Notice regarding admission of bond forward to trading on OMX Nordic Exchange

Copenhagen, 25 August 2008

Notice regarding admission of bond forward to trading on OMX Nordic Exchange    
Copenhagen A/S                                                                  

OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S has agreed to admit the following mortgage   
bond forward to trading as of 1. September 2008.                                

| ISIN             | Name              | Expiration date   | Settlement date   |
|                  |                   | (fixing)          |                   |
| DK0030112248     | 5MBFDEC08         | 23-12-2008        | 01-01-2009        |

The forward consists of a basket of underlying unit bonds (enhedsobligationer). 
The unit bonds are included in the forward contract in the following proportion 
(in brackets):                                                                  
5'35 (33%)                                                                      
5'38 (33%)                                                                      
5'38 IO (34%)                                                                   

Upon expiry, bonds for delivery may be freely selected from among different     
issuers (bond series) within the individual unit bonds. The choices are listed  
below together with the volume in circulation, on which the selection of the    
underlying bonds has been based.                                                

| Unit         | ISIN              | Name              | Volume in circulation |
|              |                   |                   | (DKKbn)               |
| 5'35         | DK0002011386      | 5NORDEA 35        |         19.1          |
|              | DK0009753469      | 5NYK03D 35        |         17.2          |
|              | DK0009269227      | 5% 23Ds35         |         23.7          |
|              | DK0004714458      | 5TK111C 35        |         20.1          |
| 5'38         | DK0002014216      | 5NORDEA 38        |         18.6          |
|              | DK0009763260      | 5NYK03D 38        |         40.9          |
|              | DK0009272874      | 5RD23D 38         |         24.9          |
| 5'38 IO      | DK0002014489      | 5NORDEA OA38      |         32.9          |
|              | DK0009760167      | 5NYK73D OA38      |         42.6          |
|              | DK0009272957      | 5RD43DOA 38       |         42.1          |

For further information, please see Contract Specifications - Mortgage Bond     
Forward, which are available at                       

OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen