Saku shares on the main list of the
stock exchange is not grounded any longer. 

Arising from the information stated above and according to the clause 13.1.1 of
rules and regulations “Listing Requirements of Securities” of the stock
exchange, Saku hereby requests the Listing and Surveillance Committee of Stock
Exchange to decide to de-list Saku shares (i.e. 8 000 000 nominal shares) from
the main list of Stock Exchange. 
Priit Põiklik
Saku Õlletehase AS
Communication Manager