CROWN POINT, Ind., Sept. 19, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- There is no denying that racial prejudice and discrimination continue to exist and hound us all. For author John Davis, we need to establish a deep understanding of one another, learn how to respect each culture and realize that we are all the same in order to combat stereotyping and racial tensions. In his quest to make a difference for the better, he offers sound solutions to readers with his new book What do White Americans Want to Know about Black Americans but are Afraid to Ask, released through Xlibris.
The text is a compilation of facts designed to address and correct negative and unfounded stereotypes surrounding black people, particularly Black Americans, to generate dialogue and positive communication between black and white racial groups. These views were compiled by Davis after much research, travel in many states, and having formal discussions with lots of people of different races. With the objective content of this volume, readers will learn that we are all basically alike and that there is no need for prejudice and discrimination to exist between us. In the end, What do White Americans Want to Know about Black Americans but are Afraid to Ask demonstrates that all people are alike regardless of their origins, backgrounds and mentality.
Help establish social peace and make a difference by ordering a copy of this touching book online at or at your local bookstore today.
About the Author
John Davis was born in New York City, in an area known then as Spanish Harlem. His mother was born and raised in Panama and came to this country when she was eighteen, and met John's father of Afro-American descent. John spent his youth and adult years in the boroughs of New York City, first in Manhattan, then Brooklyn, going to Boys High School, later, for a short while attended CCNY in Manhattan. He moved to Los Angeles, CA, and attended college, completing his undergraduate degree, attended Law School receiving his Juris Doctor and later returned to school to obtain an MBA degree.
What do White Americans Want to Know about Black Americans but are Afraid to Ask * by John Davis Publication Date: November 5, 2007 Trade Paperback; $17.84; pages; 978-1-4257-8609-0 Cloth Hardback; $27.89; pages; 978-1-4257-8648-9
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