-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 15. september 2008 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen | | | Nikolaj Plads 6 | | | DK-1007 Copenhagen K | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company announcement No. 16/2008 Notice to convene an extraordinary general meeting In reference to article 4 of the articles of association, the Supervisory Board of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s, company registration (CVR) no. 59173812, hereby calls an extraordinary general meeting to be held on Thursday, 9 October 2008 at 2.00 pm The general meeting will be held at FrederiksborgCentret, Milnersvej 39, DK-3400 Hillerød The agenda of the general meeting is set out below. The Supervisory Board has voted unanimously to submit the proposals, which have also been approved unanimously by the Committee of Shareholders, cf. articles 6 and 11 of the articles of association. Proposals to amend the articles of association Implementation of the amendments to the articles of association set out below is subject to the voluntary tender offer submitted by Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) on 15 September 2008 being completed, to the effect that the amendments will take effect from the point in time when the tender offer has been completed and the bank's register of shareholders has been updated to reflect the completion of the tender offer. Article 3(a) The Supervisory Board proposes to repeal the voting right restriction set out in article 3(a), according to which the transfer of shares to an acquirer holding or thereby obtaining 10% or more of the bank's share capital is subject to the bank's consent. Concurrently, the Board proposes that the references to the voting right restriction in article 3(a) appearing from articles 2 (4), 2 (6) and 3 (4) be deleted. Article 7 (3) and (4) The Board proposes to repeal article 7 (3) and (4), according to which no shareholder - regardless of the size of such shareholder's stake - may exercise voting rights for shares with a nominal value of more than DKK 7,500. Passing of a resolution giving authority to the chairman of the general meeting The Board proposes to authorise the chairman of the general meeting to make such changes to the resolutions adopted by the shareholders in general meeting as may be required by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency or the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen to ensure approval and registration of the amendments made to the articles of association. As the amendment proposals set out in item 1 have been approved by the Committee of Shareholders by a majority of more than four-fifths of the votes cast, the proposals to amend the articles of association may, pursuant to article 6 (4) of the articles of association, be finally approved at a single general meeting by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast and by a two-thirds majority of the voting share capital represented at the general meeting, regardless of the share capital represented at the general meeting. Lokalbanken's share capital amounts to a nominal value of DKK 54,000,000. Each share carries one vote, provided it is registered by name in the bank's register of shareholders or the shareholder has applied for registration of and substantiated his title to such share, cf. article 7 of the articles of association. In order to vote shares acquired by transfer, a shareholder shall cause his shares to be registered in the register of shareholders not later than on the day before a general meeting is convened or within the same timeframe notify and substantiate his title to such shares. However, no shareholder - regardless of the size of his stake - may exercise voting rights for shares with a nominal value of more than DKK 7,500. Shares belonging to a third party for the account of a shareholder, or belonging to a company that is dependent on, affiliated with or associated with such shareholder, or which belongs to shareholders other than the bank's management and employees that make up an interest group, are considered as belonging to a single shareholder in respect of the restriction set out above. Not later than eight days before the general meeting, the agenda and the complete proposals will be made available for inspection by the shareholders at the company's offices at Slotsgade 36, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark. Shareholders who have obtained an admission card not later than at 4.00 pm on Monday, 6 October 2008 will be eligible to attend the general meeting. Shareholders may obtain admission cards from Lokalbanken by calling +45 4840 3000 or from Lokalbanken's website, www.lokalbanken.dk. Proxy forms for voting have been sent to all registered shareholders and may be obtained from Lokalbanken by calling +45 4840 3000 or can be printed out from www.lokalbanken.dk. Proxy forms must be received by Lokalbanken within the deadline for obtaining admission cards. Sincerely yours, Lokalbanken I Nordsjælland a/s The Supervisory Board