DGAP-AFR: ISRA VISION AG: Announcement according to Articles 37v, 37w, 37x et seqq. of the WpHG [the German Securities Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

ISRA VISION AG / Preliminary announcement on the disclosure of financial statements/Announcement of change


Announcement according to articles 37v, 37w, 37x ff. WpHG

This is an announcement of change.
ISRA VISION AG hereby announces that the following financial reports shall
be disclosed:
Report: Quarterly financial report within the 2nd half-year
Date of disclosure / German: August 27, 2008 
Date of disclosure / English: August 27, 2008 
German: http://www.isravision.com/likecms.php?site=site.html&dir=isra&nav=142
English: http://www.isravision.com/likecms.php?site=site.html&dir=isra&nav=240
Report: Quarterly financial report within the 2nd half-year
Date of disclosure / German: August 27, 2008 
Date of disclosure / English: August 27, 2008 
German: http://www.isravision.com/likecms.php?site=site.html&dir=isra&nav=142
English: http://www.isravision.com/likecms.php?site=site.html&dir=isra&nav=240

DGAP 26.08.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       ISRA VISION AG
              Industriestr. 14
              64297 Darmstadt
Internet:     www.isravision.com
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