Interim Report for New Wave Group AB (publ) Q2 JANUARY - JUNE 2008

Interim Report for New Wave Group AB (publ) Q2 JANUARY - JUNE 2008

11% organic growth in the quarter

The period 1 April - 30 June 2008
•	Sales increased by 27 % to MSEK 1 245 (978), organic growth amounted to 11 %.
•	The result after tax increased by MSEK 11.8 to MSEK 85.8 (74.0). 
•	The result per share amounted to SEK 1.29 (1.12).
•	The operating margin amounted to 11.9 (12.3) %.
•	The result after finance net increased by MSEK 12.0 to MSEK 112.5 (100.5).
•	Acquired units have contributed with MSEK 170 in sales and MSEK -2 in result
after finance net compared with previous year.
•	Previous year's result includes a capital gain of MSEK 12.5 which is related
to the sale of property.

The period 1 January - 30 June 2008
•	Sales increased by 30 % to MSEK 2 260 (1 738), organic growth amounted to 9 %.
•	The result after tax decreased by MSEK 11.9 to MSEK 70.8 (82.7). 
•	The result per share amounted to SEK 1.07 (1.25).
•	The operating margin amounted to 7.3 (8.4) %.
•	The result after finance net decreased by MSEK 16.3 to MSEK 96.0 (112.3).
•	Acquired units have contributed with MSEK 367 in sales and MSEK -17 in result
after finance net compared with previous year.

Significant events during the quarter
•	Continued good profit development within the Promo business area, especially
within the Nordic region.
•	The weaker American economy has affected the group's entities in the USA

Views on 2008
•	For 2008 New Wave is expecting higher sales and result then the previous year.

April - June
The turnover for the period increased by 27 % to MSEK 1 245 (978). Out of the
total increase, acquired units contributed MSEK 170.  

The organic growth amounted to 11%. Both business areas have good growth, with
the Retail business area slightly stronger and especially within the sport
sector, where the European championship in football made a positive

The group companies that are selling hard giveaways on the Swedish market DJ
Frantextil and Sagaform, together with the group's production unit in Denmark,
have been and still are under restructuring. This has now started giving results
for Sagaform and Dahetra who are showing a positive development. DJ Frantextil
however has not yet shown any positive development.

The sales growth was good in all regions, especially in the Nordic countries
with an increase of 14%. The American units, particularly Orrefors Kosta Boda
and Cutter & Buck, have been affected negatively by the weaker economic
situation in the USA. Cutter & Buck sales within the golf sector are unchanged
while the Promo business area is lower.

January - June
The turnover for the period increased by 30 % to MSEK 2 260 (1 738). Out of the
total increase, acquired units contributed MSEK 367. Exchange rates have had a
positive effect on sales by MSEK 18.

The organic growth amounted to 9%. 

The sales growth was good in all regions, especially in the Nordic region with
an increase of 12%, but also other regions showed good organic growth. The
American units, particularly Cutter & Buck and Orrefors Kosta Boda, have been
affected negatively by the weaker economic situation in the USA. Cutter & Buck
sales within the golf sector are unchanged while the Promo business area is

April - June
The result after finance net increased by MSEK 12 to MSEK 112.5 (100.5) and
acquired units affected by MSEK -2. Excluding previous year's capital gain of
MSEK 12.5 in connection with the sale of property, the profit before tax
increased by MSEK 24.5 or 28%. The result after tax increased by MSEK 11.8 to
MSEK 85.8 (74.0) and result per share amounted to SEK 1.29 (1.12).   

Gross margin increased during the quarter and amounted to 49.7 (48.0) %.
Increases are seen in most of the companies and markets. The groups units in the
USA have been affected by the weaker American economy.
The external costs as part of sales increased and amounted to 21.7 (20.9) %.
This increase is mainly related to the acquired units. Personnel costs as part
of sales is decreasing and amounted to 15.0 (15.4) %. The majority of the
increase in absolute numbers is mainly related to acquired units but also
centrally initiated projects have played a role. 

Depreciation increased by MSEK 6.8 to MSEK 16.7 (10.1).  The increase mainly
relates to acquired units. 

Net financial items amounted to MSEK -36.3 (-19.4). The increase is due to
increased interest rates and higher net debt which relates to the acquisition of
Cutter & Buck. The group's policy is to have a short duration, which has a swift
effect on the costs when the interest rate changes.

The tax rate for the group amounted to 23.7 (26.4) % which relates to an
increase in deferred tax assets. Tax rate for the first 6 months is in line with
the previous year.

The operating margin was 11.9 (12.3) % which relates to a lower margin in the
acquired units. 

January - June
The result after finance net decreased by MSEK 16.3 to MSEK 96.0 (112.3) and
acquired units affected by MSEK -17. In previous year's result a capital gain of
MSEK 12.5 in connection with the sale of property is included. The result after
tax decreased by MSEK 11.9 to MSEK 70.8 (82.7) and result per share amounted to
SEK 1.07 (1.25).   

Gross margin increased during the first half year and amounted to 48.7 (47.8) %,
which is in line with expectations. Orrefors Kosta Boda's American company has
had negative impact on the margin since the weaker USD gave a higher cost of
goods sold due to the fact that they are purchased in SEK.
The external costs as part of sales increased and amounted to 24.2 (22.7) %.
This increase is mainly related to the acquired units. Higher marketing costs
during the first quarter in relation to the introduction of New Wave/Clique
concept in the USA and Cutter & Buck in Europe has also affected the result.
Personnel costs as part of sales is slightly better than the previous year and
amounted to 16.2 (16.4) %.  

Depreciation increased to MSEK 29.2 (20.8). The increase mainly relates to
acquired units. 

Net financial items amounted to MSEK -68.4 (-34.3). The increase is mainly due
to higher net debt which relates to the acquisition of Cutter & Buck, but also
to an increase in the interest rate level during the first six months.  The
group's policy is to have a short duration, which has a swift effect on the
costs when the interest rate changes.

The tax rate amounted to 26.3 % which is in line with the previous year.

The operating margin was 7.3 (8.4) % and return on capital employed amounted to
8.6 (9.2) %.

The Promo Business Area and The Retailing Business Area are primary segments.
The channel of distribution is the basis, not the product or the geographical
market. Many products are common for both segments, with common stock and
assets. This makes the split of depreciation and finance net difficult.
Therefore, New Wave has chosen to present the results for both business areas on
EBITDA-level (Earning Before Interest, Tax and Depreciation), with the operating
result adjusted for depreciation.

The Promo Business Area
For the period April - June, the sales increased by 21 % to MSEK 762 (632) and
profit on EBITDA-level increased by MSEK 32 to MSEK 151 (119). Acquired units
contributed MSEK 80.7 in sales and MSEK 12 in EBITDA. Sales and result
improvement was good in most regions, especially in the Nordic region. The weak
American economy has given a lower turnover and result than the previous year. 

For the period January - June, the sales increased by 22 % to MSEK 1 343 (1 106)
and profit on EBITDA-level increased by MSEK 35 to MSEK 191 (159). Acquired
units contributed MSEK 172 in sales and MSEK 28 in EBITDA. Sales and result
improvements are mainly related to regions outside Sweden. 

The Retailing Business Area
For the period April - June, the sales increased by 40 % to MSEK 483 (347) and
profit on EBITDA-level increased by MSEK 4 to MSEK 15 (11). Acquired units
contributed MSEK 89 in sales and MSEK -3 in EBITDA. Sales within the sportsector
and the European Championship in football had a positive contribution. The
groups business in the American market has affected the profitability

For the period January - June, the sales increased by 45 % to MSEK 917 (632) and
profit on EBITDA-level decreased by MSEK 14 to MSEK -6 (8). Acquired units
contributed MSEK 194 in sales and MSEK -10 in EBITDA. The decreased result is
mainly related to the first quarter's higher production costs for energy and
personnel in Orrefors Kosta Boda and the groups businesses in the American

New Wave has purchase offices in Bangladesh, Vietnam, China and India. At
present, the purchase department has approximately 160 employees. The group is
continuing to put resources into strengthening competence and systems for
follow-up of quality and environmental issues, both when it comes to products
and suppliers. The strategy gives higher efficiency and lower costs. This work
will continue during 2008.

A table showing the sales per region Nordic, Mid-Europe, South Europe, USA and
other countries is presented on page 7. 

The turnover increase in the Nordic region was strong in the quarter and
increased by 14%. For the period January - June the increase was 12%. Increases
are shown in all markets.

In Mid Europe the increase is mainly related to the acquired unit in Poland but
increases are also seen in other markets. South Europe has been affected by a
positive development in Switzerland, France and Italy and mainly within the
Promo business area.

The sales growth in the American market is related to the acquired company
Cutter & Buck. Sales in USA amounted to MSEK 446 (128) in the quarter and for
the period January - June MSEK 234 (92). 

The increase in other markets is mainly related to Russia and China.

The New Wave group has in Sweden concentrated all its sport brands into one
legal company, New Wave Sports AB. The new sport company will have its head
office in Borås, Sweden and the distribution will come from a newly built
warehouse in Ulricehamn. Synergies within finance, administration, customer
service and logistics will be achieved. 

The establishment of the brands Orrefors and Kosta Boda in China continues.
During the quarter 5 additional stores have been opened and New Wave now has a
total of 15 shops in the country. Out of the new shops, two have been opened in

Capital tied up in stock increased during the period January - June by MSEK 201
to MSEK 2 062 (1 862). The corresponding increase the previous year was MSEK 324
of which the acquired unit Cutter & Buck contributed with MSEK 226. The increase
in the quarter is mainly related to Orrefors Kosta Boda and the introduction of
the New Wave/Clique-concept in USA and Cutter & Buck in Europe. The capital tied
up is considered to be too high and the work to reduce it is has intensified.
This is expected to give a result in 2009. There is however no increased risk
for obsolescence. Accounts receivable increased by MSEK 25 to MSEK 908 (883). 

The group's cash flow from operations amounted to MSEK -217 (-106) and after
investments MSEK -254 (-1 201). The groups cash-effecting net investments
amounted to MSEK -37 (-1 095) and the previous year includes the acquisition of
Cutter & Buck. 

Net debt increased during January - June by MSEK 304 and amounted to MSEK 2 661
(2 357). New Wave Group's credit limits were approximately MSEK 3 300 as of 30
June 2008. 

The number of employees as of 30 June 2008 was 2 720 (2 247) persons, of which
47 % were female and 53 % were male. A total of 867 employees were employed
within production units. The production owned by New Wave belongs to Orrefors
Kosta Boda, Seger, Dahetra, Toppoint and Cutter & Buck (embroidery).

New Wave has three outstanding programs for subscription options. One was
introduced during July 2007 and consists of 1 653 250 options. It will expire
June 2010 and has an exercise price of SEK 102.50. These options were subscribed
with a premium of SEK 7.00. The original number of options was 2 000 000, of
which 346 750 have been cancelled.

The two other programs were introduced in July 2008 and were issued partly
towards key personnel and partly to the board of directors. The option program
towards the key personnel consist of 1 800 000 and will expire June 2011. It has
an exercise price of SEK 64.05. The options were subscribed with a premium of
SEK 1.11 per option. The options towards the board of directors consists of 200
000 options and will expire June 2013. They  have an exercise price of SEK
85.40. These options were subscribed with a premium of SEK 0.88 per option.

For 2008, New Wave is expecting to have higher sales and result than the
previous year.

Sales amounted to MSEK 52 (43). Profit after financial items amounted to MSEK
-27 (-3). Net borrowings amounted to MSEK 1 690, of which MSEK 244 refer to
financing of subsidiaries. Net investments amounted to MSEK -56 (-1 085). The
total assets amounts to MSEK 2 865 (3 039) and the equity amounts to MSEK 757

New Wave is, with its international operations, continuously exposed to
different financial risks. These financial risks are currency, borrowings and
interest exposure as well as liquidity and credit exposure. The group has a
financial policy in order to deal with the financial risks mentioned. For
further explanations regarding the group's financial exposures, see Annual
report 2007; The accounted exposures are in all material aspects

This report has been prepared according to IAS 34 interim report and the annual
report law as well as the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council's
standards RR 32 regarding the parent company. Applied accounting principles are
in accordance with the Annual report for 2007. 

• 	11 November, 2008. 
	Interim report for Q3
• 	20 February, 2009. 
	Year end report 2008
• 	24 April, 2009. 
	Interim report for Q1

Gothenburg 26 August, 2008
New Wave Group AB (publ)
Board of Directors and CEO

CEO, Göran Härstedt
Phone: +46 31 712 89 02

CFO, Lars Jönsson
Phone: +46 31 712 89 12

The information in this Report is that which New Wave is required to disclose
under the Securities Exchange and clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. It was released for publication at 07.00 CET on 26
August, 2008.

